After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 562: Lieutenant Xiaoguan, she just wants to farm

Chapter 562: Lieutenant Xiaoguan, she just wants to farm

It's just that Guan Mingxin, the second lieutenant, has no other subordinates except the less than 50 team members assigned to him when he first joined the Yuanwu Army.

Originally, with Guan Mingxin's military rank, he could be in charge of a platoon with a minimum standard of 1000 people.

Guan Mingxin didn't care about this.

As cannon fodder on the front line of the human-demonic battlefield, although Guan Mingxin and the others were assigned to the logistics department to avoid the danger of dying directly on the battlefield, they were also quite marginalized in the logistics department.

Especially after the military ranks of the original human army were forcibly invalidated by the will of the universe, Guan Mingxin is the person with the highest military rank so far in the entire No. 20 District [-] Logistics Department.

For this reason, the boss of No. 20 District [-] Logistics Department didn't want to see Guan Mingxin at all, so he directly sent her and her team to an area at the edge of the rear, dropped a bunch of low-level Yuan Zhi seeds and ignored them.

The share that needs to be paid has not even been set.

Looking at the back of her immediate boss who was leaving quickly, Guan Mingxin curled her lips, and the reluctance and resentment she had pretended to have suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Oh! What a blessing from heaven! We have been assigned here again!"

Guan Mingxue jumped up on the spot and danced to express his excitement.

Everyone else had the same expression on their faces, excitement, fear, joy and satisfaction.


When they learned that they had been forcibly recruited as cannon fodder on the front lines of the adult army, they were already prepared to be escorted to death in front of the demon army.

Although they all have life-saving trump cards, in the ever-changing frontline battlefield, it is very likely that their trump cards will be destroyed before they can be used.

Unexpectedly, due to the age of their team leader, not only would they not be escorted to the front lines to die for the time being, they would also be sent to the safest and most marginal areas to farm.

Although this kind of safety is only relative to the front line facing the demon army.

But the little guys are very satisfied.

That's enough.

At the very least, they don't have to die in the short term and can continue to work hard to improve themselves.

As for Guan Mingxin, she had no other ideas.

She once again fell to the first level of the Qi Refining Stage. At this time, she just wanted to farm here quietly.

Revenge and revenge.

It’s better to wait until your cultivation level improves.

Although, Guan Mingxin had a hunch that he might suffer another decline in cultivation.

But at least now, she can still get a short period of peace here, and can farm and practice well.

I don't know if the person who left them here did it unintentionally or had good intentions, or if it was just a pure coincidence.

Anyway, Guan Mingxin and the others once again returned to the logistics station where the Yuanwu Army was forcibly taken away three days ago to handle the corpses of zombies and mutated creatures.

500 meters away is the spiritual field where Guan Mingxin almost fell down after receiving the last words from Master Dongfang Yingdai.

What surprised everyone even more was that in the spiritual field, most of the low-level primitive plants planted before were still alive.

Including the potatoes that Guan Mingxin originally wanted to harvest.

This is just great!

You no longer have to go hungry and set up camp.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble! Let's go pick up the potatoes first."

Guan Mingzhou used his spiritual sense to open the Huantian Bracelet and looked at the news he had just received. He calmly urged everyone to act quickly.

That news came from Jiujiu.

The content is the location of someone monitoring them and a video with no blind spots in all directions.

Jiujiu only sent this message to Guan Mingzhou and Guan Mingchen.Not even the owner of the house was notified.

He was afraid that if his master got hot-headed and wanted to kill the person who was monitoring him, it would be bad.

Guan Mingxin: Am I that stupid? !
Guan Mingzhou's reminder brought everyone back to their senses. After asking Guan Mingxin's opinion with their eyes, they all ran towards the spiritual field together.

Yu Longhan, who was lagging behind, looked at the seeds that everyone had deliberately ignored, shook his head, put them away, and followed.

Among the small spiritual fields, the ones with the highest level are those with one star in the spiritual level, which can be used as vegetables or eaten as fruits. The others are all ordinary-level vegetables and fruits.

No wonder the sergeants of the human army did not pick it.

It’s too ordinary!
Perhaps in the eyes of those soldiers who were born in the fairy world, the things grown in this small spiritual field are worse than the weeds on the roadside.

In fact, the truth is still like this.

No, the person responsible for monitoring Guan Mingxin and the others saw this scene through the monitoring water mirror, and immediately curled his lips in disdain:

“What a bunch of little country bumpkins!
Just those rags that no one wants to send to beggars, and yet they treat them as treasures!
I don’t know what the higher-ups are thinking, but they actually asked me, a great immortal, to monitor these little country bumpkins..."

The man grumbled a bit and kept staring for four or five days. After confirming that nothing unusual was found, he turned off the water mirror and went to practice on his own.

Although he didn't leave immediately, he no longer monitored him all the time with a water mirror.

A month later, the man stared with the water mirror around the clock for two days for the last time. He felt that there was really nothing to see, so he left with some of the surveillance footage recorded by the photo stone.

During this period, the man would also open the water mirror from time to time and look at it for a while.

As a result, naturally nothing was found wrong.

It looked like a group of little country bumpkins were clearing up wasteland and farming, and they didn't even have any decent planting skills.

As for cultivation, let alone it.

What are you practicing?

In addition to rough physical skills, it is the most basic "Qi-Entraining Technique" and the like.

Another month passed after that person left, but he never came back, and no other surveillance personnel appeared during this period. Only then did Jiujiu confirm that everyone did not need to cheat for the time being, so Busy informed everyone as soon as possible:
"It's safe for now!"

Although it was only four short words, Jiujiu still chose to send a message to her master through Huanxing instead of directly transmitting the message.

I was afraid that if someone with a higher level of cultivation was hiding in the dark and intercepted the content of the spiritual transmission.

As the weapon spirit of Huan Xing, it is easy for him to send a message to himself.

But before that, Jiujiu had never thought that there would be a day like this.

Originally, Jiujiu had no intention of telling her master that someone was secretly monitoring her.

But who made Guan Mingxin born with sharp five senses?

Even though she didn't find anything unusual, Guan Mingxin still felt that something was wrong. When she almost used the secret technique in the "Nine Revolutions of Chaos Creation" to find out, the frightened Jiujiu directly told the reason.

In fact, Guan Mingxin was just trying to scare Jiujiu.

It's a pity that she is alive now.

He will not do anything that is harmful to himself easily.

I just noticed that my cousin Guan Mingzhou seemed to be hiding something, and he couldn't find out the reason, so I just thought that I had told Jiujiu before to always pay attention to the things around me.

With Jiujiu's temperament, it is very likely that after discovering something is wrong, she would only explain the situation to a few specific people because she was worried about her master's mood.

Among those people, there must be the most responsible cousin Guan Mingzhou.

As expected, didn't this deception lead to the answer?

(End of this chapter)

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