“[Tutu Zhenxiang]: The anchor Xiaocuti is right not to get rid of these people.

No, there are people doing all kinds of chores, and the anchor Xiaocuti just waits to enjoy, and there are free fun to watch. "

"[Wang Yiyi]: What nonsense are you talking about! ()"

"[I'm serious about the calamity]: Don't tell the purpose of the anchor cutie, don't tell me if you see it through, be careful that number 9999 will give you little shoes to wear!"

"[Rabbit is so fragrant]: Um...this...can't do it? (·)"

"[System Jiujiu]: →_→Give you a look, and experience it yourself."

"[Anchor]: Jiujiu, don't scare people. Anyway, I don't plan to trade things for the time being. Should we change the mission system public display to private display?"

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: The anchor cutie, does this mean that a new mission has been triggered?
Could it be that there is special energy in the mission rewards? ==(●●|||)”

"[Anchor]: If there is nothing, don't overthink it!"

"[Ask how much you can worry about]: I didn't think much about it at first, but the anchor cutie denied it so quickly..."

"[System Jiujiu]: Master, the adjustment of the task system needs to consume special energy, and our special energy reserve is temporarily 0."

"[Anchor]: Well, then don't activate the task."

"[Tangtang pretends to be in Doudou]: Ahem...it doesn't have to be like this for the anchor cutie.

Now that the task has appeared, try to complete it as much as possible, which will benefit you in the future. "

"[Anchor]: I know it's good, but the point is that I don't need it for the time being!

Besides, I'm not in the mood to do any tasks right now (ˇ_ˇ:). "

"[Lonely traveler in the world of mortals]: Tutu, hurry up and apologize to the anchor cutie!

Seeing that you are so angry with our little cutie that you don't want to do the task anymore (σ;*Д*)σ, you are guilty! "

"[Sound of snow falling]: (# ̄□ ̄)o―∈‥oo━━━A crossbow arrow explodes the rabbit's head!"

"[Midnight bell rings a visitor]: Σ(Д; come ≡ person; д), pull the rabbit out (д`) and clap your mouth!"

"[Tutu Zhenxiang]: Ahhhh, I was wrong, _(í_ì"∠)_ anchor cutie forgive me! "

"[Anchor]: Oh, Senior Tutu, don't be like this!

Recently, I really want to relax for a while, the mission is crazy, let's put it aside for now, I didn't target you!
I just want to be willful [$(°°)$] I have money! "


Guan Ming thought for a moment, and after making the audience really anxious, he clicked OK on the task prompt box that just popped up.

“[System Jiujiu]: The anchor has triggered a random task [Mutated Creature].

[Task Content]: The crisis has already appeared, what changed the world?Please find out the reason for the mutated creatures and successfully kill 10 mutated creatures. "

[Task deadline]: One month in the standard time of the Hundred Wars World.

[Task Reward]: 1000 system points and 1000 special energy points.

[Failure Punishment]: The system is downgraded by 1 level. "

"[Anchor]: Oh, I have to kill 10 mutant creatures, and I don't know if it counts if my teammates kill them."

"[The commander-in-chief]: Although the commander-in-chief really wants to say it, the reality is that it doesn't count.

Questers cannot enjoy the benefits of teaming up with native creatures in the mission world.

Team benefits can only be activated unless you are teaming up with other taskers.

Unfortunately, so far, Baizhan Realm seems to have only one tasker, the anchor Xiaocuti. "


"[Anchor]: Then you can expect me to complete the task, otherwise you will be downgraded, but you will not be able to trade."


Regarding the new task, Guan Mingxin decided to lie flat.

Anyway, even if she failed, the downgrading of punishment wouldn't have much effect on her [no wonder! 】.

After Zhongsun Lexing finished washing, he knew that washing and scrubbing in the next three months would be his own job, so he simply put all the kitchen utensils into his miracle bracelet.

Just when Zhongsun Lexing turned around and was about to walk towards everyone, a black shadow jumped out of the stream behind him, directly attacking the back of his head.


Gu Chenxi, who was the closest, had no time to stop the black shadow, and immediately used the vines he was playing with to pull Zhongsun Lexing staggeringly, almost falling down, but just in time to avoid the black shadow's attack.


One hit was missed, and the black shadow landed due to inertia, but before everyone could see clearly, the black shadow bounced up again, still attacking Zhongsun Lexing's head.

The speed of the black shadow was so fast that it actually formed a thin black afterimage line in the air!

Fortunately, Zhongsun Lexing was ready to fight back at this time. Out of his instinct for danger, he hit the explosive ball with a blow, which barely blocked the black shadow's route.

However, with Zhongsun Lexing's root value reaching 90, the strength of Dzogchen in the qi training period casts spells with all his strength, but he can only shoot down the black shadow.

I saw that the scorched and scorched body on the ground was still writhing, still stubbornly trying to get closer to Zhongsun Lexing.

Brush brush!
Three consecutive golden blade techniques attacked the writhing thing on the ground.

Finally, the scorched black body stopped twisting, and the sharp Jin Yuan force was still lingering in the three wounds that could not be closed.

Zhongsun Lexing continued to test it uneasily. When he was sure that the guy was completely dead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he realized that his back was wet with cold sweat, and when the wind blew, a chill came over his heart.

The two retreated to the campfire, and Gu Chenxi drove the vine to roll up the thing and dragged it to him.

The scorched black skin fell off with the friction of the vines, revealing the hidden face.

It has slender mouthparts, a soft body, densely packed gastropods, and a barb like a scorpion tail at the end, which is very strange.

"What the hell is this thing?"

Gu Huanhuan curiously stretched out her finger to poke it, but was grabbed by her twin brother and scolded:
"It's oddly shaped, no matter how awkward it looks, you're not afraid of being poisonous."

"Huanhuan Luanbeng, do you still remember the part about alien invasion in "Historical Records of Hundred Wars"?"

Gu Chenxi also made a hard face at the younger sister, the first sentence was said to the younger sister, and the latter one looked up and looked around at everyone, implying something.

Guo Xinlang was very puzzled, shouldn't he figure out what this thing is now, why did Gu Chenxi mention "Historical Records of Hundred Wars":
"Huh? It means that after a small world accidentally connected with the world barrier outside the mortal realm of the Baizhan Realm, the creatures inside invaded the mortal realm?
But what does history have to do with this thing in front of us?
What's more, this is Chiyuan Domain! "

"No! It does matter!"

Shao Qian suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly became solemn, so gloomy that it seemed that water could drip out, and the others couldn't help but feel tense when they saw this.

A bad premonition arises spontaneously.

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