It took another two hours to stabilize his cultivation, and only then did Yu Longhan run the kung fu "Nine Turns of Good Fortune" in the bloodline inheritance, adjust the apparent cultivation to the point where he did not break through, and moved towards Guan Mingchen who was on the other side of Guan Mingxin. After nodding, the three of them silently returned to their original positions in the team.

Guan Mingchen responded with a pair of big eyes to Yu Longhan's show of goodwill.

Even if he doesn't want to kill him anymore, and doesn't envy his precious sister's occasional care for him, but Guan Mingchen just can't like Yu Longhan.

As for Yu Longhan, he didn't just show humility.

No, the two of them locked eyes with each other for a long time through Guan Mingxin.

Regarding the eyebrow-raising lawsuit between the two brothers, Guan Mingxin wisely did not get involved.

Anyway, it’s not really a fight between life and death.

Then let the two of them fight.

Guan Mingchen: My sister is really good.

Yutaki Han: Uh... as long as your Highness is happy.

The juniors of the Guan family and those above the foundation stage among the blood servants: It's a pity that they didn't fight.

From the beginning to the end, no one else noticed the small movements of Yu Longhan, Guan Mingxin and Guan Mingchen.

Even the viewers in the space-time live broadcast room thought it was incredible!

"[Feng Xing Yao Yang]: It's unbelievable! The host Xiao Kei is too petite to notice, how did they manage to completely ignore two tall and tall people like Yu Longhan and Guan Mingchen?"

"[Ducks also have spring]: This is it, this is it, and the wilderness experience is needed? Didn't you follow the anchor Xiaocuti to pick up the baby before, didn't you?"

"[Midnight clock strikes a visitor]: The host, cutie, should be more careful with these people. With their level, it's no wonder you don't get tired."

"[I want to grow up]: Oops, I'm so anxious when I see it. Can't the anchor cutie get rid of them?"

"[Long-legged kneeling]: We haven't been in the live broadcast room for a long time since we came upstairs, right? It's not that the anchor Xiaocute can't get rid of these burdens, but after getting rid of them, there are more troubles than keeping them."

"[I want to grow up]: How do you say this?"

“[Nianhua Yixiao Baishixiao]: These people have the affection of living and dying together, and they are usually the best natural barrier for the anchor Xiaocuti, allowing her to hide as much as possible without appearing so special.

The things that are given to them are not worth mentioning here in the anchor cute. You can use such a little thing in exchange for a small partner who is hardworking enough in the short term, and there are people to take care of the chores. It is perfect to realize what the anchor cutie wants. conceal one's purpose.

If we get rid of them, should we get rid of everyone, or only those with malicious intentions?
Not to mention that the two situations are not easy to achieve, is it really possible to eliminate those who harbor malicious intentions, regardless of the subsequent troubles?

Bearing the brunt, the Junying Mercenary Group is not easy to deal with.

After all, now is the stage of rapid development of the Junying Mercenary Group. Once internal conflicts arise, the losses will definitely be heavy. This is not what the anchor Xiaocutie wants to see. "

“[Meow Miao is the cutest]: Even though I know this is a last resort, I still feel aggrieved by the cutie host, worried that the cutie host will feed the appetite of those bad guys.”

"[Chenchen is the most well-behaved]: There are too many unsatisfactory things in life. Miaomiao should feel lucky to be the cutie of the host.

After all, it is easier to deal with the thoughtful people who know everything right under your nose than the bad guys hiding in the dark, right? "

"[Midnight bells are coming]: I hope the anchor cutie will grow up quickly."


Regarding the expectations of the viewers in the time-space live broadcast room, Guan Mingxin said that he has nothing to do.

Just as Nianhua Yixiao Pepsi said, keeping these people with ulterior motives is a better choice for me now.

As for feeding their appetites, it's too early to talk about it for the time being. They haven't really gotten along with each other for a long time. Besides, he has already taken precautions and will not easily fall into the situation in his dream.

Maybe we can get together and get together.

"very hungry!

Let's find a place to rest. No matter how severe the crisis is, you have to be full to have the strength to resist, right? "

Yan Zhiqi pretended to be stroking his stomach, and the exaggerated expression on his face was funny and free and easy, breaking the embarrassing atmosphere first.

"Oops, I didn't realize it if I didn't tell you. I only drank an ordinary nutritional supplement in the morning. After I finished drinking it, I realized I had taken the wrong one. Then I forgot about it in a hurry. It turns out that ordinary nutritional supplements really don't make me hungry! "

Gu Huanhuan wrinkled her little face and looked at her eldest brother with an accusatory and aggrieved expression, which was full of clear signs of "please feed him".


Let you always lose everything, now you are at a disadvantage! "

When Gu Pengpeng heard this, he raised his hand and gave his twin sister a chestnut. He wanted to dislike it as much as he wanted, but with his other hand he had already taken out a small box of finger-sized snacks from the miracle bracelet and quickly stuffed it into his sister's arms. inside.

Gu Huanhuan's almond eyes were rounded just now, when he noticed the snacks in his arms, he bent slightly, he couldn't wait to open the box, squeezed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, his slightly curved almond eyes immediately smiled into crescent moons.

When Yu Longhan saw this, he patted his forehead in annoyance, quickly took out a box of biscuits and handed them to Guan Mingxin, and took out two small bags of dried meat and gave them to Gu Pengpeng and Wei Xuan.

Guan Mingchen on the side did not fight for it this time, but waited until Guan Mingxin was seven or eight full before giving Guan Mingxin all the snacks he had prepared.

As for the juniors of the Guan family and the younger members of the blood servants, they naturally also have elders to take care of them.

After making sure that all the little ones are padded, the other older brothers and sisters are busy.

Abandoned the original plan to use only ordinary camping tents, but chose a simple and plain portable law house, and a high-grade protective assembled alloy board house, placed side by side in a place with a wide view.

On the surface, the portable law house is a camp for the group of little guys under ten years old and a few girls, and the boys live in the alloy board room.

Actually it is not.

The alloy board house is just a cover. Everyone lives in the portable Dharma house. There is a large manor with a small courtyard hidden inside, which is more than enough for one person and one courtyard.

After that, they lit a bonfire, took out a bunch of field cooking utensils, and started to bury the pot to cook.

The various semi-finished products made before leaving Bodi City were used.

Ten large steamed buns with mixed meat and vegetables, a pot of delicious and fragrant broth, and various noodles containing single-attribute energy were quickly brought to the table and eaten by the group of people like a whirlwind.

Covering his lips and letting out a satisfied burp, Yan Zhiqi glanced at Zhongsun Lexing with a half-smile, the meaning was self-evident.

Zhongsun Lexing stood up angrily, picked up the pots and pans, and walked towards the stream not far away.

Some people who didn't know why, after seeing Shi Shalan's unabashed expression of gloating, couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for Zhongsun Lexing.

Dude, hard work!

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