Chapter 563 Farming Makes Me Happy
Knowing that someone was secretly watching, Guan Mingxin was not as impulsive and reckless as Jiujiu feared, but continued to open up wasteland and farm as if she didn't know anything.

Even in order to stabilize the others, Guan Mingxin proposed not to use the planter's exclusive small spells after everyone's houses were repaired, but to use other small spells of the same attribute instead, in order to achieve more detailed control of energy. .

They are all underage children, so they naturally have the innocence and imagination of children. When they heard that there was such a fun and interesting thing that could improve themselves, everyone immediately agreed.

There were a few strong-tempered ones who even used their own goodies as prizes, hoping to compete.

Seeing this scene, Guan Mingxin was even more satisfied, and he took advantage of the situation and promised a precious spiritual treasure as the first prize.

With Guan Mingxin's Lingzhen hanging, some people who had no enterprising spirit at first were inspired to fight.

This was the key reason why the monitor felt that Guan Mingxin and the others had confirmed their identity as little country bumpkins. They were opening up wasteland and farming, but they didn’t understand the exclusive spells of cultivators!

As for Guan Mingxin and the others, everyone actually gained more or less from the fun.

The worst part is that it also improves the control of the energy in one's Dantian and the effects of the spells released.

As for the cultivated fields and the things planted in the fields, they must be very different.

It doesn't matter if more than half of the seeds sown have not germinated, and even the small half that have germinated is miserable.

After more than a month, the best-growing ones were only one palm long, and the leaves were yellow and even had various gaps.

The seeds used were naturally those left to them by the No. 20 District [-] Logistics Department after they were originally distributed.

Now that the monitor in the dark is gone, everyone no longer needs to continue to waste those seeds.

With this in mind, Guan Mingxin walked out of the camp first and walked towards the spiritual field 50 meters away.

In order to confuse the secret monitor, Guan Mingxin did not let everyone reclaim more wasteland in the past two months. He only let everyone reclaim one acre and then stopped.

Anyway, one acre of land is enough for everyone to perform various small spells.

Guan Mingxin himself was no exception. This time he only cultivated one acre.

However, Guan Mingxin had cultivated a small piece of spiritual land here before, a little more than two acres. Everyone else had tacitly protected the two acres of mature spiritual land and tried to avoid it when casting small spells. of.

Ninety percent of the germinated seeds came from these two acres of spiritual fields.

After all, it is a mature spiritual field. Even if it has just been promoted to a one-star spiritual level, the seeds that are planted are the worst ones as much as possible. There is no exclusive spell for cultivators to look after it, but about half of the seeds can still germinate. , which is enough to prove how much care Guan Mingxin had cultivated before.

And the fields that everyone cultivated were centered on these two acres of land and spread out in straight lines to the left and right.

Except for the acre of land newly reclaimed by Guan Mingxin, which was assumed to be adjacent to the two acres of spiritual fields, the location of the other fields was determined through competition before reclamation.

Naturally, the closer you are to the two acres of spiritual fields, the easier it is to benefit from the spiritual field, and the faster you will be promoted to the spiritual field.

As for the content of the competition, it is not a battle of force, but a test of the persistence of each person's ability to release their Yuan Power under the premise that their cultivation is limited to the first level of the Qi Refining Stage.

The higher the durability, the closer the divided position will naturally be to the center.

vice versa.

But from now on, no matter what position you are in, as long as you make good use of the cultivator's exclusive spells, it will not be a problem to be promoted to a spiritual field, and the time will not be too far behind.

Don't look at it. In the past two months, everyone has used other small spells to fool the monitor, but secretly, they have been vigorously casting fertile soil, cloud and mist spells, and small clouds and rain on the flowerpots in their respective rooms. technique.

That's right.

At first, except for Guan Mingzhou and Guan Mingchen, who were notified by Jiujiu immediately, no one else noticed that someone was secretly monitoring them.

But as time went by, everyone still noticed something.Especially after Guan Mingxin, who had always been indifferent to things, unexpectedly made such unreliable suggestions.

Although no one asked, the tacit understanding cultivated during the Yuanwu Army Logistics Department's handling of zombies and mutated creature corpses allowed everyone to cooperate quickly, and the secret monitor did not find anything wrong, and the "little one" was The hat of "hillbilly" has been firmly buckled.

Just like now, Mingming Guan Mingxin's delicate little face with small breasts in disguise is still as paralyzed as before, but everyone can tell that she is relaxed and happy from her slightly accelerated pace.

Oh open!

This is the end of the danger!

What are you waiting for?
Hurry up and open up wasteland for farming!

Farming makes me happy!

No need to speak, everyone looked at each other and smiled, then immediately dispersed and walked towards the acre of land under their own names.

The impatient one even used body and martial arts.

When you get to the field, take out the seeds that were sown in the field first.

That's right.

The seeds that were sown in order to fool the people in the dark did not germinate but were not wasted. So far, they are still good.

When it comes out of the soil, the outside of the seed is still wrapped in green wood-attribute energy.

In the past two months, whenever the wood attribute energy wrapped around these seeds was almost absorbed by the seeds, everyone would take the opportunity to cast small wood attribute spells to secretly thicken the coat of the seeds.

Never stopped.

After being continuously nourished by the energy of the wood attribute, the seeds that emerged now are inferior to the shrunken and dull ones when they were thrown to Guan Mingxin and the others by No. 20, District [-] Logistics Director two months ago. Compared with the inferior ones, which may not be able to be planted at all, they will be like the sky and the earth.

Not only the grains are plump, but there is also a faint flash of light.

Even if it can't be considered a top-grade seed, at worst it is still the best among the middle-grade seeds!

In fact, the officer sent Guan Mingxin and these little carrots away with the lowest quality seeds.

In the words he explained to his colleagues: “It’s a waste of good seeds to give to those little country bumpkins!
Besides, although the seeds I gave are not in good quality, they are at least third-level spiritual seeds!
If it weren't for the fear of getting a demerit, I would have bought some worthless rags.

Anyway, the little country bumpkin and the rags are a perfect match! "

The "third-level spiritual seed" mentioned by the officer is equivalent to three-star spiritual level according to the Yuanzhi level announced by the Yuanwu Dao Alliance of the Hundred Wars Realm.

What he said is correct. Yuan Zhi seeds, which can be artificially planted in large quantities by three-stars in the spiritual realm, are indeed a good thing for a group of minors like Guan Mingxin.

Even just inferior ones that may not germinate.

Just because before the armies of the three tribes officially entered the Baizhan Realm, the Yuanwu Dao Alliance had already scoured all the resources that could be collected.

High-grade Yuanzhi seeds that can be planted are naturally also searched for.

“These seeds are in good quality now, let’s quickly prepare the field and plant them!

I can’t wait to eat the Samsung rice grown by myself!hey-hey! "

(End of this chapter)

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