Guan Ming clearly understood this point, but was unwilling to give in.

Just because she kept silent on weekdays didn't mean that Guan Mingxin was willing to give up the best opportunity to improve herself.

Even if this opportunity is accompanied by the crisis of death every moment.

But Guan Mingxin’s thoughts do not represent other people’s thoughts.

Especially after Guan Mingxin deliberately reduced her influence on the Traceability Mercenary Group and the Junying Mercenary Group, her willingness to Guan Mingxin was no longer enough to convince the public.

Even if they know very well that following Fuyuan's deep Guan Mingxin, they will definitely gain a lot.

What's more, there are more than one or two people who want to exit the Yuan 8468 wilderness area early.

Just because, the moment they received the Wanxiang Sect's admission notice, the re-examination for all members of their traceable mercenary group had ended early.

Any performance from this point on will not be graded.

In other words, from now on, any of their actions in the Yuan 8468 wilderness area will no longer be protected by the Yuan Martial Arts Alliance.

Even if he is on the verge of death, no one will come to his rescue.

Even the positioning transmission symbol carried on the body has only two hours of effective use time from the moment the admission notice is received.

After two hours, if they have not left the Yuan 8468 wilderness area, the Yuan Martial Arts Alliance will completely ignore them.

Unless they can survive until the re-examination of other candidates is completed, they will be taken back together.

Losing the privilege of being secretly guarded by the invigilators puts them in a much higher risk than other examinees.

Once they encounter a life-and-death crisis, they can only rely on themselves!

How could other people be indifferent to such an obvious thing?

No, with what Guan Mingxin added later, seven people stood up and expressed that they wanted to leave early.

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin didn't say anything more, but just nodded to indicate that he understood.

The seven people didn't waste any more nonsense. They crushed the positioning teleportation talisman and disappeared from Guan Mingxin's sight.

The departure of the seven people caused three of the remaining people to waver.

After much hesitation, the three people still crushed the positioning teleportation talisman with shameful expressions.

At this time, apart from the Guan family and the blood servants, the only ones left were Yu Longhan, Yan Zhiqi and Gu Chenxi.

Guan Mingxin knew that Yu Longhan would not leave her, so she set her sights on Yan Zhiqi and Gu Chenxi.

Both of them had gentle temperaments. Faced with Guan Mingxin's confused look, Yan Zhiqi smiled:
"I think Bao Bao's suggestion is very good, but the life-saving items we carry are too few and are not enough to protect everyone.

So they left first to avoid being unable to save them all in case of crisis.

As for myself, what I carry can protect me for about seven days.

It's a pity that after seven days, the positioning teleportation talisman has long lost its effect.

So I had no choice but to leave early.

Before I leave, I will give you all my equipment, hoping to provide you with some help.

Goodbye baby, see you again at Wanxiang Sect! "

As he spoke, Yan Zhiqi thrust a storage ring into Guan Mingxin's hand, waved his hand and crushed the location teleportation talisman.

Now all that was left was to look at Chen Xi.

Guan Mingxin still stared at him silently, wanting to see if he had something to say before leaving.

At this time, the Guan family and the blood servants were also staring at Gu Chenxi with interest.

Even Yu Longhan is no exception.Being stared at by dozens of people, the expression on Gu Chenxi's face did not change at all. He still acted like a gentle and elegant nobleman. He shrugged and spread his hands in a helpless manner:

“Hey, I’m not as rich as A Qi.

Baobao was right before, now is the best opportunity to hunt for the Blood Yuanbao Essence.After leaving the Yuan 8468 Wilderness Area, with my family’s financial resources, I simply couldn’t buy the amount of Blood Yuanbao Essence my family needed.

But I don’t want to give up the opportunity to improve my combat power.

If you can't afford it, you have to hunt it yourself.

So, I can only stay and give it a try. "

Guan Mingxin believed Gu Chenxi's explanation.

Gu Feng and Gu Yifei really don't have much money on hand.

In fact, if Guan Mingxin is willing, there will be no problem at all for everyone in the traceability mercenary group to survive until the retest is over.

After all, Guan Mingxin, who has all kinds of trump cards, really doesn't think it is difficult to protect dozens of minors except himself.

But the key point is that Guan Mingxin doesn't want to be taken advantage of anymore!

It has subtly allowed others to "recognize" that Guan Mingxin's "specialness" is not too outrageous. The "good things" in him are also limited and cannot bring him too many benefits. How can others be willing to waste time to please Guan Mingxin? ?

In this way, they subconsciously paid much less attention to Guan Mingxin. How could they know that Guan Mingxin was unwilling to provide them with more "good things" than they could imagine? !

As a result, other people who felt that they were benefiting less naturally began to treat Guan Mingxin and Yu Longhan with contempt.Guan Mingxin thought to himself, if they didn't need the Junying mercenary group to cover them, they might have left the traceability mercenary group long ago.

However, separation is not far away now.

Presumably, after successfully meeting their parents, it will be an established fact that they quit the traceability mercenary group.

As for the Guan family and the Blood Servants, they have long been completely ignored by them.

A group of almost invisible guys who don't even participate in the daily fun. Who still remembers them? !
Sure enough, without much effort, Guan Mingxin received a notice that 11 people had quit the traceability mercenary group.

In fact, no matter if they left, Guan Mingxin really didn't want to act in front of them anymore.

The acceptance letter from Wanxiang Sect should be regarded as her reward for Guan Mingxin's "care" for her since they met.

But Guan Mingxin took back the Huantian Bracelet and Shuanghua Mirror Badge.

Even before they were sent out, Jiujiu had acted as a backup to ensure that they would be recovered as soon as they left the traceability mercenary group.

The same is true for the Junying Mercenary Group. Yu Ling also received notices from many members to withdraw from the group.

Even Gu Feng and Gu Yifei were no exception.

Naturally, Jiujiu took back the Huantian bracelets of everyone who left the Junying mercenary group, and formatted them all and stored them in Guan Mingxin's Purple Lotus bracelet.

As for the things that someone stored in the storage compartment of the Huantian Bracelet, Jiujiu accepted them with a smile.

Think of it as compensation for the mental loss of your owner.

Guan Mingxin's spiritual consciousness scanned the Huantian Bracelet and Shuanghua Mirror Badge retrieved from the Purple Lotus Bracelet, and found that there was no trace or breath of recognition on them, and they were still clean.

It's like he has never been recognized as his master.

In fact, it is true.

Long Jue recently felt that her arms were numb when she woke up every day. She went to the hospital for a checkup today and was shocked. The result was severe blood loss and rheumatism!And it has been delayed for too long. It was originally a minor illness, but it has become troublesome to treat. Maybe I will have to fight for a long time (/_\).

Carrying back a bunch of Chinese medicines to prepare jars of medicine is really hard work...

It's too late to come back from the hospital. It's the second update today. You guys must go to the hospital early if you don't feel well. Don't be like Long Jue and wait too long. A minor illness will become serious.

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