Chapter 489 Guan Jing Ci [53] (Debt Repayment [-])

Everyone couldn't believe it when they first heard the news.

Back at the assigned residence in the slums, after opening the protective cover, the curiosity and innocence on the faces of Guan Mingxin and his group immediately turned into serious concern.

At first glance, this world unified examination seems to give all creatures a fair and just opportunity to join large forces to obtain better cultivation resources, but after careful consideration, it is not difficult for those who are interested to discover the truth.

That is, a major event that will affect all creatures in the entire world is about to happen in the New Hundred Wars World!
Still the kind of crisis!
At such a critical moment, the large forces in the New Hundred Wars World can't wait for the reserve personnel to practice and grow normally according to the schedule.

Especially in the present world of the Ruins Continent, although a large number of shocking talents have been created, it is also accompanied by the loss of a large number of combat power.

There is even a sign of failure.

Therefore, after the joint discussion of all the top powers, the proposal of crash fighters was unanimously approved.

No matter what race, what background, whether you have ever been wanted in a criminal case, as long as you have the talent for cultivation, and you have sworn the oath of heaven and are willing to fight for the New Hundred Wars World, you can get uniformly distributed free cultivation resources!
Of course, after receiving this kind of free training resources, they can only be used for themselves, and they must follow their average training speed in the past to ensure that their cultivation level will continue to improve.

If the cultivation base has temporarily stagnated, it is necessary to provide a reasonable reason, and after passing a strict review, it is possible to transfer to the auxiliary cultivation system to study, instead of resting.

All in all, just can't stop.

If you encounter a bottleneck in your cultivation, then go to learn the auxiliary cultivation system. No matter which one you have, you must choose at least one to learn.

If you don't want to learn the supplementary cultivation system, it's fine if you purely major in the main cultivation system, as long as you keep improving continuously.

Otherwise, you can only choose the auxiliary cultivation system.

Not negotiable!

The place where this policy is implemented is placed among all the forces in the New Hundred Wars World, regardless of their size or rank.

After learning about these situations from the Yuanneng Illusionary Field, the Tracing Source Mercenary Group gave up their plan to visit Podi City and retreated one after another in order to prepare for the world unified examination in the best condition.

Except Guan Mingxin.

After bidding farewell to his friends, Guan Mingxin, who was alone in the room, opened the defensive barrier on the magic sky bracelet to ensure that no one would disturb him, and then he took out a gray-black seed from his bosom.

That's right, the seeds.

The reason why this seed was carried by Guan Mingxin was because Guan Mingxin sensed the bondage of blood from this seed.

On the night before leaving Ogagao's precinct with Da Neng's ride, Guan Mingxin, who was meditating in his dormitory in the villa area of ​​Manduya Tongsheng College, was suddenly hit by a small object that flew in from the window. Eyebrows were in a coma for a while.

Fortunately, he was not in a coma for a long time, and he woke up before dawn.

Not long after that, they hitched a ride and left the Ogagao jurisdiction.

During this period, Guan Mingxin never found a chance to take a good look at the thing that knocked him unconscious.

Until now.

Guan Mingxin looked at it carefully for a long time, but didn't see why it came, so he pulled out a ray of consciousness directly with the guidance of his intuition.

The moment the thread of consciousness touched the skin of the seed, a huge memory followed the thread of consciousness and entered Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​consciousness.

Fortunately, Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​mind, soul and consciousness was not what it used to be at this time, and his memory was not damaged after enduring such a large wave, let alone make Guan Mingxin unconscious.

Guan Mingxin saw a lotus seed fall from the mother's lotus pod after it matured, and was caught and swallowed by an unknown colorful young bird passing by.

The young bird cannot digest the lotus seed, so it passes it out of the body again.

After that, I experienced similar situations many times.

In the end, the lotus seeds were discovered by a human monk, who didn't recognize the species of the lotus seeds, so he mixed them with other things he had collected. The little girl of the family was chosen and bought.

The little girl is not very old, only five or six years old.

At first, the little girl was just purely curious, holding the lotus seeds in her hand as a small toy to play with.

Unexpectedly, when she was playing in Fangshi, she was unfortunately involved in an attack and killing. The little girl was injured in her arm, and her blood dripped onto the lotus seeds.

I don't know what's so special about the little girl's blood. The lotus seed, which had been silent all along, actually absorbed the blood dripping on its skin, and followed the blood, directly into the little girl's wound and continued. suck blood.

During this period, the guards protecting the little girl did not notice any changes in Lianzi.

So when the little girl lost blood and fell into a coma, she mistakenly thought that the little girl was seriously injured, so she hurriedly ended the trip and returned to the family.

Unexpectedly, the little girl woke up just when she arrived at the clan residence, avoiding the punishment of the guards.

The reason why the little girl was able to wake up so quickly was because the lotus seed had entered into a natal contract with her after absorbing her blood essence and germinated.

The newly germinated lotus seeds feed back the pure energy to the little girl, which not only restores all her previous losses, but also directly stimulates her cultivation to reach the Great Perfection of the Golden Core Stage!
It's only short of being able to transform into a baby with one kick!

And the foundation is still solid, without any worries about improvement!

The little girl was so happy that she loved lotus seeds so much that she named it and added her own surname—Guan Jingci.

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin already understood the identity of Lianzi, her great-grandfather who did not know where to find the treasures of heaven and earth, only for future generations to live well.

And that little girl is naturally the head of the Guan family, Guan Jingyi.

After that, Guan Jingyi and Guan Jingci grew up together, loved each other, and ran away from home because of love, etc. Guan Mingxin took the initiative to skip the scenes.

Until Guan Jingci left alone to find the treasures of heaven and earth.

His experiences and what he saw and heard along the way can be said to be extremely exciting.

Seeing it directly, Guan Ming's mood improved.

During this period, many people became entangled with Guan Jingci for various reasons.

Among them, there are not a few who use the slogan "Love".

These people include men and women, human race, demon race, demon race and other races.

For these people, Guan Jingci can hide if he can, and if he can't hide, he will be reasonable.

It doesn't make sense, and they are still entangled, Guan Jingci also tried every means to get rid of it.

Except for one person.


It should be said that only one demon was removed.

That demon's status is not low.

According to what he said, he seemed to be a Demon Emperor who was second only to the Demon Emperor among the Demon Race.

In the beginning, the demon emperor just admired Guan Jingci's face and wanted to accept him as one of his male favourites.

That's right.

The demon emperor is male, and his preferences are also male.

(End of this chapter)

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