After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 503 When the world unified examination is in progress [3]

Besides, under Guan Mingxin's secret order, when the survivors of the Ogagao Jurisdiction who had hitched a ride on the powerful ride were re-recording their identity information, the "Orphans of the Ogagao Jurisdiction" that they wanted to make a special note were also taken away by Jiujiu. It is easy to confuse the past, and it is not recorded at all.

At that time, although when facing the recorders alone, everyone dictated their own identity information, logically speaking, there should be no mistakes.

However, what no one knows is that as long as the Ogagao jurisdiction is not involved, they can fabricate their identities however they want.

But once a little bit of the edge is touched, except for the names they made up, the content recorded by the recorders will all become "Bodie City Slums Homeless", without any other additional content, without exception.

There are so many minors, none of them have recorded any information related to Ogagao's jurisdiction.

Precisely because Guan Mingxin had made arrangements in advance, no matter how knowledgeable others were, the only information that could be found was the content that Guan Mingxin had recollected in Bodi City:

"Name: Fish Baby

ID card serial number: *******
Race: Human [Suspected Mutant Longevity]

Sex: Male
Age: 8 years old [calculated from birth, not bone age]


Cultivation qualification: medium

Spiritual Consciousness: Five Layers of Qi Training"

Such ordinary, ordinary identity information no matter how you look at it, has blocked Guan Mingxin from many unknown troubles.

Since the identity information can't be found out, everyone has no choice but to believe the fact that "Baby Fish" is a waif with extraordinary talent, superb understanding, and amazing memory.

Ever since, many forces have started to recruit "baby fish".

If it weren't for the fact that the world unified examination hadn't ended yet, and there were absolutely impartial members of the Yuanwu Daomeng who had taken the oath of heaven to stare at them, these forces would never just think about it in their hearts and not take action.

All of this, for Guan Mingxin, who was too lazy to go to the Yuanneng Illusory Domain to check the list, the storm wave from the Yuanneng Illusory Domain had nothing to do with her for the time being.

The test points of the practical subjects remain the same, but the original tables and chairs are gone, replaced by physical fitness testers and semi-illusory equipment.

Referees are queued according to the admission ticket number.

The first thing to do is the basic physical fitness test. The test items include strength, speed, and endurance.

At this time, countless creatures of the intelligent race squatting on the official website of the Yuanwu Daomeng were chatting on the forum on the same page while waiting for the changes in the rankings of the world unified examination.

"The exam is about to start, I don't know how many nerds will fall off the altar, I'm excited o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓ slapping the table and laughing!"

"That's not necessarily true. Those references with strong identities and backgrounds have been poured with various resources since they were born. No matter how stupid they are, how can they be so poor if they have rare elixir to improve intelligence?
As for physical fitness, there is no comparison. "

"makes sense.

In this world, even the so-called freedom of speech is relative.

Class differences and conflicts are all too normal.

After all, we in Baizhanjie believe that the strong are respected. "

"Head to head!
If you don't have the generous resources provided by the elders, then work hard on your own.

Grassroots rise is not everywhere! "

"I am grassroots and I am proud!"

"Tch, no matter how proud you are, you have to pass the test with luck!

Otherwise, it would be a bad idea to offend someone...Tsk, tsk, lonely soul in the wilderness..."

"I just want to know the background of the baby fish at the top of the list. As for the information I found, it shows that he is from a slum and is a homeless child with no family. Why do I not believe it?"

"Yeah, I'm curious about that too.

You must know that no matter what race you are, you cannot fake your birth time.

Even if the baby fish has a heaven-defying longevity bloodline, the specific bone age cannot be measured, but the growth time of 8 years can be accurately confirmed by various instruments.

I'm curious about what kind of super intelligence is it that can achieve full marks in the seven subjects of the written test in just 8 years? "

"Child prodigy! I think Baby Yu should be a victim of strife within the aristocratic family, or the unlucky one who was abandoned shortly after birth.

The knowledge of the written test, as long as the intelligence can keep up, can be self-study on the official website of the Yuanwu Daomeng in the Yuanneng Fantasy Domain.

And just take the online test to learn the next level of knowledge.

On the practical side, Baby Yu probably will suffer a lot.

That's the same sentence, resources..."


Although he didn't know how much sensation he had caused, but out of self-confidence, Guan Mingxin didn't want to stand out too much in practical subjects, especially the compulsory subjects.

As for how many netizens are secretly expecting to fail in practical subjects, Guan Mingxin doesn't want to know.

In the three items of the basic physical fitness test, according to his own plan, Guan Mingxin only got near the bottom of the score, and did not attract anyone's attention in the test center.

After all, in everyone's opinion, such a young child's physical fitness is almost normal, so there is nothing to make a fuss about.

However, in Yuanneng Illusory Realm, all kinds of comments such as "it's just as it should be", "let me tell you", "damn family" and so on burst out.

It's just that after venting, the netizens have confirmed that Yu Baobao is a veritable nerd. Their curiosity has been satisfied, and naturally they will not pay too much attention to her.

They vividly expressed the concept of respecting the strong.

No matter how monstrous the intelligence is, if it is not good in actual combat, then it will not get the respect it deserves.

This is the accepted attitude in today's Hundred Battles world.

It's just that they will never know that what Guan Mingxin wants most now is to disappear from the public and not receive too much attention, so as to achieve the goal of safety.

Not only Guan Mingxin did this, but Guan Mingchen and other members of the traceable mercenary group, except for Gu Pengpeng and Gu Huanhuan, the twins, also tacitly concealed their true physical level, and their test results were only in the middle and upper reaches.

No one spoke in the test center. After the basic physical fitness test, the basic spiritual knowledge test was followed immediately, and there was no rest time during the test.

The basic test of spiritual knowledge only tests the current level of spiritual knowledge of the reference.

As before, the members of the Traceable Mercenary Group still retain their true strength.

Guan Mingxin's results in the basic test of spiritual knowledge have improved a bit, reaching the upper-middle level.

The next step is to practice the basics of Yuan Wushu.

There is still no rest time, and the references choose the basic spells of the corresponding attributes according to their spiritual root attributes. In a limited time, using limited energy, the more spells that can be fully released, the higher the score.

In this regard, the rest of the traceability mercenary group did their best.

But Guan Ming still had no heart. (end of this chapter)

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