After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 556 The phantom realm of Yuan Neng disappears

Chapter 556 The phantom realm of Yuan Neng disappears

Just when Guan Mingxin and her friends' traceability team were practicing the analysis technique crazily, the Yuan Neng Fantasy Realm suddenly disappeared.

Along with the disappearance of the Yuan Neng Fantasy Realm, the barriers between the originally hierarchical nine realms also disappeared.

Leylines are forced to move, looking for the most suitable and stable framework.

When everything returned to calm, it was already two days later.

During this period, all creatures in the Hundred Battles Realm fell into deep sleep.

Including zombies and mutant animals and plants.

Two days later, after waking up, they seamlessly resumed their previous behaviors.

It was as weird as if time had stood still for the past two days.

What's even more frightening is that all living creatures have no reaction to the disappearance of the Yuan Energy Fantasy Realm and the changes in the earth's veins.

It was as if the Yuan Neng Fantasy Realm had never appeared. The original Hundred Battle Realm was also a different area of ​​the nine realms in the same space. It was not isolated by any layered barriers and could only be accessed through the Realm Teleportation Array.

The Miracle Trial Space, which could only be entered by relying on the Yuan Neng Illusion Realm, has also changed its entry method.

From the previous method of simply connecting the Yuan Xun Magical Artifact to the Yuan Neng Fantasy Realm and being able to enter it anytime and anywhere, it has become a method where exclusive keys are randomly thrown out in the Miracle Trial Space, and only those who obtain the keys can enter.

Fortunately, all the trialists who have entered the Miracle Trial Space before have automatically obtained the entry key.

The miracle bracelets that appeared on the right wrists of those trialists who had already entered in person were still retained.

The functions remain unchanged.

In addition to the above changes, the most worrying thing for Baizhan Realm is that spies from the three tribes of humans, demons, and demons who were originally blocked from the world barrier have come in.

If we were still the original Baizhanjie, we wouldn't be afraid no matter how many spies came.

Anyway, no matter how high your cultivation level is and no matter how much energy you have in your body, you can't display it.

Even small cleaning spells such as dust removal, which require minimal energy consumption, cannot be cast.

Some people may say that since you can't cast spells by yourself, what about using magic tools that can be activated without energy?

The answer is: Same as spells, no!

It's not that the original rules of the Hundred Battles Realm were so harsh that they couldn't use magic weapons, talismans, and seals.

It just restricts the use of any storage items.

No matter it is a high-level mustard space that can allow living creatures to enter.

Or even the most basic storage devices, such as storage bags, can be accessed at will by ordinary people without the need to identify the owner.

None of them can be used.

Naturally, the magic weapon talisman and seal stored in the storage device cannot be taken out.

Maybe someone will come up with another possibility.

That means don't put it in a storage device, just hide it close to your body and bring it into the Hundred Battles Realm, right?
Ha ha.

You really don’t take the world’s barriers seriously!
Those magic tools, talismans, seals and other things that can be activated without energy are often not of high quality.

The world barrier of an ordinary small world can damage items below the immortal level. If it is replaced by the Baizhan World with special rules, it is already very good without letting those spies slip in naked. Cut!
Didn’t you see that those spies put all the storage devices into their bodies?

However, after several changes, the current Baizhan Realm is no longer the original Baizhan Realm.

There are no restrictions on casting spells and using storage devices.

Although the current world barrier protection capability of Baizhanjie has been improved many times compared with the original one, it still cannot stop outsiders from entering.What's more, the disappearance of Yuan Neng Fantasy Realm directly reduced the defense of the world barrier by half!

It is also a strange thing to say.

There have been many changes in the Baizhan Realm, but there has never been any relevant message from the outside world.

Even when the ruins of the underground palace that attracted the nearby cultivation worlds to build large teleportation formations appeared, after the fragments of the former Ji Hua Realm were integrated into the Baizhan Realm, the relevant news from the outside world also mysteriously disappeared.

Even the cultivators who have personally entered the Hundred War Realm and gained a lot from the ruins of the underground palace have not retained this part of their memories.

As for the items they obtained from the underground palace ruins, their memories were cleverly grafted with other similar experiences, which did not arouse their suspicion.

Later, the integration and reorganization of Baizhan Realm, Xinghan World and the Ancient Nine Spirits Holy Tower caused quite a stir, and even attracted the attention of the big guys in the God Realm!

But as it turned out, things calmed down quickly.

Not a word of wind came out.

So much so that the beings of the three tribes of humans, monsters, and demons who decided to place the battlefield for resources in the Hundred Battles Realm still thought that the Hundred Battles Realm was still a place of exile that was frightening and could stop children from crying.

For this reason, the spies from the three tribes who came to inquire about the situation tried their best to pass the blame to each other, hoping to hand this extremely heavy burden to others.

All kinds of conspiracies and tricks emerge in endlessly.

Those who were finally pushed out were either unaccompanied people or the unlucky ones who were framed.

No one went there voluntarily!
They thought that going this time would inevitably result in a narrow escape or even death.

Before setting off, except for the advanced map that was forced to bring a fairy-level weapon that could automatically capture the landscape environment, everything else was just a life-saving thing.

Who would have thought that in addition to being blocked by the world barrier of the Hundred War Realm for nearly half a year, all the items on his body that were of immortal quality or below were damaged when he passed through the world barrier.

After actually entering the Baizhan Realm, I discovered that this place was not the legendary place where disasters were rampant, barren, desolate, and starved to death.

On the contrary, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the scenery is picturesque, and the products are rich. There are also many large and small cities in certain specific areas.

I originally imagined that the humanoid natives of the Hundred War Realm were as skinny as wood, numb and sluggish, drinking blood from their hair and wearing no clothes.

Instead, there is fullness of energy, happiness, good food and wine, and beautiful clothes.

There is also the bustle and bustle of the city in an orderly manner, with blooming flowers and busy traffic...

Compared with most small worlds outside, the Baizhan World in their eyes is more than 01:30 better!
They even had the idea of ​​staying in Baizhan Realm in their minds.

As the spies explored more areas, this idea became stronger.

When the spies discovered an area comparable to the top fairyland, this idea reached its peak!
Go to a fucking mission!

I/Mother quit!

Especially when he saw that other "colleagues" of his own clan and spies from the other two hostile clans did not leave Baizhan Realm to report the results of the mission to their superiors, the originally low "sense of responsibility" suddenly disappeared.

As for the zombies and mutated creatures found along the way, they didn't pay attention at all.

I just thought it was a "specialty" that existed in the Baizhan Realm.

As for the armies of the three tribes waiting outside Baizhan Realm, they waited and waited but never saw the spies returning, so they didn't think much about it.

Didn't you notice that it took those spies nearly half a year just to get through the world barrier of Baizhan Realm?
After finally getting in, it was normal not to come back alive.

That's right.

The senior officials of the three clans unanimously thought that all the first batch of spies had failed.

(End of this chapter)

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