Compared with the condensed void and chaotic primordial energy drawn from the Infinity Realm, which is compatible with Guan Mingxin's soul source core, this special energy is far incomparable to his own in terms of energy level and energy purity.

Now that there is already a better one, why would Guan Mingxin take it to heart?

Although the better treasure I have, I don't know where it is stored, and when will I be able to touch it.

But as long as the big baby has it, it has it!
This is an indisputable fact!

The truth that even the sky can't erase!
Of course, Guan Mingxin would never tell anyone this secret.

Even Jiujiu didn't know, let alone someone else.

At this moment, Guan Mingxin, who closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep in the eyes of outsiders, was browsing the "official website" opened along with the system mall.

Especially the forums where taskers posted posts, Guan Ming was very curious.

After looking around, Guan Mingxin found that there were not a few taskers who chose to use the "time and space trading" function to trade special energy.

That's fine, I'm not the most special one.

Guan Ming felt elated.

Time passed unknowingly while Guan Mingxin was browsing the tasker forum.

When Jiujiu's voice transmission said that all the scheduled transactions had been completed, Guan Ming was still in a daze.

Seeing this, the audience felt more and more sorry for Guan Mingxin. Feeling guilty, they spontaneously sent another wave of rewards.

Guan Mingxin accepted all the orders with embarrassment on his face, while checking what Jiujiu had traded.

There are quite a few mustard spaces such as portable medicine gardens and portable caves, large and small.

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin immediately became happy, and he did not hesitate to use the energy of the original core of the soul to forcibly open the space channel between the purple lotus bracelet and the Vientiane Realm, throwing all these mustard spaces in, and immediately closed the space aisle.

Why did Guan Mingxin do this?

Guan Mingxin would say: "Intuition tells me to do this!"

As for the rest, Guan Mingxin didn't want to check them one by one by himself, and handed them to Jiujiu to classify, pick out the ones that can be used now, and those that can be used in the short term, and put them in the purple lotus bracelet.

For the rest, Guan Mingxin simply forcibly opened the space channel again and threw them into the Vientiane Small Realm.

After processing all the orders for the scheduled transaction, Guan Mingxin immediately felt a sense of "debt-free and light-hearted", and even the backlash from her twice using the original core energy of the soul disappeared.

Simply Guan Mingxin took this opportunity to retreat and re-cultivate.

The time passed in the blink of an eye while everyone was in retreat together.

Unknowingly, the much-anticipated world unified examination kicked off.

Early in the morning, just after six o'clock, Guan Mingxin and his party were woken up by Yu Ling and other adults' serial video calls.

After washing up and drinking a top-level nutritional supplement for breakfast, a group of minors came out hand in hand.

After using the Magic Sky Bracelet to slightly disguise their appearance, these minors did not attract the slightest attention. They took the public speed bus all the way to the examination room in Podi City - Fengpu Imperial College.

As the first high-level academy in Fengpu Empire, Fengpu Imperial College is located at the junction of the edge of Podi City and the wilderness area.

The public flying car sent Guan Mingxin and the others directly to the reference spaceship.

It took only a quarter of an hour for the spacecraft to take off to land.

Guan Mingxin and the others arrived early, just in time to familiarize themselves with the exam room before the exam.

The total area of ​​Fengpu Imperial College's campus is very large, but [-]% of it belongs to the experience area, occupying the territory of the wilderness area.

The real teaching area and dormitory area are concentrated in a small area close to Bodi City.

The Fengpu Empire originally belonged to Xinghan World.

The original Xinghan world itself is also reorganized after a long period of time from four small worlds that are undergoing a crisis of extinction.

One of the four small worlds is a small world ruled by magic.

In the original Xinghan world, since the founding emperor of the Fengpu Empire was a subjugated princess from a small magical world, in order to commemorate his mother country, this extremely talented and enchanting son of heaven captured the time when the Xinghan world was just formed. At the time of the turmoil, he quickly formed a force to lay down a piece of the world, proclaiming the emperor and founding a country.

This country is named after the founding empress, and continues the customs and customs of the empress' mother country, so as to comfort the empress's heart of missing her lost relatives and homeland.

As the saying goes, what is good at the top will be worse at the bottom.

The founding empress was particularly nostalgic, and the "informed and reasonable" subordinates naturally followed suit, creating a familiar environment for the empress as much as possible.

In this way, it didn't take long for the newly established Fengpu Empire to become a symbol of the customs and customs of the magical world.

More and more people know this, and among them, the local creatures and their descendants who originally belonged to the small magic world rushed towards the Fengpu Empire.

Over time, the population of the Fengpu Empire increased dramatically. In order to maintain their hometown in memory, they worked as one and actively developed the empire, which made the Fengpu Empire soar all the way and became the ninth-rank super overlord of the original Xinghan world!

In the development of the original Xinghan world, various new things emerge one after another. Although the Fengpu Empire does not reject more favorable aspects such as better technology and style of work, it also tries to retain as much as possible those that will not affect the development of the empire. All the customs, local conditions and customs of the country have been passed down from generation to generation, adding a unique fragrance to it.

Just like architectural style, dialect slang, dressing, unique food culture, dealing with people, etc., all of them have a strong magical color in Fengpu Empire.

And as the founding empress of the Fengpu Empire, when she first established her power, Fendongkel Academy, which was established against all opinions, was naturally entrusted as the first academy in the empire on the day the empress ascended the throne and founded the country.

After the empress ascended to the spirit world, in order to commemorate the empress, the descendants hereby renamed the First Academy of the Empire as Fengpu Imperial Academy, and brought the magic style to the extreme within the academy.

Since then, the inside and outside of Fengpu Imperial College have been formed, which are completely strange scenes of two worlds.

To this day, even if the original Xinghan World has become a part of the New Hundred Wars World, these unique things that do not affect the rules of the Heavenly Dao are still preserved by the Heavenly Dao Nine Spirits of the New Hundred Wars World.

Colorful castles, spell towers with different styles, magnificent and splendid palaces dedicated to teaching, natural and unique manors, rigorous and solemn alchemy lofts, etc., are dotted in every corner of Fengpu Imperial College.

Teachers and students can be seen everywhere, there are martial arts masters who wear large robes and always have an elegant and aristocratic charm; Martial masters; there are also elves who are slender and beautiful, and the elves who are favored by nature, and the short and strong dwarves who like to carry hammers; occasionally, one or two half-dragons with long tails and powerful tails flash by, and Orcs that retain part of their animal form...

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