The bodies of the little guys sensed the approach of the Blood Yuanbao Essence, and instinctively opened their mouths to swallow it. However, the analysis movements under their hands were not affected at all, and they continued to analyze, analyze, and analyze without any distractions...

The little guys continued to analyze the corpse. Even if they made arrangements in advance to turn on the protective shield and isolate the breath, as time went by, the energy of the protective shield continued to be consumed, and the effect of isolating the breath gradually weakened. After all, escape was inevitable. The smell of blood, coupled with the temptation of the fragrant aroma of more and more blood ingot essence, attracted more and more insects and yuan beasts.

The four shadow guard puppets were unaware that the protective shield was about to be damaged. After all, they had not yet left the category of puppets. After actively cutting off their olfactory receptors, they naturally could not sense the smell of blood and the aroma of blood ingot essence. Not aware of the consequences.

By the time the four shadow guard puppets realized something was wrong, it was too late. They could only try to remedy the situation as much as possible to prevent more insects and Yuan beasts from being attracted.

As for the safety of the little guys, the four shadow guards are not worried at all.

After all, the offensive and defensive formation disk that was opened before has reached the top five-star spiritual level. It is an extremely precious existence in the entire Hundred War World and can withstand the full attack of masters in the transformation stage.

But once the battle breaks out, it will inevitably affect the rare and mysterious state of my little master and all the young ladies.

The four shadow guard puppets had to stand alone in front of the stone case workbench. While feeding them the blood ingot essence using the magic of controlling objects, they also had to collect the analyzed blood ingot essence and burn the waste immediately. , to minimize the escape of aroma and bloody smell.

The other three walked out of the formation range, quickly killed the approaching insects and beasts, and collected the bodies in storage bags.

But even so, it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Even if the four shadow guards are not afraid of exhaustion and kill them day and night, as time goes by, the bugs and Yuan beasts attracted are no longer limited to small and medium-sized ones. The combat power also gradually increased.

By this time, even the four shadow guard puppets couldn't feel tired, but they were still complaining.

If they really attract the big guy, they will have to expand the battle situation when fighting with him. The aftermath of the battle will definitely alarm their little master and other young ladies, not to mention interrupting their rare opportunity. Fortunately, there may be backlash!
But the more you are afraid of something, the more likely it will happen.

On the eighth day when Guan Mingxin and the others entered the mysterious state, someone finally got attracted.

From a distance, the violent and domineering power swept over, and the ground began to feel a slight tremor, and it continued to intensify.

Seeing that the crisis is approaching, the four shadow guard puppets have secretly decided to delay as much time as possible and control the battle, even if they are severely injured. At this time, the corpses in the storage bags next to the little guys of the traceable mercenary group in the formation finally Consumed!
Without getting a new corpse, Guan Mingchen, who was the first to finish analyzing the corpse in his hand, had to stop and was stunned for a long time before he woke up.

Immediately afterwards, everyone else had to leave that mysterious state after completing the analysis of the last corpse at hand.

After discovering that they had escaped this state independently, Yuan Yingchun, who stayed by their side, breathed a long sigh of relief, even though it was due to the lack of corpses for practicing hands, without concealing it at all.

When the guys from the Traceability Mercenary Group saw this, they couldn't help showing expressions of surprise and confusion.

Only then did Yuan Yingchun regain her charming temperament, and her voice was unusually condensed:

"Master, gentlemen and ladies, we must leave this place immediately, there is a powerful being approaching here.

According to preliminary predictions of its combat power, even if we four shadow guards attack together, it will be a hard battle. By then, we will definitely not be able to properly take care of you. "Okay, everyone pack up and evacuate this place immediately!"
Baobao first asked Jiujiu to choose a safer place, and then teleport there immediately after everything was packed up. He didn't care about covering up at the moment. "

Hearing this, Guan Mingzhou, the deputy leader of the group, made a rare move and made a decision immediately.

Others have no objection.

For a moment, everyone started to put away the portable Dharma house and the combined alloy plate house, closed the formation disk and put them away.

Guan Mingxin put the four shadow guard puppets who had returned to her into the Purple Lotus Bracelet, and then sprinkled the potion to remove their breath. With a change of mind, she disappeared with the others.

Over there, the guys who were rushing towards the place where the traceability mercenary group was stationed noticed that Guan Mingxin and the others wanted to escape, but it was too late to stop them. They could only watch the prey on their lips escape.

Stimulated by such a stimulus, the big guy, who was already mentally disturbed due to the infection of the alien energy, became more and more violent, killing all nearby creatures like a madman.

Unable to understand its hatred, it headed towards the other living creatures that it sensed were attracted by the bloody smell here.

Several candidates were so unlucky that they had to tear up the positioning teleportation charm and ended the retest early.

Guan Mingxin and the others didn't know that there were a few unlucky people who were implicated and forced to end the retest early.

The location Jiujiu chose this time was in a large forest with an endless horizon, on the edge of a freshwater lake.

As soon as he stood still after being teleported, Guan Mingxin released the four shadow guard puppets, and a group of them entered the portable Dharma room released by Shi Jiajia. With the afterglow of the mysterious state just now, the shadow guards were The collected corpses will continue to be analyzed, so as to strengthen the rapidly increasing analysis ability.

Seeing this, the audience in the time and space live broadcast room had to praise these little guys and at the same time once again criticized the character of Yan Zhiqi and the other nine people.

"[Rabbit is so fragrant]: Apart from having bad character, those nine guys are pretty good in other aspects. They can temporarily serve as the anchor's cutie partners."

"[Wang Yiyi]: Huh, just their poor character is enough for the host to exclude them from his companions (#`д)."

"[Dream Chaser's Xiao Hanhan]: Wang Yiyi is right. Even if they have extraordinary talents and no matter how hard they practice, they can't erase their poor character. (= ̄ω ̄=) Meow Damn, I hate them."

"[A cup of tea]: If we could control them and eliminate hidden moral hazards, they would really be rare good partners for the anchor cutie. It's a pity that the anchor cutie doesn't want to do it. Alas (╯°A°)╯︵ ○○……”

"[Izayoi no Izayo]: What do you mean? And who is the anchor? The dozens of little guys in this picture are not very old. When did the organization have an underage anchor? ?”

"[I like big meat buns]: That's right, I'm also filled with questions. What's going on?" (End of Chapter)

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