Chapter 555 Dispatch Logistics Department

But their surnames were actually the same as some of the surnames that appeared in the family history that he had memorized. Why didn't Yu Longhan get interested?
But when Yu Longhan looked at his little highness, the worry in his eyes suddenly stopped.

Then he twitched his lips in a self-deprecating manner.

I really shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't, thinking that His Highness would show a different expression besides facial paralysis.

My worries and worries are just asking for trouble.

I think back on how much effort I had to put in before my little Highness half-heartedly recognized her noble status!
What's more, not long after, the memory was suddenly and inexplicably sealed by a mysterious power. It would be strange for His Highness to know the secrets of the Xuanyuan clan!

Yu Longhan didn't know why his sealed memory was loosened a little after seeing the personal information of the six people, but he didn't want to reveal anything.

Without him, what if he hurts his little highness?
No one else knows what Yu Longhan's heart is going through.

In this way, in full view of the public, six new members of the traceable mercenary group were born.

So far, the total number of members of the Traceability Mercenary Group has reached 44.

In view of Guan Mingxin's weird attitude, other members of the original traceability mercenary group did not reject their new partners.

So, after a short silence, everyone pretended to have forgotten the previous scenes and turned their attention to their new identities.

"The Yuanwu Army of the Yuanwu Dao Alliance!
Gee, I never thought that one day I would have such an enviable and jealous status. "

Guan Mingxue smiled self-deprecatingly, and the fingers casually placed on his knees tapped lightly involuntarily, indicating that his heart was not as careless as his words said.

"Xiao Si, you should say that joining the army before adulthood is a life plan that I have never had before!

Whether it is the Yuanwu Army or an army from any force. "

Guan Mingjia patted Guan Mingxue on the shoulder, half to comfort and half to ridicule.

"Isn't there a saying that 'plans often fail to keep up with changes'?"

Guan Mingning, a violent female dragon who has always been carefree, also started to joke in response to the situation, which actually made everyone's anxiety dissipate a lot.

Shi Deyu habitually argued:

"It can only be said that the world is changing so fast that your life plans will be nipped in the bud before they even come into being."

Shi Deyu is one of Guan Mingxin's blood servants, a direct descendant of the Shi family and the eldest grandson of the patriarch Shi Guanhe.

After the 22 grandchildren of the deceased Guan Zhen of the Guan family recognized their ancestors, Shi Deyu was attracted by Guan Mingning, the ninth eldest granddaughter of the Guan family.

Over time, this attraction turned into love.

But Guan Mingning has a fiery personality and a straight temper. She never thought that Shi Deyu tried his best to get close to her because he liked her. Instead, she felt that the guy was constantly provoking her.

Therefore, when Guan Mingning met Shi Deyu, she couldn't hold back her temper and wanted to choke.

Shi Deyu is also a wonderful person.

He didn't feel sad at all when he was choked on, but he responded even harder.

The two of them went back and forth, and gradually became a happy couple in the eyes of everyone.

Just like the scene just now.

On the contrary, Guan Mingning had a rare change of temper this time. Hearing this, he just gave Shi Deyu a pair of big eye rolls and was too lazy to argue with him.

Shi Deyu, who didn't wait for the daily arguments, didn't care. He ignored the meaningful looks of other friends and looked at Guan Mingning with a look of doting, helplessness, and concealed love.

"Oh my god, we are actually the real Scouts in the Scout Project that have ever appeared in history!"

"Really, we are all Scouts. Well, my brothers and sisters are all underage, so they can barely be considered Scouts." "No, my brothers and sisters are not Scouts. They are young sergeants. Only those under 15 years old can They are considered children, they are just small, Bao Bao, Beibei and I are Scouts."

"Is that so? No matter what, no matter whether we are Scouts or Junior Sergeants, we are the best!"

"Yes, yes, we are all the best!"


Guan Mingwen, Guan Minglun, Shi Defei, Xu Lian and other younger ones were too lazy to pay attention to the lawsuits of the older children and just chatted on their own.

Listening to their childish words, the older brothers and sisters, including the six new friends, felt the last trace of uneasiness in their hearts disappear.

The crisis of annihilation has arrived!
In such a crisis, survival is the priority!
No matter how they had such a strange "fate" to meet each other, and were "lucky" to be assigned to the Yuanwu Army, no matter what the people behind it were, what tricks they had...

All of this is unimportant in the face of an existential crisis!
With a rare opportunity to rest in peace, the 44 people from the traceability mercenary group did not eagerly contact and communicate with their comrades in the assigned units like other candidates who were given this opportunity. Instead, they had a short chat After the team meeting, they washed up in the dormitory assigned to their team and fell asleep deeply.

Their unusual behavior also eliminates the opportunity for people with other intentions to have direct contact with them in the short term.

Because those people would leave this camp exclusively for the Yuanwu Army the next day.

After a good sleep, Guan Mingxin and the others put on the uniforms of the Yuanwu Army and were full of energy waiting for their first mission after joining the army. Unexpectedly, all they waited for was the command to "go to the Logistics Department to train on your own."

Even his immediate superior’s face was not revealed at all!
Not understanding the reason, Guan Mingzhou didn't bother to guess his boss's thoughts, so he planned to follow his previous habits and continue to let the members of the traceability mercenary group practice analysis, dispensing, casting, etc.

Even the new six people are no exception.

For this reason, Guan Mingzhou also asked Guan Mingxin for six sets of analysis tools that were the same as those of the old members.

After the six newcomers refined the analysis tool set and recognized their master, they also began the mechanical and boring analysis process.

As for the materials used to practice, there are countless.

The combat effectiveness of the Yuanwu Army is also among the best among the advance forces of the entire Alliance Army.

There are so many zombies, mutated animals and plants that are hunted every day that there is no time to deal with them.

Those that can be recovered and sent to the logistics force for analysis and processing are the "high-quality products" among them.

As for the vast majority of the remaining prey carcasses, they only ingested blood ingot essence.

In this way, more and more bodies are sent back to the logistics department every day.

There were so many rookies like Guan Mingxin that they were roped into the team that disposed of the corpses.

"[An Xin An Xin]: So many blood ingot essences! I really want to...suck, suck, suck..."

"[Izayoi no Izayo]: Upstairs, you can chat privately with number 9999."

"[Master of Displacement]: Is the Blood Yuanbao Essence some kind of treasure? Can it be traded? I want it too!"

"[Huahua is a pig]: And me! And me!"

"[System Jiujiu]: The owner of the Blood Yuanbao Essence is not ready to trade for the time being. It is not safe."

"[Poor Ghost Lang Tianya]: That's right. People are watching the anchor all the time. It's very difficult to hide the blood ingot essence."


The viewers in the time and space live broadcast room were also surprised by the Yuanwu Army's harvest, and they also had the idea of ​​​​blood Yuanbao Essence.

Fortunately, Jiujiu responded promptly and dispelled their thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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