Chapter 531 All Advance
"[Nian Hua Yi Smile Pepsi]: Can't the anchor cutie directly trade the finished product?

It's from ancient demonic writings. "

"[Wang Yiyi]: Yes, yes, I always feel that the effect produced by the anchor's cutie will be better (з(c)."

"[Anchor]: Uh... what you want is definitely not one or two sets. I can't make so many in a short time by myself.

You all saw it when you forged the thunder and fire talisman soul array element, it took a lot of time.

With my current level of cultivation after rebuilding, it is impossible to refine it in the short term.

Even if it can be refined, it certainly cannot be provided to you in large quantities! "

"[Ming Master of the Ming Family]: The thunder and fire talisman soul array element in the hands of the host's cutie is indeed extraordinary.

But just as the anchor Xiaocutie said, she can't provide a large amount. Who will be traded to and who will not be traded to others. Could it be an auction? "

"[A cup of tea]: Auction is OK!!!"

"[Da Shuai Ben Shuai]: But the anchor, Little Cutie, is very likely to be complained and punished by the organization headquarters."

"[Yongyuan Li Haiji]: It's better to trade the casting method."

"[Mingye Wujiang]: The formula is the key. I also want a copy, so I can make a set myself to play with."


The speeches of the bosses in the VIP seats made the reluctant audience suppress their inner feelings and accept the forging method of only trading the Thunder and Fire Talisman Soul Array elements.

In this way, Guan Mingxin, who had nothing to do, made up another time and space transaction.

However, during the transaction process, unexpectedly, the time and space transaction function's valuation of the thunder and fire talisman soul array element casting method far exceeded the expectations of most viewers, so that there was not enough money to trade.

In this way, they completely dispelled the resentment in their hearts, realized the preciousness of this forging method, and wanted to trade one more and more.

As a result, they had to ask for help from their family, friends and teachers.

On the contrary, Guan Mingxin attracted a large number of spectators, and the rewards kept raining, which made Jiujiu smile and narrow her eyes, and the eyes of the other people in the traceability mercenary group also had a little warmth.

Guan Mingxin also relaxed physically and mentally, sorted out the casting methods of the thunder and fire talisman soul array elements and gave them to Jiujiu, asking him to be responsible for the time and space transaction, while he continued to practice in meditation.

Time flies by.

After 20 days, the others who finally finished learning the 1000-word ancient demon text have at least improved their physical strength by a large level, and their cultivation levels have also improved a lot.

Among them, Guan Mingchen's cultivation level has broken through to the sixth level of the Golden Core stage, and he has become the person with the highest cultivation level in the traceability mercenary group!
Of course, this is not Guan Mingchen's true cultivation level.

After his rebirth, Guan Mingchen has been habitually hiding his true cultivation since he started practicing.

When the exposed and hidden parts are the least, there are two small levels of cultivation. That is the situation when Qi is first introduced into the body during the Qi refining period.

After breaking through the foundation building period, a large realm will be directly hidden.

Just like now, Guan Mingchen's true cultivation level is the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen.

The 17-year-old Nascent Soul Stage has reached the Great Perfection, and even in the fairy world, he is one of the top geniuses.

Guan Mingzhou has always known that this little cousin from his uncle's family is extremely talented, and it will only be a matter of time before his cultivation is surpassed by him.

But I didn't expect it to be so fast.

However, Guan Mingzhou has a good mentality and does not have any negative emotions such as jealousy.

"Bastard, that's good!

I didn't expect that the effect of resisting for a while would be so good!If I had known earlier, I would have resisted more! "

Guan Minghuan ran over and wanted to pat the back of his 29th brother Guan Mingchen's head, but a sudden chill ran down his back, and his raised palm subconsciously moved down, finally falling on Guan Mingchen's shoulder.

Guan Mingjun, who was following Guan Minghuan, felt bad the moment his twin brother raised his hand.

Who doesn't know that Guan Mingchen, the eldest son of his uncle's family, is very independent and doesn't want to have physical contact with others?
Not even his biological parents.

The only exception is Sister Fubao.

Don't you think that Guan Mingxiao, the twin sister of Fu Bao who has the same father and mother, is not welcomed by his biological brother?

You know, Guan Mingxiao also disappeared and has not been found yet.

But when have you ever seen Guan Mingchen mention it?
Guan Mingxiao is also a character created together with Guan Zhen. She serves as Guan Mingxin's twin sister and ranks second to last among the younger generations of the Guan family, that is, 36.

Wuyou [Guan Mingxiao]: This is the difference between a real sister and a fake sister.But I don’t care and I don’t care.

Fortunately, my half-brained twin brother was not stupid enough, and his palm landed on his shoulder instead of the back of Brother 29's head.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a "brother killing" scene on the spot.

Even so, Guan Mingjun still quickly tore off his twin brother's hand that was in need of twitching, and said without any mercy:

"Come on! If you pay attention to body training on weekdays, even if you just practice "Popular Body Tempering Technique" seriously, you can stay in Yaowen House for one or two more breaths before.

Now, it’s better to stabilize your cultivation! "

"Are you still my brother?

Can't you expect me to order well? "

Being scolded by his brother in public, Guan Minghuan was a little embarrassed and was trying to regain his face.

Guan Mingjun was not annoyed and replied seriously:
"It is precisely because you are my brother that I told the truth."

Hearing this, Guan Minghuan became more and more embarrassed, and what he said was more like the harsh words of an unconvinced child:
"You, you, you...just wait and see! I won't always be so weak!"

Guan Mingjun, on the other hand, had a gentle and coaxing tone:

"Yes, yes, yes! Be good, meditate quickly and stabilize your cultivation."


The interaction between the twins immediately made everyone burst into laughter, which actually livened up the atmosphere and relieved everyone's tense minds.

After all, after the destruction of Yaowenwu, everyone's cultivation has improved a lot, and the relaxation of their minds will help them stabilize their cultivation.

Even the three little ones, Wei Xuan, Gu Pengpeng, and Gu Huanhuan, have all advanced to the seventh level of the Qi training stage.

Now, on the surface, only Guan Mingxin, who didn't participate in the study of the ancient demon text, was left at the bottom of the cultivation base. He was at the peak of the third level during the Qi training period, and he was only a step away from the fourth level.

When not fighting, no matter whether it is one turn or nine turns, the energy fluctuation aura revealed is the same.

Just like Yu Longhan's apparent fifth-level cultivation in the foundation building stage, he is actually at the fifth level in the fourth-level foundation building stage.

The most obvious difference between the "Nine Revolutions of Chaos Art" practiced by Yu Longhan and the "Nine Revolutions of Chaos Creation Art" practiced by Guan Mingxin is that they also have nine rotations, but the former is in the early, middle, late and final phases of each level. The peak rotates among the four different stages; the latter rotates among the different levels between each major stage.

Guan Ming secretly thought that he should also improve his superficial cultivation.

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(End of this chapter)

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