The little milk cat looks so weak now, how can it bear the child's desperate buckle.

No, the little milk cat was so pissed off by this buckle, she had to close her senses, and fell asleep without seeing or disturbing.

The child who was attacked by the cat cake in mid-air was Guan Mingxin.

She and the members of the two mercenary regiments Suyuan and Junying were the last ones to be thrown out of all the creatures that were squeezed out.

Instead, the tragedy of being crushed to death after landing was avoided.

The group of people who were busy adjusting the flight direction did not notice the abnormality of the disappearance of the Ruin Continent, not even Guan Mingxin was knocked unconscious by the cat cake.

With the existence of Yuling, the former head of the Ogagao District, he soon set the place of landing at Manduya Children's College.

Released the high-level invisible flying shuttle, a group of people escaped from the crowd flying all over the sky, and landed almost at the same time as the first batch of thrown out Yuan Wushi and beasts.

However, Guan Mingxin and his party got out of the shuttle safely, while the latter suffered injuries from falls to varying degrees.

There are almost no beards and tails!
The reason why Yuling chose Mandoya Children's College as the landing point was because he knew very well that no matter whether the enemies who assassinated him left the Ruins Continent alive or not, he and the surviving personal guards could not appear in the former secret base .

The entire Ogagao jurisdiction was out of the control of the District Governor's Mansion the moment the Ruins Continent came to life.

No force dared to claim control of Ogagao's jurisdiction at this time.

Apart from the edification of taking care of the cubs for a long time, most creatures will not make mistakes in the academy, and fierce fighting will break out in any other place at any time.

All kinds of excuses, all kinds of methods, all kinds of ways.

Counting all the colleges in Ogagao's jurisdiction, Manduoya Children's College has the strongest defense ability, but it is also the most powerful one that has been infiltrated by various forces.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Mendoya Children's College is a small and complex society.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Coupled with the chaos caused by the sudden early closure of the Ruin Continent without any warning, Yu Ling believed that by the time the forces who secretly patrolled him and others reacted and prepared to take advantage of the chaos to attack them again, they had already left the Ogagao jurisdiction .

But the reality is far smoother than Yuling expected.

The chaos caused by the sudden move of the Ruins Continent to crowd out and spray outsiders has continued, and it will not end in ten and a half months.

However, Yu Ling and his team first sent Guan Mingxin, who had been studying at Manduoya Children's College, and thirteen children back to Guan Mingxin and Yu Longhan's villa, and made a meticulous disguise, pretending that they had never left the college before. .

Then, taking advantage of the lack of any management personnel in the college at this time, they forged the identities of college students for Guan Mingchen and other minors who had newly joined the traceability mercenary group, and arranged for them to stay in Guan Mingxin's villa.

Afterwards, the rest of the adults drove the invisible flying shuttle overnight, without paying any attention to energy consumption, took advantage of the chaos to leave the Ogagao jurisdiction, and disappeared into the sky.

As early as when the Mandoya Children's College was attacked by a sudden Yuan Beast frenzy, all the administrators and students in the school escaped.

Before leaving, one teacher even got greedy and took away the good things from the college's warehouse, and completely destroyed the college's master Zhinao Xiaoya.

Moreover, because the teacher couldn't tell which one was the backup device of the master brain, the teacher, under the influence of his frustration, destroyed all the intelligent things in the college, even the access control in the dormitory area was not spared. in difficulty.

Guan Mingxin and other minors just took this opportunity to sneak back to the villa area with the help of the adults' superb brain technology.

When the door was closed, the destroyed access control was still there, and there was no trace of anyone entering or leaving.

In this way, 59 college students successfully pretended to be in the villa when they were having a party, but someone suddenly destroyed the access control from the outside, so they were forced to be trapped in the villa and could not get out.

Although the number of people is a bit too much, Guan Mingxin's villa occupies a large area, it is about [-] square meters, and there are still four floors, and double the number of children can live there.

As for how to explain that 59 minors can persist in the villa for nearly three years, what about various nutritional supplements?

There is a little friend who likes to stock up on Yuanneng Magic Domain online shopping, not to mention nutritional supplements, even other food is stocked up a lot, so there is no shortage of food in the villa?

Guan Mingxin, who was assigned the "little online shopping and hoarding monster", had a nickname imposed on him in a coma.

In fact, there are actually more than a thousand people who were trapped in the room by that disgusting teacher in the Mendoya Children's College.

Guan Mingxin and the others mixed in with 59 minors, and they would not attract the attention of others at all.

Moreover, all the records in the college disappeared with the destruction of all the intelligent equipment. No one knew whether Guan Mingxin and the others were real college students or fakes.

And no one has been able to find any evidence that they have not been trapped in the villa all the time.

This unexpected situation was just right for Guan Mingxin and the others to avoid all kinds of surprise attacks from the outside world.

This turmoil in Ogagao's jurisdiction lasted for half a year, and was eventually suppressed by the unbearable top powers, and the illusion of peace was forcibly restored.

After the turmoil was suppressed, capable people searched for various ways and escaped from Ogagao's jurisdiction in the fastest way.

In just a few days, there are very few people left in the Ogagao jurisdiction.

They are all vivid representatives of a group of old, weak, sick, disabled and young.

After all, those who were able to leave would have left long ago.

Those who didn't want to leave also fled into the wilderness area.

Seeing this situation, the Almighty had no choice but to search all safe areas and take away all minors, no matter which intelligent race they came from.

In this way, Guan Mingxin and the others hitched a ride, skipped the immigration procedures, and came directly to the imperial capital of the Fengpu Empire—Podi City.

Not only that, they were re-collected after their previous identity information was destroyed in the command of Da Neng who was stationed in Podi City to "take care of these children, they are survivors of Ogagao". identity of.

As for the information to be re-collected, except for the two items of age and talent attribute test results, which are accurately measured by the test instrument, the other identity information that needs to be collected depends on the dictation of these minors, and the office staff don't care. Is this information true.

No matter what kind of past these underage children have had, at the moment, they are just a member of the slums in Podi City, the imperial capital of the Fengpu Empire.

Of course, under the instructions of the garrison Da Neng, as long as they keep themselves safe, no one will be so stupid as to embarrass these children.

Hanhan has caught a cold. After a day of turmoil today, Long Jue is really tired. There will only be two changes today. Good night, babies

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