After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 522 Blood Ingot Essence of Great Chance

The four of Yan Zhiqi cooperated tacitly and quickly and skillfully dismembered the scorpion worm into a piece of translucent soft skin, a slender hard mouthpart with a metallic luster, and a sharp hooked scorpion tail. , a mass of milky white flesh the size of a thumbnail.

As for the remaining waste, they were all burned up by a small fireball popped out by Zhongsun Lexing, turned into fly ash and scattered on the ground, becoming the nourishment for weeds.

The series of actions of these four people has attracted the attention of others.

Watching them cooperate tacitly, gradually, the discomfort in other people's hearts was also dispelled, and the mood also returned to calm following the dismemberment of the scorpion worm.

A kind of composure and rationality far surpassing those of their peers, unknowingly, began to seep into the skin of the children of the Tracing Origin Mercenary Group, slowly flowing through their flesh and bones, soaking in, until the marrow was carved into the soul, and became an instinct .

At this moment, where is there any trace of helplessness and confusion on their faces? !

Even the previously tense mind was completely relaxed.

What is revealed is only the disposition that a young man should have when participating in ordinary wilderness experiences.




Coupled with a fighting spirit that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Everything, just right.

No one knows that the transformation of the backbone members of the world-renowned traceability mercenary group in the future, which will prompt them to have a firm and strong heart that will never give up and never give up, is the result of the tacit cooperation of four friends who dismembered a scorpion. The tail ringworm passed through unconsciously while the others were watching.

There are no knots, let alone demons.

Naturally, it was like a group of brats playing house and playing with new toys.

Even they themselves have never noticed the change in their mood.

The viewers in the time-space live broadcast room were noticed by many well-informed bosses, but You Jiujiu's operation to turn off any notification sound in time would naturally not wake up Guan Mingxin who was transforming.

Because part of her memory was also unsealed with the dismemberment of the corporal ringworm.

"The mouthparts are slender and short, making them excellent materials for concealed weapons."

"The scorpion tail is highly poisonous, and the toxin can be extracted and used as a metal material."

"It can also be directly refined into a special magic weapon, or even a spiritual weapon."

"As for this soft skin, it has excellent toughness, comparable to Tier [-] Primordial Beast hide, and has a good property of resisting Primordial Qi energy.

Whether it is used to make leather armor or external protective equipment for large appliances, it is a very good material. "

"It's just a little small, it would be better if there were more..."

The four of them did a simple test, talking excitedly, explaining their new discoveries to others in detail.

"Wow! So good?"

"Wow, is this true?"

After hearing this explanation, the others instantly turned into monsters, pretending to be flattering, and before they knew it, the last trace of negative emotion in their hearts disappeared.

After everyone had had enough trouble, Gu Chenxi coughed lightly, tapped the table with her fair and slender fingers, and reminded:
"Those ingredients are indeed good, but the most precious thing is this small piece of meat."

Following his fingers, everyone's eyes shifted to that small mass of milky white flesh.

After careful inspection, it was discovered that there was actually a shallow mysterious line flowing slowly on the meat, and at the same time, along with the flow of the mysterious line, there was a faint fragrance escaping. A sudden appetite.

"Brother Chen Xi, I haven't noticed this piece of meat yet, but now that I have, why do I suddenly feel hungry again?

I just ate enough to be full, have I made it all the way? "

Bu Weixuan touched his still bulging belly, staring at Gu Chenxi rather puzzled, waiting for his answer.

"You guys still remember that Jiujiu said earlier that this scorpion-tailed ring worm contains energy in its body.

Obviously, this mass of milky white meat is the part that contains energy.

This is a mixture of all the flesh and blood essence and energy of the scorpion-tailed ringworm.

Almost no impurities!

It doesn't matter whether it is eaten raw or cooked, or used as a treasure for alchemy and medicine.

It is completely comparable to the extracted elixir essence.

The most valuable thing is that there is still a trace of vitality in it! "

"After my preliminary examination, I judged that the effect of this piece of milky white meat is to increase the strength of the body without damage.

As long as your body can digest it, you can keep eating it.

Until the strength of my body exceeds the limit that this piece of meat can improve! "

“It’s unbelievable!
There is such a treasure inside such an ugly insect! "

Gu Chenxi was amazed again and again, her pale cheeks flushed with excitement, forgetting to maintain his usual reserved and elegant image of a sickly and noble young man!

"Brother, is what you said true? Then we're going to get rich!"

Gu Pengpeng murmured stupidly.

A word to awaken the dreamer.


It's not getting rich, it's an opportunity! "

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin, who had just finished merging his memories, pretended to inadvertently interject:
"This is really blood ingot essence, the ingot of flesh and blood essence, hahahaha!"

As soon as the name of Xueyuanbaojing was announced, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Yes, yes, let's quietly improve our strength first and collect as much blood ingot essence as possible!
When our retest is over, we will report it to the Yuanwu Dao Alliance. Maybe we can get extra points!

Hey hey haha! "

"Xueyuanbaojing, that's a good name."

It was rare that even Guan Mingchen, who had always been taciturn, couldn't hide his excitement.

"However, if someone asks us how we know the Blood Yuanbao Essence, how should we answer to get rid of us?"

"How difficult is this, we can do this..."

"Oh! It's still like that..."

"Oh heh heh heh, add more ingredients, like this..."

After the mood naturally improved, the little fellows of the Tracing Source Mercenary Group were full of enthusiasm, and under Guan Mingxin's intentional or unconscious guidance, they participated in how to fabricate the rationalized source of the blood ingot essence.

When Guan Mingxin's state of mind improvement was almost completed, Jiujiu temporarily closed the time and space live broadcast room on the pretext that her master was about to break through.

The memory that Guan Mingxin fused was exactly the part when he encountered zombies in Ji Huajie.

I still remember that Guan Mingxin deliberately fabricated the origin of the blood ingot essence in order to vent his anger, and burned it into the jade slips. The jade slip was thrown to a corner of the street.

Not long after, someone came to search the main city of the small town No. 5-7444 where Guan Mingxin lived temporarily, and found the jade slip.

As Guan Ming expected, those people regarded it as a treasure and took it away.

Not long after that, the "Blood Ingot Essence" spread throughout the Ji Hua world.

But for some reason, in today's New Hundred War World, Guan Mingxin didn't hear any news about the "Blood Yuanbao Essence". (End of chapter)

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