After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 502 When the World Unified Examination is in progress [2]

Seeing this, everyone quickened their pace and came to the rest area of ​​the testers, washed up comfortably, settled down with Guan Mingxin, and then went to rest to prepare for the actual combat subjects three days later and adjust to the best condition.

Guan Mingxin's bleary-eyed cuteness before, not only the passers-by references, but even the audience in the space-time live broadcast room were crying and howling, blaming aunts, blaming aunts, grandpa fans, grandma fans and so on.

"[Xueluo's voice]: It's too cute! I really can't stand it! I really hope that the anchor Xiaocute can come to our latitude and time and space. I will definitely not go far away to see her!"

"[Miao Orange Xianwei]: The upstairs is really sad[gan]heart[de]sick[piao]crazy[liang]!!!"

"[Meow Meow is the cutest]: Let go of the anchor cutie, let me come!!!"

"[Wang Yiyi]: Miaomiao can't take it anymore!_Your friend [Jiecaojun] is offline!"

"[I'm serious]: The more I watch this live broadcast, the more I can't extricate myself (●°u°●) At this moment, my heart is broken!"

"[Fengchi Tianxia]: No matter how unacceptable it is, don't you have to face it calmly? Why don't you just lie down and admit that the anchor's cuteness is so charming?"

"[Xiao Hanhan of the Dream Chaser]: Am I the only one who is still shocked by the cutie host's attribute of being a top student? Facing such a top student, my heart is completely broken () fortress!"

"[Lonely traveler in the world of mortals]: You are not alone!"

"[Yufeng Flying Fish Cub]: You are not alone!"

"[Summer Solstice Rain]: You are not alone!"

“[I want to grow up]: You are not alone!”


"[I want to grow up]: I don't know if you guys have seen those exam questions clearly. Before the anchor Xiaocute came out of the exam site, I slowed down the playback magnification and looked at the video. It can also be used, but it has solved a lot of my doubts."

"[Midnight bells come]: That's true, and I have benefited a lot. Although these exam questions are all based on the most basic knowledge points of low-latitude time and space, it is precisely the most basic things that are common to all dimensions of time and space. , is the most useful."

"[I'm a dandy and I'm proud]: If I say that my parents saw the performance of the anchor Xiaocuti and forced me to learn from it, would you believe it?
They actually re-enacted all the test questions according to the answers given by the anchor Xiaocuti, and now they are placed on my bookshelf and become my study textbook. (`) Booming in a trance..."

"[Chenchen is the most well-behaved]: The elder of the same style!!! (ω`) has no defense at all..."

"[Jiajia is the most domineering]: The elder of the same style +1!!!"


“[Yulan God Venerable]: Don’t complain, little ones. The small world where the host is cute is indeed very unusual. Although the cultivation system they compiled is said to come from low-latitude time and space, it is in fact It can also be applied to our time and space.

It is not so simple as the common basis of all dimensions of time and space.

Then what Yuan Wu Dao can directly or indirectly make up for many basic knowledge points in the cultivation world here!
What your elders did was right.

The deity even felt that this small world should have fallen from the high-latitude time and space, rather than the native world naturally bred by the low-latitude time and space. "

"[Tangtang packs a pocket]: It seems that this deity is not the only one who feels this way."

"[Yongyuan Lihaiji]: This deity thinks that if we can find the anchor cutie, we have found a treasure."

"[Qiong Ye]: Hmph, that's the way it is. Don't forget the things you bought earlier. Without the cute host, where can I find so many treasures?"

"[System Jiujiu]: Qiong Ye rewards 10 Divine Source Crystals!"

"[Yao Zun]: Thank you, cute host."

"[System Jiujiu]: Yaozun rewards 10 Divine Source Crystals!"

"[System Jiujiu]: Yongyuan Lihaiji rewards 10 Shenyuan crystals!"

"[System Jiujiu]: Tutu Zhenxiang rewards 50 Tianyuanjing!"


A series of tipping rain instantly overwhelmed the screen.

Guan Mingxin, who was sleeping, seemed to feel the enthusiasm of the audience, and couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth, revealing a faint smile...

Time flies, and the three days left for the intermission of the referees passed quickly.

Guan Mingxin finally got enough sleep.

Moreover, during this period of deep sleep, Guan Mingxin also completed the most critical step of the reconstruction—not to mention drawing qi into the body, but also completely resolved all hidden dangers in the body due to forcibly stripping the blood of the wood-type great demon inherited from Guan Jingci. .

At the same time, Guan Mingxin also refined two drops of mysterious blood essence obtained in the small world called "Water Blue Star" when he first used the "Miracle" game system to perform the certification task.

At that time, the "Miracle" game system was created by the temple, the first force in a universe called the Mu universe in a high-latitude space-time.

It's just that when it was in Guan Mingxin's hands, it was extensively modified by his companion Ling Wuji.

Now, that temple has long since become history, and has been annexed by the mysterious organization to which the time-space live broadcast room system belongs.

Otherwise, the audience Guan Mingxin met when he opened the "live broadcast room" in the player sub-function section of the "Miracle" game system, would not still appear after the No. 9999 space-time live broadcast room system was mastered by Guan Mingxin.

It's not that Guan Mingxin is not curious about what happened, but she is very self-aware and clearly knows that it is not a taboo that she can touch.

Maybe one day in the future, when she grows up enough to be able to go to the dimension and time-space where the mysterious organization to which the No. 9999 time-space live room system belongs, she will have the opportunity to find out a little bit.

Let's talk about the present.

At 8:30 a.m. on the fourth day after the end of the written test, the practical subjects of the world unified examination began.

And the previous written test results have already become the hottest topic in the entire Baizhan world at this stage.

Especially the 1007 referees who got the full score list are even more interesting to talk about.

Among them, Guan Mingxin, who was wearing a "baby fish" vest, won the top spot for answering the questions the fastest!
Countless people wanted to find out the identity of the top "Baby Fish".

However, the successive changes in Ogagao's jurisdiction have caused the local population to decline rapidly. According to the latest statistics, the original population of nearly ten billion permanent residents in the whole district is now less than [-]!
Those who knew that Guan Mingxin came from the Ogagao jurisdiction, except for those who were close to him, have all disappeared in this world.

What's more, when the Ruins Continent first appeared, the entire Ogagao jurisdiction was impacted by the special energy of the Relics Continent, and all magic tools that could connect to the Yuan Energy Illusory Domain were destroyed, even the control center of the Yuan Energy Illusory Domain in the Baizhan Realm. It is not known when, by whom, or in what way the information about the Ogagao jurisdiction was completely erased. (end of this chapter)

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