After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 540 Analysis and Explanation of Jiujiu

"[Prime Minister Commoner]: Are you new here?
Anchor Cutie is the youngest one with three heads and a body. Among the 13 people around her, the cool little handsome guy next to her on her right is Anchor Cutie’s brother, and the sunny boy on the left is another elder brother.

Most of the others followed the cold and handsome guy on the right.

The remaining small group are all alumni from the same college as the anchor Little Cutie. They partnered up for some reasons and formed a mercenary group to keep warm.

The most beautiful boy inside was rescued by the anchor when he was exploring the ruins.

It's just that as the benefits provided by the anchor's cutie are increasing, there are so many people who have small thoughts in their minds, and the calculations of using the anchor's cutie are increasing day by day.

Among them is the beautiful boy who was saved by the anchor's cutie..."

"[Izayoi no Izayo]: So complicated..."


When Guan Mingxin saw the audience in the time and space live broadcast room lamenting over her, a warm current suddenly arose in her heart, soothing her increasingly condensed heart.

Of course, there were also sunspots and trolls in the audience of the time and space live broadcast room. They ridiculed and insulted Guan Mingxin, the three-headed anchor, but Guan Mingxin completely ignored them.

If these black haters go too far, Jiujiu will use his authority to kick them out of Guan Mingxin's time and space live broadcast room and put them on the permanent blacklist.

No matter how crazy and angry the black-hat trolls who have been permanently blacklisted are, it has nothing to do with Guan Mingxin.

After interacting with the audience, Guan Mingxin turned his attention to the analysis technique again.

However, after the scene that attracted the big guy earlier, the little guys from the traceability mercenary group no longer dare to analyze it outside.

If another powerful being is attracted, they won't have to teleport and escape, right?
Besides, Guan Mingxin has also reminded others that this kind of teleportation is also limited and consumes a lot of Yuan Energy Stones, all of which are based on Yuan Energy Stones of the above-mentioned spiritual level.

Therefore, after some discussions, the eager mood of the young guys from the traceability mercenary group gradually calmed down, and they no longer held the idea of ​​​​disassembling all the bugs and yuan beast corpses.

They just want to consolidate their gains in that mysterious state.

So, when they felt that their analysis technology was completely stable and there would be no major breakthroughs in the short term, the guys in the traceability mercenary group all stopped.

The remaining bugs and yuan beast corpses were left to the four shadow guard puppets to clean up in the portable magic room, while they themselves planned to practice well here.

The map shared by Jiujiu on the public channel of the Traceability Mercenary Group is still on display and has not been cancelled.

The map is a forest with a radius of a hundred miles, and there are tall trees everywhere you can see, and you can't see the edge.

Of course, what can be shared must be the part that is consistent with the range scanned by other people's magic sky bracelets.

Staring at the map for a long time, Gu Pengpeng glanced at the palm-sized man sitting on Guan Mingxin's shoulder with a pair of short legs, and couldn't help asking:
"Jiujiu, Jiujiu, why did you set your destination here before?

Isn’t it often said in the cultivation world that all forests are dangerous? "

"That statement only counts in relation to a typical wilderness area."

"Right now, the Zerg recorded in history have appeared in this Yuan 8468 wilderness area.

In addition, there is also a kind of alien energy that is slowly infecting all the creatures here, causing them to go crazy out of control, and even go completely mad, reducing them to walking corpses that have lost their spirituality.I call this kind of heterogeneous energy 'demonic filth', the process of infection is called 'contamination', and the walking dead who have lost their spirituality after being polluted are called 'contaminated creatures', or zombies for short . "

"The lower the level of the creature, the more likely it is to be infected with alien energy, and the faster it will be contaminated.

In the forest, due to the higher concentration of the vitality of heaven and earth, a large number of spiritual creatures and treasures are bred, including many natural treasures.

Therefore, it attracted high-level Yuanzhi Yuanzhi to stay in the forest and enjoy this resource-rich treasure land. "

“Although the creatures in the forest are of higher levels, most of them have higher combat capabilities than us.

However, it is precisely because of their high level that even if they are contaminated and contaminated by alien energy, they still retain their reason and spirituality.

Instead of facing the zombies who have no spirituality and are not afraid of life and death, I think everyone should be more willing to fight the rational and spiritual beast Yuan Zhi. "

"Even the Zerg will be intimidated by the power of the high-level beast Yuan Zhi and will not enter the forest in large numbers."

She already knew that except for Guan Mingchen, who was absolutely reliable around her master, Jiujiu had an extremely cold attitude toward everyone else.

Even the blood servants who could not betray Guan Mingxin were no exception.

Not to mention Yan Zhiqi and other people with malicious intentions.

However, looking at the cute little bun who was about the same age as her master, Jiujiu was not too harsh and just explained in a business-like tone without any emotion.

Ever since she learned the true identity of those people, Jiujiu has developed the habit of venomous tongue. No one wants to face the attack power of that little mouth unless necessary.

Gu Pengpeng asked the question they also wanted to know, and the others breathed a visible sigh of relief, thankful that they had escaped.

However, in order to prevent Jiujiu from getting angry because of their little actions, they hurriedly spoke in an attempt to divert Jiujiu's attention.

"Evil aura? Zombies? That's quite appropriate. Jiujiu is indeed the most powerful."

As a natural wood spirit body that is sensitive to life, Gu Chenxi has long discovered the strangeness of various creatures in the wilderness area of ​​Yuan 8468.

It's just that he couldn't think of the right words to describe it for a while. After hearing Jiujiu's explanation, he was the first to agree with Jiujiu's statement.

"Oh, I remembered it too!
Among the bugs and yuan beast corpses we analyzed earlier, part of the aura seems to be the complete state of tainted creatures, while another part is in the process of complete transformation into tainted creatures.

No wonder there were so many scraps at that time. I was still wondering, thinking that this was a unique feature of the Yuan 8468 wilderness area. "

Min Yuchen slapped his forehead and looked like he suddenly realized something.

You have to be so deliberate and deliberate, it's just annoying to the eyes.

Jiujiu couldn't bear it and rolled her eyes, then she flashed back into Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​soul and consciousness, out of sight.

Jiujiu, the poisonous little devil, disappeared. Guan Mingxin obviously felt that everyone else had relaxed a lot. While feeling funny in her heart, she was also touched by Jiujiu's childish behavior of venting her anger on her.

Others didn't know Guan Mingxin's inner thoughts, so they continued to discuss the previous topic of Min Yuchen. (End of chapter)

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