Chapter 490 Guan Jing Ci [54] (Debt Repayment [-])

However, as time passed by, the demon emperor accidentally discovered that Guan Jingci's body was actually an extremely rare treasure of heaven and earth—Jingyuan Jade Lotus!

The surprise of the Demon Emperor, don't mention it!
He who was originally unwilling to let go, even launched a fierce pursuit.

The kind that has no dead ends in all directions.

Guan Jingci was almost driven crazy.

When Guan Jingci was about to be unbearable, the Demon Emperor had to leave due to internal affairs of the Demon Clan.

But even if the Demon Emperor left, he still did not give up.

Both bright and dark.

No, not long after escaping from the suffocating "pursuit" of the Demon Emperor, Guan Jingci had another enchanting beauty from the Demon Race beside him.

Name, Mosha Yu.

In the Demon Clan, those who can take "Devil" as their surname are all nobles, and they are also people who should not be underestimated.

This witch named Mo Shayu didn't hide her sharpness from the beginning.

What's even more amazing is her way of doing things.

Under the premise that Guan Jingci hated all the demons because of the Demon Emperor, Mo Shayu was able to win Guan Jingci's approval in just a few years, and got married with another man named Kan Liao. Together, the men of the human race formed a temporary three-person expedition team and headed towards a newly born small world.

The first time the three arrived in the small world, they were attacked by a space storm.

Guan Jingci suffered a lot of injuries under the intentional or unintentional targeting of Mo Shayu and Kan Liao.

When the three of them struggled to escape the space storm and found a natural cave to take refuge, Mo Shayu suddenly slapped Guan Jingci's dantian.

Caught off guard, Guan Jingci did not have time to dodge, and his dantian was injured.

"Mo Shayu, what do you mean?"

Guan Jingci suppressed the fishy sweetness welling up in his throat, and asked angrily.


Yu Gan, do you really or falsely not know? !

It's your blessing that my emperor has taken a fancy to you. If you don't obediently submit and take Joe in various ways, who do you think you are? "

While Mo Shayu was choking, the movements in his hands didn't stop.

But even if Guan Jingci was injured, it was still not something that Mo Shayu could take down in a short time.

In the blink of an eye, the two had already fought hundreds of moves.

Seeing that Guan Jingci's offensive is getting more and more fierce, Mo Shayu knows that he is too anxious to strike, and has not set up a foolproof plan. There will never be such a good opportunity again.

Fortunately, she still has a backup.

"Kan Liao, stop watching the show! Don't forget our promise!"

Mo Shayu, who was forced away by Guan Jingci again, yelled at Kan Liao, who was watching with gusto.

Hearing this, Guan Jingci's heart tightened, and she couldn't help but look at Kan Liao.

Seeing this, Kan Liao could only sigh, shrugged his shoulders, and looked helpless at Guan Jingci:
"Brother Yu, I'm sorry, I don't want to break the oath of heaven for the time being, so I can only wrong Brother Yu."

Before he finished speaking, Kan Liao's immortal sense attack arrived.

Surrounded by the two of them, Guan Jingci soon became tired.

Knowing that he might not be able to be good this time, Guan Jingci became cruel and directly used a taboo secret technique.

After this secret technique is cast, not only can it leapfrog the ranks to kill the enemy, but it can also temporarily cut off various bonds of the caster, including bloodlines and contracts.

The price is that the caster returns to the trance state when he was just born, and loses all memory and cultivation.

As a Jingyuan Jade Lotus, Guan Jingci has naturally turned into a lotus seed that has not sprouted again.

In fact, Guan Jingci has always been wary of Mo Shayu and Kan Liao.

Mo Shayu's surprise attack was even more within Guan Jingci's expectations.

Naturally, the injuries he suffered in the space storm were not as serious as they appeared, and he took advantage of the fact that neither of them could release their immortal consciousness, so he poisoned them.

It is said to be poison, but in fact, it is more accurate to say that it is the accumulation of various toxins and impurities accumulated in the body during the cultivation period of the practitioner, including the soul body.

As Jingyuan Jade Lotus, it is not difficult for Guan Jingci to pretend to be a doctor to help practitioners get rid of impurities and toxins in their bodies and souls.

After Guan Jingci's innate supernatural powers further refine and refine these things that are hated by others, they become colorless and odorless poisons, which are basically undetectable to creatures below the god level.

The end is the best life-saving means necessary for going out.

It was named "No Name" by Guan Jingci.

Guan Jingci has always had this nameless poison on his body since he took shape, but he has never used it.

This time, it was the first battle of the nameless poison.

Naturally, it turned out very well.

Neither Mo Shayu nor Kan Liao realized that they had been tricked, and could only watch helplessly as they completely perished in the forbidden technique performed by Guan Jingci.

At the last moment before returning to obscurity, Guan Jingci used the power of the taboo technique to make her body, which had already turned into a lotus seed, flee towards the direction with the strongest blood sense.

Guan Jingci was undoubtedly lucky.

Just when the power of the taboo technique was about to dissipate, he encountered a space storm again and got a free ride in the void.

The space storm wandered randomly in the void, and was absorbed when it accidentally touched the world barrier of the New Hundred Wars Realm one day.

And all the things carried in the space storm were all included in the world barrier.

In this way, the lucky Guan Jing resigned to the New Hundred Wars Realm, and fell into the hands of Guan Mingxin, a descendant of the direct lineage.

However, after experiencing the ravages of time and space storms again, the vitality and spirituality that had been preserved in the lotus seeds could not be preserved.

There is no need for others to take action, as long as it takes another day or two, Guan Jingci will completely lose the chance to return to the world.

Fortunately, he met Guan Mingxin and let Guan Mingxin see all his memories.

Guan Mingxin couldn't remain indifferent to the fact that he was bound by blood.

What's more, those memories brought great benefits to Guan Mingxin.

The karma of blood and the karma of blessing and chance, after careful consideration, Guan Mingxin planned to repay the two karma with the blood of his awakened wood-type monster.

Do it when you think of it.

Guan Mingxin took the chaotic energy cultivated in his dantian as a guide, and slowly transported his awakened wood-type demon blood to the lotus seeds in his palm bit by bit...

As the blood was forcibly stripped, Guan Mingxin's cultivation and flesh and blood essence all rushed towards the lotus seeds uncontrollably.

Seeing that Guan Mingxin was about to be sucked into a mummy, a powerful energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, and it spread rapidly. He rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness and walked along Guan Mingxin's meridians, and the places he passed were immediately restored. as ever.

However, the suction on the lotus seed is still not broken.

It didn't take long for the newly recovered cultivation base and flesh and blood essence to be absorbed again.

As a last resort, that kind of powerful energy can only continue to help Guan Mingxin recover.

In this way, the recovery was absorbed, and then recovered, and then absorbed.

Repeatedly, I don't know when it will end...

(End of this chapter)

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