Chapter 530 Learn with pain and joy

If a caster whose cultivation level is less than the Nascent Soul stage wants to cast a Yuan Weapon, he can only use the quality of the high-level materials themselves to forcibly upgrade the quality of the forged products.

In the eyes of the forging masters, the weapons cast in this way are crudely made semi-finished products. The characteristics and qualities of the materials are not brought out, and less than half, or even one-tenth, of them are brought out. It is indeed a waste of natural resources. lift.

But in the traceability mercenary group, from the leader to the members, everything doesn't matter.

Guan Mingxin adheres to the attitude of not being taken advantage of.

Others are thinking that when they have enough cultivation in the future, they can just re-forge it, right?
Anyway, what we are originally forging are growth-type weapons!

Even the four newly minted Shadow Guard puppets couldn't help but marvel at the generosity of their little master and her friends.

They have shared nearly half of Jiujiu's database, and their knowledge has already exceeded the current level of Xinbai Zhanjie.

The analytical instrument that my little master and the others are making, once it is completed, even if it is taken to the fairy world, it will be sent to the auction and become the final product!

Watching and watching, they also became envious. There were still materials left. After consulting the young master and the young masters and ladies, they also stepped forward to help and forge a set for themselves by the way.

Everyone wants good things.

With Jiujiu's database, they finally decided to only cast the rough embryo of the element instead of the finely crafted final product.

In order to hide the rough embryo of the elemental weapon, they also used the ancient demon script to disguise it.

But it is really difficult to write about the desolate ancient demon.

The thunder and fire talisman soul array element refined by Guan Mingxin earlier can indeed speed up the progress of learning.

But the process was really painful.

After they barely managed to survive one study session, they didn't want to continue the second time.

They originally thought that they had a lot of time to slowly learn the ancient demon literature.

After all, they are still very young.

They are all little cubs, so they can do without the thunder and fire talisman soul array elements.

In addition, I learned from the Yuan Beast cubs that to use the ancient demon script, one must at least reach the Yuan Ying stage in order to be able to master it.

As a result, the enthusiasm of the members of the traceability mercenary group to learn ancient demon texts has once again decreased.

Who would have thought that there would be such an unexpected situation where the ancient demon script had to be used.

Unfortunately, this accident was the result of their own paranoia and petty thoughts.

Of course, it’s okay not to use the ancient demon script.

It's just that anyone who is a cultivator can see that the rough embryo of Yuan Qi is extraordinary.

I don’t know how many disasters will be caused by that time.

If you don't do it right, your own life will be in danger.

Therefore, all things considered, we can only learn ancient demon literature.

It's still the kind that requires using the thunder and fire talisman soul array element to speed up learning.

As for the pain and torture during the learning process, it can only be overcome.

After all, you are brewing your own bitter wine, no matter how bitter it is, you must swallow it!
After learning their choice, Guan Mingxin playfully threw out a complete set of thunder and fire talisman soul array elements, placed them in a portable Dharma house in a separate courtyard, and integrated the thunder and fire talisman soul array elements with the portable Dharma house. Named "Yaowenwu".

After that, Guan Mingxin stood aside and watched.

Then, the others bared their teeth and cracked their mouths, with distorted faces, as if they were resigned to death, and entered the Yaowen House.

Leaning slightly, they rushed out of Yaowen's house with black smoke that was scorched by lightning.

After recovering from meditation, I once again had to grit my teeth and make a brave expression as if I was ready to die, and continued to rush into the Yaowen House...

You know, this set of thunder and fire talisman soul array element refined by Guan Mingxin is inlaid with 1000 ancient demon scripts at one time.

Entering the Thunder Fire Talisman Soul Array Element once, you can learn at most ten words.If your resistance is not high, you can only learn one word.

If they want to learn and master all these 1000 words, they still have to suffer a lot.

However, at this time, no one complained, and no one gave up.

Even the young Bu Weixuan, Gu Pengpeng, Gu Huanhuan and other children all gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

Even if I can only learn one word at a time, I still never give up.

Just because they noticed that every time they entered the thunder and fire talisman soul array and received training, their bodies were also being tempered simultaneously.

This kind of tempering is far more effective and thorough than any method I have ever received before.

Even the impurities in the bone marrow and blood vessels seemed to show signs of being tempered.

I believe that as long as you persist, even if you cannot reach the level of a clean body, you can still take a big step closer in this direction, eliminating most of the impurities in your body and speeding up your cultivation.

The process of casting, refining and analyzing the tools was interrupted.

The traceability mercenary group has no choice but to stay here.

Except for Guan Mingxin, everyone else rushed to Yaowen's house day and night.

Meditate for a while when you are tired, and take Bigu Pill when you are hungry.

There were also blood ingot essences that were parsed out by the four shadow guard puppets from the pile of corpses that was expanding every day. Although their learning journey was painful and difficult, they also received great benefits.

The medicinal vitality in the Blood Yuanbao Essence is quickly stimulated and integrated into the physical body through processes such as lightning strikes and fire in the Thunder Fire Talisman Soul Array element, increasing the strength of the physical body without any hidden dangers.

It is really painful and joyful to learn!
Even the viewers in the time and space live broadcast room couldn't help but feel envious.

"[Jinjin is the most handsome]: Although some of the anchor's cute friends are impure and annoying, but now I suddenly understand why they are like this.

If it were me, with a companion like the anchor cutie, I would not let go, (= ̄ω ̄=) meow! "

"[Kneeling down with long legs]: It's true, the benefits that the anchor cutie has brought to them are really too great.

I believe that if they only rely on themselves and the family power behind them, it is impossible to have the benefits of continuously improving the strength of the physical body without any future troubles, and at the same time continuously approaching the benefits of the Wugou body.

To be honest, I’m envious too (; ̄д ̄). "

"[Chenchen is the most well-behaved]: I'm envious too, but I want to own a set of Thunder and Fire Talisman Soul Array Elements and the Blood Yuanbao Essence()!!!"

"[Rabbit is so fragrant]: I want it too!"

"[Lonely Walker in the Long World]: I want +1!"

"[Sound of falling snow]: I want +2!"


"[Anchor]: You can't use the thunder and fire talisman soul array element filled with ancient demonic texts, right?
It’s probably useless for you to study the ancient demon literature. "

"[Ask you how much you have to worry about]: The anchor is so cute, the ancient demon texts are useful.

We also have a demon tribe here. The ancient demon script is said to be the inherited script of the demon tribe and is extremely difficult to learn.

It is not used in daily life, but when exploring secret realms, ruins and other places, the chances of those who understand the ancient demonic literature to benefit will be greatly improved. "

"[Anchor]: Huh? Do you also have ancient demon texts?

In addition to the ancient demonic texts, the Thunder Fire Talisman Soul Array element can also be filled with other ancient texts and pictures that have their own charm or even a sense of rules.

Let's do this, I will give you the method of forging the thunder and fire talisman soul array element, and you can forge it yourself.

As for filling in the content you want, how about asking someone who has mastered it to help? "

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(End of this chapter)

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