Shao Qian's next words will most likely subvert their cognitive outlook and add to the already bad mood due to the approaching crisis.

"In historical records, that small world is some kind of interstellar high-tech world.

In that interstellar world, there is a group of people who are enemies of all races. They seem to be called Zerg, Zerg, Zerg or something, and all life is cut off wherever they pass.

As long as you log in to a planet, all biominerals on this planet will be eaten up!

That is the eternal nightmare of the interstellar world, a terrifying existence that cannot be exterminated no matter how hard you kill it!
Planets are the unique form of existence of that interstellar world, similar to our boundaries and jurisdictions, they are all places that can produce resources.

Ever since I learned about this record by accident, out of curiosity, I have checked the relevant information, and there are very few of them that have survived so far. Perhaps it is because I have been able to find out the few parts. Among the limited pictures and texts, there are similar Kind of weird.

I boldly suspect that this is one of the Zerg, Zerg Beast, or Zerg, or an extraordinary species that is good at concealment and surprise attacks! "

Following Shao Qian's explanation, everyone's expressions changed again and again, and they were very reluctant to admit that Shao Qian's guess had come true.

"Master, ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately, Mr. Ou's guess is very likely to be true.

I have compared the records in the prehistoric database on Yuanneng Huanyu, and this species is indeed as high as 85% similar to the cannon fodder species of the Zerg in the data.

Based on the theory of biological evolution, I have to suspect that it is the evolution of the scorpion ringworm! "

Jiujiu suddenly appeared openly in a virtual form.

However, everyone no longer has the energy to pay attention to his appearance hidden under the exquisite and luxurious face.

Not to mention the prehistoric database that he pretended not to care about in his words, how he checked the information in it.

Most of the members of the traceability mercenary group were shocked by Jiujiu's words, unable to recover for a long time.

Except for Guan Mingzhou who is the eldest, Guan Mingyi who is the second, Guan Mingjia who is the third, Guan Mingxue who is the fourth, Guan Mingjie who is the eleventh, Guan Minghuan who is the twelfth, Guan Mingjun who is the thirteenth, and Guan Mingjun who is the sixteenth. Guan Mingzhuo, Guan Mingmao ranked 23, Guan Minghua ranked 27, Guan Mingying ranked 28, Guan Mingchen ranked 29 and the youngest Guan Mingxin.

Because, before Zhongsun Lexing killed the sneak attack monster, they had already recognized it!
The scene just now was the same as what happened when the Guan family was forced to flee.

It's just that the person who was attacked was Guan Mingchen.

At that time, our patriarch Guan Jingyi had not been forcibly invented by Wuji to create a third son Guan Zhen who was living outside. Naturally, there would be no 22 descendants left by the deceased Guan Zhen. After Wuji forcibly changed his memory, Not only did he say "recognize his ancestors and return to his clan", but he also asked all the younger members of the Guan family to re-rank them.

The thirteen members of the Guan family whose long-term memories were evoked had thirteen bad complexions, and they became more and more silent at the same time.

But at this moment, the others only thought that they were also frightened, and didn't think much about it.

"No, Jiujiu, are you mistaken?"

Min Yuchen looked at Jiujiu sitting sideways in Guan Mingxin's palm in disbelief, his eyes full of pleading, begging the little guy to deny his previous judgment.

Seeing this, even the others couldn't help looking at Jiujiu expectantly, waiting for his change of words.

However, Jiujiu didn't speak anymore, and dissipated her virtual form in full view, and seemed to return to the phantom star projection disguised as a magic sky bracelet on Guan Mingxin's left wrist.

In fact, he returned to the phantom star body that was cultivated in Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​consciousness.

Jiujiu's silence and avoidance made everyone's hearts sink into the abyss.

If it is said that when they got the admission letter of the initial examination, they still had a pride that they tried their best to hide.

Even after learning the location of the re-examination, they were full of confidence and fighting spirit.

Even when they were lucky enough to gather together by airborne at random and learned from their own small regiment leader Guan Mingxin that the crisis was very likely to have emerged, they only increased their vigilance and composure.

So now, all they are left with is fear?
Or panic?

Or pessimistic?
Do not!
What is shown on the faces of these children now is the bewilderment and confusion of not knowing where the road ahead is.

In addition, there is also the blankness and unacceptability of suddenly knowing the existence of a powerful foreign enemy that has been dusted in the long river of history.

"Can we...

Can you get detailed information about the Zerg from the literature? "

"I forgot to tell you that this scorpion worm has energy similar to Yuanli, and it is very pure and contains the essence of flesh and blood.

In other words, this evolved scorpion-tailed ringworm has the ability to practice.

However, in the historical literature, the cannon fodder worms do not have the ability to cultivate.

No matter how much energy-rich food they eat, they cannot absorb it on their own.

In the end, it can only be completely excreted from the body.

Or, together with its own energy, it serves as food for high-level insect beasts or insect people.

Zerg is the collective name of their large group, and there is a strict division of ranks within them.

Those who can't cultivate, can't store energy, and don't have any wisdom are all cannon fodder.

Those who have opened up Linghui and initially mastered cultivation are worms and beasts.

And those who can change into human form and have intelligence comparable to that of the human race are naturally the top insects.

The number of cannon fodder species in the Zerg tribe is extremely large, and it is overwhelming wherever it passes, making it difficult to guard against.

But now this kind of thing, which is very similar to the scorpion-tailed ringworm in the cannon fodder worm species, has evolved the ability to cultivate..."

Although Jiujiu returned to Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​consciousness, with Guan Mingxin's acquiescence, it did not prevent him from speaking directly.

And Jiujiu's addition made these little guys in the traceability mercenary group finally realize clearly what kind of dangerous situation they were facing now.

Even Guan Mingzhou and the others, who had seen the scorpion worm before, couldn't help but tense.

Shi Jiajia suppressed her nausea and stepped forward to use an ordinary alloy dagger to try to scratch the body of the scorpion-tailed ringworm. However, she did not expect that no matter how hard she scratched, she could not cut through the seemingly soft insect skin.

Shi Jiajia, who did not give up, suddenly exerted force.


The expected scene of the worm's skin being cut did not appear, instead, only half of the alloy dagger in her hand was left!

The alloy dagger is broken!

Such a hard alloy dagger actually broke!
But on the worm's skin, there was only a faint white mark, which was still fading at a speed visible to the naked eye until it disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Yan Zhiqi, Zhongsun Lexing, Min Yuchen, and Guo Xinlang, who have selected casting as an auxiliary training system, immediately gained the upper hand with their professional habits of casting and refining masters, suppressing other thoughts in their minds, and subconsciously digging out. They wanted to try it out before getting out the tools, maybe they found a good quality casting material.

As for the juniors of the Guan family and the blood servants, even though they felt itchy, they still endured it under Guan Mingxin's hint. (end of this chapter)

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