Like countless times before, the only ones who spoke were Yan Zhiqi, Shi Jiajia, Guo Xinlang, Ou Lu, Shi Shalan, Zhongsun Lexing, Min Yuchen, Shao Qian, Yu Longhan, Gu Chenxi, Wei Xuan, Gu Pengpeng, Gu Huanhuan 13 people.

The younger members of the Guan family and the blood servants were all silent listeners.


It seems like it’s really what Achen said!
But having said that, no matter what state they are in, as long as they are infected by the alien energy, we have discovered the existence of blood ingot essence after analysis.

Could it be that this demonic filth can also give birth to blood ingots and precious essence? ! ! "

Guo Xinlang held her chin, blinking her big, watery eyes, with a thoughtful look on her face.

"That should be it.

Blood Yuanbao Essence will appear in the bodies of creatures polluted by this demonic and filthy air.

The blood ingot essence is the condensed body of all the cultivation bases of living beings and the essence of flesh and blood.

Why do I have a demonic and filthy aura that forces living beings to condense the essence in their bodies on their own? It’s terrifying to think about it..."

When Shi Jiajia heard this, her eyes suddenly widened. She was frightened by her own thoughts.

"Never mind the effect of this evil odor, we just need to remember not to eat anything here, including drinking water.

If possible, even domestic water should not touch the natural water sources here. "

"Even the collected spiritual objects and treasures must be stored separately to avoid contact with other items. If there is any evil contamination, it will be troublesome.

After thoroughly checking that no evil or foul energy remains, these spiritual objects and treasures can be taken out or used or stored regularly. "

"Yes, yes, this is important.

In addition, I suspect that we Yuanwu masters cannot completely resist the evil spirit, especially after being injured. "

"Well, makes sense.

In this way, in the next battle, we must protect ourselves and never get hurt. "

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

I agree with this proposal, even if it consumes more energy stones, just make sure we don't get hurt. "

"Yes, you can make more money if you don't have it, but you only have this life."

Yan Zhiqi's usual gentleness and warmth were gone, replaced by a rare solemnity.

Everyone was talking to each other, and at this time they also realized how difficult the matter was.

We are not ungrateful people, and we have kept in mind the key to not getting hurt.

They are not misers. No matter how important money is, it is not as important as one's own life.

When life is gone, nothing is left.

Guan Mingxin did not participate in their discussion, but he listened to their words.

Her mind quickly imagined various ways to save her life.

Suddenly, a special magical weapon in the bloodline inheritance caught Guan Mingxin's attention.

After understanding the function of this special magic weapon, Guan Mingxin felt that it was very suitable for the current situation.

That special magic weapon is called Shuanghua Mirror Badge.It is recorded in Guan Mingxin's bloodline inheritance that the Shuanghua Mirror Badge is only the size of a baby's fist and can be worn as a badge. Its shape can be adjusted according to the owner's preference. It is a magical weapon that can be grown and upgraded.

Its prototype comes from a magical instrument called the Space Compass, which has five functions: tracking, marking, drawing, messaging, and directional transmission.

Later, after an improvement by a master forger, the cosmic compass, which was originally only ten centimeters in diameter, retained its five original functions, added four new functions, and reduced its appearance to the point where it could serve as a The level of the badge became the favorite status badge of the major forces at that time.

This is the origin of the Shuanghua Mirror Badge.

Of course, from the sublimation of the Zhoukong Compass to the Shuanghua Mirror Shadow Badge, the difficulty of refining it has increased a lot, and the price has soared to a hundred times the original price!
The four new functions are concealment, energy storage, mirror image, and guardian shield.

Concealment can completely hide the information recorded in the badge. It will also produce an invisible frost mist that blocks the user's breath from escaping. If necessary, it can also provide the user with a stealth function for a certain period of time.

Energy storage means that the energy in the body can be input into the badge and stored, and the stored energy can be mobilized and re-incorporated into the user's body anytime and anywhere when needed.

Mirror image, as the name suggests, is to bounce back.

The invisible frost mist that exists all the time on the badge can bounce back 100% of the attack when it feels the user is being attacked. Whether it is tangible magic, or invisible spiritual knowledge, spiritual knowledge, poisonous gas, etc., as long as the badge If the energy inside is sufficient, it can rebound 100%.

The guardian shield is passively activated when the user encounters fatal danger. According to the energy in the badge, the intensity of the guardian shield changes accordingly.

If the energy in the badge is too low, the protective shield will cost the badge self-destruction in exchange for the user's life to avoid a fatal blow.

For the above four functions, in addition to energy storage, the energy sources required for the other three functions can be actively input by the user who recognizes the owner, can also directly extract the stored energy in the badge, or can be embedded into the badge. Provided by the energy stone of the energy groove on the surface.

Among them, the energy grooves are hidden inside the badge when not in use.

When the energy stone needs to be embedded, it can be activated by the thought of the user who recognizes the owner.

What Guan Mingxin likes is the two functions of mirror shadow and protective shield.

Of course, other functions are also very good, but they can cover up the existence of the Magic Sky Bracelet.

The only fly in the ointment is that the Shuanghua Mirror Badge cannot be forged by the current Guan Mingxin.

Fortunately, both Yingchu and Yingsu are all-powerful high-level puppets, and Wuyou shares all her current abilities with them. She can only refine the elemental level Shuanghua Mirror Shadow Badge, so it is still easy to refine it. of.

As a result, Guan Mingxin secretly ordered Yingchu Yingsu in the Dharma House to make the Shuanghua Mirror Badge as soon as possible.

After Guan Mingxin withdrew her thoughts, Jiujiu secretly felt out a trace of consciousness and contacted Yingchu and Yingsu:

"You two have forged Master's frost mirror badge to the ultimate level that you can currently achieve.

Guan Mingchen's one is slightly inferior.

For other family members and blood servants, lower it to another level.

As for the remaining 13 people, use the worst formula. While retaining all functions, use low-end materials as much as possible to reduce costs.

If possible, for the last thirteen, it would be best to change the function that can be used for a long time to one that is time-sensitive and will be automatically destroyed when the time is up.

Furthermore, conditions for use are attached to various functions, which increases energy consumption.

Hum hum, let them have bad intentions, the master is kind, I, Jiu Jiu, am not a vegetarian. "

I was just out of anger at the wave that dragged Uotaki Hanya to the end.

If it weren't for Yu Longhan, his master wouldn't have encountered those terrible people and things. (End of chapter)

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