After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 504 When the World Unified Examination is in progress [4]

Because Guan Mingxin had already comprehended the power of micro-control, he was able to cast spells with ease and ease.

Naturally, for the sake of her obscurity, Guan Mingxin still chose to retain most of her strength, and only let her grades be at the middle and lower levels.

After the three compulsory practical subjects, the former No. [-] baby fish has already slipped to an unknown number of pages later, and has been gradually forgotten by netizens.

Compulsory subjects are over, and those who did not apply for elective subjects will leave.

At this time, the semi-illusory device was turned on, and the remaining testers only had to swipe their admission tickets to enter the semi-illusory scene.

Or they are assigned materials and tools according to the respective subjects they apply for, and arrange themselves within a limited time.

The time for each elective practical subject is set at three hours.

After all, the first match was arranged with the most basic content.

If you want to increase the difficulty, you just need not to exit the semi-illusory scene, and keep going on the exam until you fail the exam.

The reason for choosing a semi-illusory scene for the practical assessment of the selected subjects is mainly for the sake of saving materials.

The world crisis is coming, and all kinds of resources cannot be wasted today. Yuan Wu Dao League has even promulgated relevant regulations to inspect all cultivation-related industries, such as pharmaceutical refineries, extension factories, foundries, etc. that work on the assembly line.

Unconditionally compel the shutdown of all factories that produce products of quality below middle grade.

Of course, if the process can be improved to improve product quality, production and operation can be restarted after strict inspection.

Otherwise, there will only be one result of shutting down behind closed doors.

The practice world of the New Hundred Wars World combines the essence of different small worlds. Common practice items such as pills, talismans, formation plates, weapons and armor, auxiliary utensils, etc., can all be produced in an assembly line, and a fixed model has already been formed. It shortens the time for auxiliary cultivation professionals to make these items, and also provides a wealth of cultivation materials for the majority of practitioners, making the cultivation base faster and the cultivation path smoother.

The most important thing is the assembly line production mode, which saves countless materials, does not require manual mechanized management, and strictly abides by every step, so that the same batch of products are basically of the same quality.

Unless the equipment breaks down, there is no possibility of defective products being produced.

Some people may be worried about those practitioners who rely on auxiliary cultivation professions for a living. Didn’t these factories rob them of their jobs?

In fact, it is not the case. The factory assembly line products are fixed, the quantity is large and the quality is stable, but they do not have the spirituality of artificial production.

What's more, each production line can only produce one product fixedly.

For example, those who produce nutritional supplements cannot produce stamina potions, and it is even more impossible to produce nourishing pills!
The grades of products produced by auxiliary cultivation professions are, from low to high, five grades: mortal grade, spiritual grade, immortal grade, god grade, and holy grade. Each grade is divided into stars from one to nine. There are four subdivisions for low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and best-grade grades.

For example, the three-star best blood supplement of the ordinary rank, the mid-grade blast boots of the nine-star rank of the ordinary rank, the low-grade defense array of the two-star rank of the immortal rank, and so on.

The products produced by the factory are only popular and routine products, and the grades are not high, the highest can only reach the top grade of ordinary grade nine stars.

For example, ordinary one-star high-grade talisman paper, ordinary five-star middle-grade non-attribute flying sword, etc.

Unconventional, high-end products still require a large number of auxiliary practitioners to make them manually.

This kind of artificially produced product, no matter what kind, is of great value.

Furthermore, the emergence of the factory assembly line has also promoted the auxiliary cultivation professionals to actively improve the original product formula and develop new formulas, which unintentionally makes the auxiliary cultivation system more perfect.

Because of this, except for a very few complainers, the vast majority of auxiliary practitioners are happy to see the emergence of factory assembly lines.

And this time, the practical subjects of the world unified examination are assessed on the basic products of these factory assembly lines.

The level of the referees is uneven. In order not to waste materials, a unified semi-illusory scene is the most practical, and it can also ensure the objectivity and fairness of the results.

Guan Mingxin's current cultivation is at the first level of Qi training period.

In fact, her real cultivation level is the third level of the Qi training stage of the fifth rank, and her Yuan force reserve is even comparable to that of an ordinary Yuan martial artist in the Dzogchen stage of the foundation building stage.

That's right.

Although Guan Mingxin's cultivation was completely ruined, after starting to practice again, since the meridians in her body were already unblocked, including all kinds of hidden orifices, plus the "Nine Turns of Chaos Fortune" that was already able to operate on its own, After successfully drawing Qi into her body, her cultivation soared all the way.

If it weren't for the two drops of mysterious blood essence in her body that began to be refined, absorbing most of Guan Mingxin's Yuan Power while compressing and re-compressing it, her current Yuan Power reserve would have already reached the golden elixir level of an ordinary Yuan martial artist. level!

There are also mandatory items for the selection of practical subjects.

The elixir subjects are the one-star Bigu Dan, stamina potion, and Buyuan Pill.

Forging subjects are mortal-level one-star weapons, protective gear, and futons.

The purpose of the rune subject is the dust-cleaning talisman of the ordinary rank and one star, the five-element basic talisman, and the light-weight talisman.

The subject of formation is the mortal-level one-star lost trace formation.

The purpose of the recovery subject is to identify the damage of the natal organ and the source stone.

It didn't take long for Guan Mingxin to complete these mandatory items one by one, and the evaluations were all perfect!
Later, Guan Mingxin took a rest for a while, thinking about what he should do next, so as to ensure that his grades entered the ninth grade without attracting the attention of outsiders.

After much deliberation, Guan Mingxin finally decided to choose practical subjects and keep the perfection level of the current compulsory subjects, and no longer apply for other programs.

As for how to ensure that he achieves his goal, Guan Mingxin focused on the self-service application and evaluation of special skills.

The special skills Guan Mingxin applied for were cultivation of spiritual plants, cooking of spiritual food, brewing of spiritual wine, embroidery and clothing, and wood and stone carving.

Time was limited, Guan Mingxin didn't intend to make too complicated and time-consuming, so the selected items were the birth of Fanjie One Star Golden Ear Rice, Vegetarian Soup Noodles, Fanjie Lingguo Wine, Embroidered Handkerchief, Wooden Hairpin, and Jade Pendant.

The craftsmanship is simple, so you can only pay more attention to the details.

The first thing to do is to cultivate spiritual plants.

For Guan Mingxin, who is proficient in cultivator's exclusive little spells, giving birth to a mortal one-star Jinsui rice is as simple as drinking water.

The difficulty lies in specifying the specific yield and quality of Jinsui rice in the planting area.

The assessment stipulates that the planting area is the same one mu of spiritual land, and the grade is also the lowest, the lowest rank is one star.

Generally speaking, under the premise of not taking other measures, one mu of mortal-level one-star spiritual fields can grow up to [-] spiritual plants of the same level.

Guan Mingxin planned to plant [-] plants.

This is the best result that can be achieved based on her cultivation of one level of one-turn Qi Refining Stage and her proficiency in the small spells exclusive to cultivators.

No matter how much, it may reveal that she has concealed the secret of her cultivation base. (end of this chapter)

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