Chapter 557: Is the Hundred Battle Realm so terrifying? (Pay off debt 71)

In the end, the spies who never returned were only evaluated by their respective senior management as "what a waste", and there was no follow-up.

After the spies spent another month in the Baizhan Realm in fear, they suddenly figured out the key.

While secretly smiling bitterly, I was even more grateful.

After confirming that all the first batch of spies had been "sacrificed", the outside leaders of the three clans sent a second batch.

This batch is much stronger than the previous ones, and they carry more life-saving items.

Now, the comparison comes out!
The second batch of spies passed through the world barrier of Baizhan Realm in less than ten days.

When the senior officials of the three tribes saw this result, they became more and more certain that the first batch of spies were too useless.

For this reason, the relevant personnel responsible for selecting the first batch of spies were specifically punished.

However, the good mood of the senior officials of the three tribes did not last long.

Because, after a month, the second batch of spies also left and never returned.

The senior officials of the three tribes were angry for a while, and then had to send out a third batch of spies.

A month has passed.

There is still no return.

Send the fourth batch.

There is still no return!

The senior officials of the three tribes were confused, is this Hundred War Realm so terrifying?

Even a Jinxian-level spy can't survive more than a month?
Unwilling to give up, they sent another batch.

The result.

Still the same.

Time and time again, the senior officials of the three tribes wanted to back down.

Since the Baizhan Realm is so dangerous, let’s change the battlefield!

But as soon as this thought came up, an inexplicable feeling immediately appeared.

They knew that this was a warning from the will of the universe.

If you want to use force to compete for the development rights of that small resource world, you can only choose the battlefield of Baizhanjie.

Don't solve it by force?

The senior officials of the three tribes just thought about it for a moment and gave up the idea invariably.

What a waste of time and energy.

Maybe other ethnic groups will discover that small world of resources.

By then, there will be more than two enemies.

As for giving up the fight for the development rights of the small world of resources, the top leaders of the three tribes have never thought about it.

But if we don’t know the internal situation of Baizhan Realm, is it possible to directly march in with an army?
As a result, military consumption will definitely double and then double again...

What if you finally get the right to develop the small resource world, only to find that you have consumed more materials than you can get? Wouldn't it be worth the loss? !
For a time, it turned out to be a dilemma of "there is a wolf in front but a tiger behind".

Think about it.

In the end, after some deliberations, the senior leaders of the three tribes decided that the armies of the three tribes would enter the Baizhan Realm at the same time!

Don't start a battle after entering. After each of you has chosen your base camp and arranged everything, start the battle!
During this period, it was natural to argue with each other and hold back each other.

But the senior officials of the three tribes don't care.

Just think of training in advance!

So, two months after the fifth batch of spies were dispatched, the three tribes of humans, monsters, and demons began to mobilize their personnel on a large scale.

The creatures of other races, who had heard a little bit about the war between the three tribes, also curiously focused their attention on the three tribes.

As soon as I inquired, I didn’t know why the war started, but the reason why the army was directly deployed to station in the Baizhan Realm was learned without asking.

For a time, the horror of Baizhan Realm was widely spread throughout the Liyuan Universe. While it was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it also aroused the curiosity of many practitioners.Especially those who claim to have extraordinary strength.

Among them, there are even people from the God Realm who are bored and want to have fun.

It is precisely because of this that when the armies of the three tribes of humans, demons, and demons were assembled and finally set out to enter the Baizhan Realm, they discovered that there was already a sea of ​​people outside the world barrier of the Baizhan Realm.

These people all plan to follow the armies of the three tribes and pass through the world barrier of the Baizhan Realm.

Although there are indeed people among these people who want to take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it.

But only a few.

More often than not, there are masters who can pass through the world barriers of the Hundred Battle Realm by themselves.

The reason why they were waiting outside together was because they didn't want to be used as pathfinding cannon fodder for the armies of the three tribes.

That's it.

For this situation, the senior officials of the three tribes had actually expected it.

This is also the reason why they did not block information related to Baizhanjie.

It's easier to get things done when there are more people.

Even if these people have all kinds of little ideas, when they really enter the Baizhan Realm, they will not be able to control themselves.

Until then, wouldn't it be a good idea to temporarily hire them as thugs?

I want to ask why the top leaders of the three tribes are so confident?

you still need to ask?

Haven't the horrors of the Hundred War Realm been confirmed by five batches of spies who never returned?

As for the spies' soul cards, soul lamps and other things that can prove life and death, there are no strange reasons, and the senior officials of the three tribes don't think it's a big deal.

Maybe it's the special rules in Baizhanjie that isolate the abilities of these items.

The armies of the three tribes and the free adventurers all have their own agendas, but they all maintain peace outside the world barrier of the Hundred War Realm with a tacit understanding.

Even when they begin to pass through the world's barriers, they will take the initiative to help those with low abilities.

Even though Jiuling had fallen asleep, the mechanical consciousness of heaven that remained still reacted instinctively to the entry of a large number of intruders.

The army of the three tribes and the free adventurers originally chose the location to pass through the world barrier. Once they entered, they were above a large city.

But under the control of the consciousness of heaven, it was replaced by an endless wilderness area.

It ensures that large numbers of invaders will not notice the indigenous people of Baizhan Realm immediately, giving the latter a chance to buffer and preserve more fire.

In fact, the appearance of the previous five batches of spies had already broken the peace of the Baizhan Realm.

The chaos caused by them is endless.

This is under the premise that the spies' cultivation levels have been suppressed and their highest abilities can reach the level of perfection in the Tribulation Stage.

When the Yuan Neng Fantasy Realm disappeared, the layered nine-story tower-like space merged into one, as if a big hand slapped down from the top of the tower and directly flattened the nine-story tower into a flat nine-story ring. Same.

The lowest mortal realm expands outward to become the first outermost ring.

Then there is the second ring of Chi Yuan Domain, and the third ring of Orange Yuan Domain...

By analogy, the original Immortal Yuan Domain on the top of the tower became the ninth ring.

After the nine-ring plane was formed, large and small spaces appeared out of thin air and randomly filled in it, tearing and twisting the regular rings.

So that the originally vast wilderness area became increasingly boundless.

The distance between the large and small safe zones, which were not close to each other, was once again widened.

This gave the opportunity for the consciousness of Heaven to change the entry point of a large number of invaders.

Otherwise, even if Jiuling takes action in person, some of the cities in the Baizhan Realm will inevitably be discovered immediately, triggering a series of uncontrollable events.

Of course, there is not much time left for the natives of Baizhan Realm at the moment.

Perhaps, a large number of spies have already moved in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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