"So beautiful!"

"It's unbelievable!"

The two little beauties, Shi Jiajia and Guo Xinlang, were sitting on the sightseeing bus arm in arm, exclaiming in low voices from time to time.

Even Shi Shalan, a hot and violent beauty, blinked her starry eyes, staring at the warriors and elves coming and going.

If it weren't for the reservedness from the inherited family in his bones, Shi Shalan would have jumped off the sightseeing bus and stepped forward to grab them to see what happened.

The other girls in the tracing mercenary group were also amazed.

Not only the girls were amazed, facing such a magnificent and strange scene, even the boys did not budge.

It also includes the reborn villain Guan Mingchen who thinks he is well-informed.

As for the head of the regiment, His Royal Highness Guan Mingxin, of course he still had a cold and paralyzed attitude on his face.

In fact, there are all kinds of complaints and barrage in my heart.

Fengpu Imperial Academy is worthy of being the most complete treasure place that preserves the cultural heritage of the magical world.

Walking into the academy, it is as if you have traveled through time and space, and come to the gorgeous and colorful magic world back then.

On the automatic route of the sightseeing car, it passed a specially designated commercial area. The shops on both sides of the road include clothing stores, jewelry stores, weapon stores, animal pet stores, food stores, etc...

A dazzling array of everything.

Not only that, but on the two parallel sidewalks, two roadside stalls were marked out, with fixed numbers and booth sizes.

The stalls here are all students, and they deal with some miscellaneous things such as their own handicrafts and experience.

And those who can open a store are more in-service teachers of the college.

Whether it is a shop or a roadside stand, Fengpu Imperial Academy stipulates that only the products made by the members of the academy and the things gained through experience can be sold, and the outside things are not allowed to be sold.

If there is a violation, it is not as simple as detaining the shop stall and fine, but directly packing up and leaving, without exception.

It is said that there was once a direct descendant of the royal family of the Fengpu Empire who had the right to inherit, but because he violated this rule, he was kicked out of the academy, and then lost the right to inherit, and his mother, concubine and mother clan were all implicated.

Just like that, walking all the way, unconsciously, the sightseeing bus brought Guan Mingxin and his party to the test center indicated on the admission ticket.

After they got out of the car, the sightseeing car went back the same way to receive the next batch of referees.

At this time, there are still three quarters of an hour before the exam starts.

Guan Mingxin and the others stopped paying attention to other things, put their minds to rest, and entered the test center ahead of time according to the navigation prompts on the test admission tickets received by their magic sky bracelets.

The world unified examination subjects are divided into two categories: compulsory examination and elective examination.

Among them, the compulsory subjects are comprehensive cultural courses, Yuan Wu Dao basic written test, physical fitness basic test, spiritual knowledge basic test, and Yuan Wu Dao basic spell practice.

And there are many elective subjects, such as the written test of elixir science, the evaluation of elixir skills, the written test of casting and refining, the test of casting and refining skills, the written test of runes, the test of runes skills, the written test of formation, the test of formation skills, and the written test of recovery [-]. Ten fixed subjects for restoration skills assessment, and one self-service application assessment for special skills.

It can be said that it covers all aspects of the cultivation world of the New Hundred Wars World.

In addition to the comprehensive and detailed examination subjects, the world unified examination has made relevant regulations in advance on how each entry force should accept candidates who have passed the examination and obtained admission qualifications.

The regulations pointed out that the level and number of reference recipients were directly divided by the level of each incoming force.

Correspondingly, those who have passed the examination and have the qualifications for admission are also divided into nine levels according to their grades.

Among them, firstly, the total score of the compulsory subjects is used as the basic score, and nine score segments are divided from 0 to full score, and all references are divided into nine different basic levels.

As for the total score of the elective subjects and special skill self-service application assessment, it is used as a bonus item.

According to the specific score of each referee, add the total score of the bonus item to the basic score, and finally obtain the combined score of the two according to the previous nine score band standards to obtain the final allocation level. It is the grade of the entry force corresponding to the entry qualification that the referee can obtain.

As for the different forces of the same level, the references who are classified into this stage adopt the principle of random distribution.

All entry forces must unconditionally accept the assigned referees.

This time the world unified examination, from the drafting of all the examination questions at the very beginning, the invigilation of the test takers, the marking and grading, the division of the basic scores, and the assignment of the final test takers, all the items during this period are all owned by Yuanwu Daomeng. It is performed after the participants make the oath of heaven.

Eliminate all possibilities of cheating and injustice.

In addition to the five compulsory subjects, Guan Mingxin and the others also applied for extra points that they were interested in.

Prior to this, Guan Mingxin, driven by curiosity, logged into the "World Unified Examination" page specially set up under the official website of Yuanneng Magic Domain Shangyuan Wudaomeng, and checked the real-time dynamic data of the applicants.

Although the world unified examination is under compulsory order, there are references of all ages, even children under the age of five and the elderly who are old and infirm, but after all, most of them are minors and young adults.

Among them, the number of children under the age of five is the least among all age groups, and the entire New Hundred Wars World only has thousands of people.

Guan Ming's sad reminder happened to be one of the very few.

In this case, to be on the safe side and not to attract too many people's attention, Guan Mingxin simply couldn't get good grades in the required subjects.

But Guan Mingxin was not reconciled to being assigned to the worst first-rank force!

Then if you want to enter the ideal force, you can only strive for the extra points as much as possible.

Still focusing on the real-time dynamic data of the referees, Guan Mingxin suddenly discovered that the number of referees who applied for all subjects of the bonus points was increasing tremendously.

It is obvious that these referees all have the idea of ​​Guan Mingxin to get extra points as much as possible.

Naturally, Guan Mingxin also successfully joined the army of applicants for all subjects in the bonus points, like a drop of water falling into a river, inconspicuous.

As for the other people who accompanied Guan Mingxin, they didn't have such worries and troubles, so the bonus items they chose were really only because of their interests and their own strengths.

Compulsory subjects and written test subjects for extra points are all subject to closed examination at the same test center.

During the [-]-day assessment period of the New Hundred Wars World Standard Time, after the candidates enter the test center and pass the examination admission ticket, their Yuanxun Magical Artifacts will be forcibly closed. They were all temporarily isolated in space so that they could not be opened.

The food provided by the test center is only ordinary Bigu Dan, and the drinking water is also ordinary compressed crystal beads without medicine.

And the number of bigu pills and compressed crystal beads is limited.

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