Chapter 547 Decoy
The crisis of annihilation warned by Heaven refers to the upcoming war between the three races, not the evil atmosphere, polluted creatures, zombies and the like.

Of course, these are also bad factors that endanger the world.

If possible, it naturally needs to be eliminated.

But don’t we have time now?
What's more, the senior officials of the Yuanwu Dao Alliance mistakenly believed that this evil spirit was caused by the demon spies who came to the Baizhan Realm in advance, and that it was a sign that the war between the three clans was about to begin, rather than other events.

Because of this misunderstanding, this reexamination took place.

Just as those who consulted had guessed, the wilderness area No. 8468 of the Chi Yuan Domain where the demonic aura first appeared became the re-examination venue.

As various news spread, the candidates finally understood why there were no specific requirements for the assessment content of this re-examination!
The reason why there are no specific requirements is because as long as they can survive in such an environment of annihilation crisis, it will be the best answer for this re-examination!
In fact, at the edge of the Baizhan Realm, changes have occurred just like the wilderness area No. 8468. There are many demonic and filthy auras that have defiled all living things.

However, except for the fact that all the residents in these places were evacuated, no one intervened, and no one took action to hunt down the creatures polluted by the evil spirit, but allowed them to mutate on their own.

Even the Zerg race, which was famous for its cruelty in history, was blocked from invading because of this strange evil aura.

This is a fortune among misfortunes.

After all, with the Zerg invasion controlled by the advanced Zerg that unlocks intelligence, just looking at the history can make people terrified, let alone directly facing this Zerg that is obviously an evolved Zerg.

In the current situation, even if the Zerg after being defiled is still a big trouble that cannot be avoided, at least it is just based on the instinctive desire to eat, and will not organize an effective attack, but it gives Baizhanjie a training opportunity. Opportunity.

As for whether the plundering and plundering scenes recorded in historical records will reoccur in the future, all intelligent races are well aware that this is inevitable.

It is even very possible that high-level beings with spiritual intelligence will evolve from those polluted creatures!

Didn't you see that after those tainted creatures attacked all the living creatures, they started to devour each other?
And after devouring each other layer by layer, the ones left behind will definitely be more powerful zombies!
These candidates who participated in the re-examination actually served as collectors of various data.

The Yuanwu Dao Alliance will publish some information in real time based on the performance of the referents, so that other intelligent races that have already learned about the early signs of the annihilation crisis caused by the war between the three races can be prepared and enter the world in the best condition. War preparation stage.

Yes, until now, more areas contaminated by demonic odor have been discovered, and the senior officials of the Yuanwu Dao Alliance still feel that it is the work of demon spies.
But in fact, the real demon spies are still blocked outside the world barrier of Baizhan Realm and have not entered.

It is Yuan Neng Fantasy Domain that performs the blocking task.

After the Yuan Neng Fantasy Realm is closed, those spies can enter the Baizhan Realm for advance deployment of the battlefield.

The Yuanwu Dao League, which currently knows nothing about this, is still working hard to collect data from the candidates who took the retest.

Among them, the blood ingot essence discovered by the traceability mercenary group has become the biggest hot topic. It has been on the homepage of major websites in Yuan Neng Fantasy Realm for a long time, making those who usually make headlines depressed, but there is nothing they can do about it.

The contents of the ancient jade slip that had been deliberately aged were also announced.

Of course, these measures were all implemented after obtaining the consent of the traceability mercenary group.

As for the identity information of the traceable mercenary group, it was naturally effectively hidden to prevent them from being harmed.

Because of this, the traceability mercenary group and the others have received an admission notice from the Wanxiang Sect, the number one force in the Hundred Wars Realm.When the Wanxiang Sect's admission notice was sent to each of their Yuanxun magic weapons, that is, the Huantian bracelet that swallowed the Yuanxun magic weapon, Guan Mingxin and the others had just finished hunting a Dark Light Blazing Ape. We are preparing to start collaborative analysis.

The first one to be analyzed was naturally the Blood Yuanbao Essence.

After Yan Zhiqi threw the Blood Yuanbao Essence, which weighed ten kilograms and was twenty centimeters in diameter, to Guan Mingxin, he asked very calmly and casually:

"Baby, since we have obtained the ultimate goal of participating in the retest in advance, do you think we should exit this wilderness area No. 8168 now?"

"No, not yet.

Right now is an excellent opportunity to gain experience and obtain the Blood Yuanbao Essence.

You all should take this opportunity to upgrade your ethereal beasts to a higher level.

Now that the Yuanwu Dao Alliance has announced the existence of the Blood Yuanbao Essence, it must be obvious that the Blood Yuanbao Essence has become a priceless and unmarketable treasure.

If we leave the Yuan 8468 Wilderness Area, in the short term, it may be difficult to have the opportunity to hunt for Blood Yuanbao Essence as unscrupulously as we do now.

Even if we have enough money, compared to the buyer's market in the entire Baizhan Realm, if we want to purchase a sufficient amount of Blood Yuanbao Essence, I'm afraid it's still far from enough. "

Upon hearing Yan Zhiqi's tentative inquiry, Guan Ming refused without thinking.

I thought to myself that it seemed that I would not be able to act alone in the short term.

Guan Mingchen: With me here, you still want to act alone? !

Looking around, he saw the dissatisfaction flashing across the faces of Gu Pengpeng and Gu Huanhuan when they heard that they could not leave the wilderness area No. 8468 immediately. After a pause, Guan Mingxin added:
“Of course, the above is just my guess, maybe what I said is wrong.

If you want to withdraw early, you can. After all, you have already received the admission notice and it is too dangerous here. "

Guan Mingxin knew very well that when the staff of the Yuanwu Dao League contacted their traceability mercenary group, he was the first to agree to release the contents of the Blood Yuanbao Essence and the Ancient Jade Slips for free. At that time, it had already aroused the attention of Yan Zhiqi and others people's dissatisfaction.

However, since the video link of the Yuanwu Dao League staff had not been disconnected, they could not say anything. After all, Guan Mingxin discovered the ancient jade slip.

After that, the staff of the Yuanwu Dao Alliance proposed to be admitted to the Wanxiang Sect as a reward for their group, which made the dissatisfied people temporarily calm down.

However, this time, Guan Mingxin's decision to refuse to evacuate Yuan 8468 Wilderness Area in advance has once again stirred up the previously suppressed dissatisfaction.

If Guan Mingxin hadn't added another sentence later, someone might have burst out.

But even so, the mood of those people was obviously bad. The representative figures were the twins Gu Pengpeng and Gu Huanhuan.

(End of this chapter)

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