The words of Guan Minghao, the seventh-youngest member of the Guan family, immediately aroused the greed of others.

Since they joined the Yuanwu Army during the re-examination of the World Unified Examination, their group has never eaten high-grade ingredients with a spiritual level of one or more.

Even those with a one-star spiritual level can only eat it once or twice a month.

It was just enough to taste at one time, so I didn’t enjoy it to the fullest.

The reason for this is that they are a group of minors with low cultivation and dare not expose their good things without the protection of their elders.

Secondly, it is also the result of the Yuanwu Dao Alliance greatly tilting low-level resources towards mass production of combat power, so that the expenses of young disciples like Guan Mingxin and others who are not classified into this column are reduced.

After the armies of the three tribes were stationed in Baizhan Realm, Guan Mingxin and the others were directly exploited to almost nothing!
In addition, there is a stalker secretly who does not know whether he is an enemy or a friend.

At this time, even if they had a lot of resources, Guan Mingxin and the others did not dare to use them.

What can be put on the surface is nothing but a small pile of inferior seeds.

With the current situation in Baizhan Realm, they could not be too careful.

With the "beautiful wish" of eating a delicious meal of three-star spiritual rice, Guan Mingxin and the others began their farming career day after day.

First, cultivate the fifty acres of cultivated land as much as possible with the cultivator's exclusive spells.

After the worst one was successfully promoted to a one-star spiritual field, they took out the flower pots that had been stored in their rooms for two months, and evenly spread the three-star spiritual soil in the pots onto their respective rooms. In that acre of spiritual field.

The newly cultivated acre of land belonging to Guan Mingxin, with the help of the spiritual soil brought by the four puppets of Yuan Yingchun from the Wanxiang Realm, was not affected by the decline of Guan Mingxin's cultivation level again, and he was successfully promoted.

And the first two acres of spiritual level one-star spiritual field in the center was directly promoted to three stars!

In this regard, everyone has no doubts.

I just thought it was because the four puppets of Yuan Yingchun secretly helped to cultivate the spiritual soil in the flower pot, so that the quality of Guan Mingxin's pot of spiritual soil was too high.

Especially when they saw the four puppets openly showing up to help their master, Guan Mingxin, scatter spiritual soil in the fields, their suspicions were confirmed.

It’s not that I’m not envious, but more of a joy and expectation.

Because, in a spiritual field with a three-star spiritual level, spiritual rice seeds of the same level are planted, and coupled with the care of the cultivator’s exclusive spells, the success rate of harvesting spiritual rice is almost [-]%!
Even if the harvest of the other 48 acres of spiritual fields is very low, or even no harvest, it will not prevent them from enjoying a delicious meal of Samsung Spirit rice in the near future.

As for whether other people from the logistics department would come to pick peaches by then, everyone tacitly forgot about it for the time being.

Anyway, worst case scenario, one meal of spiritual rice can still be left.

At worst, they kept releasing cultivator-specific spells on the two acres of three-star spiritual fields throughout the whole process, directly causing the spiritual rice seeds to grow from germination to maturity!
When 47 people take turns taking action together, the total process will not take more than two days!
The war has officially started on the front line, and I don't believe that the heads of the logistics department can still find manpower to check it just a few days after they removed the monitors.


Just this morning, after two months, the battle officially started on the front lines of the armies of the three tribes.

The armies of the three clans were centered on the original Immortal Yuan Domain location of the Baizhan Realm, and divided the Baizhan Realm into three equal parts.

The original Immortal Yuan Territory was also divided into three parts. The senior leaders of the three tribes' armies took them away with the magical power of moving mountains and reclaiming seas, and placed them in the center of their respective areas.

The original location of the Immortal Yuan Territory has become a sea area, separating the only connection point between the three clans' settlements.

The junction of the settlements between each two tribes was naturally divided into the front line of the battle.

Perhaps it was agreed that when the horn of war sounded, each race would face the two races at the same time.

For a time, the three junctions were filled with the sound of fighting, and various magical powers flashed frequently.

Even Guan Mingxin and the others, who were basically away from the front line, could feel the energy fluctuations of the war.At this critical moment, Guan Mingxin and the others firmly believed that the head of the logistics department simply could not spare any manpower to look after them.

Perhaps, their existence has long been forgotten or not.

Such a good opportunity would be a waste if we don't seize the time to plant spiritual rice.

Thinking this way, they immediately took action.

The best 48 seeds of the cultivated spiritual rice were selected and sown evenly in two acres of the three-star spiritual field. Then the remaining seeds were divided into 48 equal parts and planted in the remaining [-] acres of the spiritual field.

As for the plants originally planted in the Sanxing Lingtian, they were ripened by the four puppets and harvested during the cultivation period of the Yunling Lingtian.

Next, apart from going to their respective acres of spiritual fields to release fertile soil and cloud and rain spells every day, the rest of the time was concentrated on the two acres of spiritual fields in the center.

The 47 people were divided into three batches according to their cultivation level, with five people in the golden elixir stage, 24 people in the foundation building stage, and 18 people in the Qi refining stage.

The first to take action were the 18 people in the Qi refining period.

After the Fertile Soil Technique, the Cloud and Rain Technique, and the Rooting and Germination Technique came alternately twice, Guan Mingxin, who was only on the second level of the ordinary Qi Refining Stage, had to stop.

A quarter of an hour later, the three people who were in the Great Perfection Stage of Qi Refining also stopped because the energy in their bodies was exhausted.

At this time, all six hundred spiritual rice seeds in the two acres of spiritual fields had broken through the ground and sprouted.

Although only one cusp of the tooth is exposed.

The 18 people retreated to a distance of 50 meters, took out their futons, sat on the ground, and began to exercise to restore their strength.

At the same time, 24 people in the foundation building stage stepped forward to surround the two acres of spiritual fields, and continued to release the fertile soil, cloud and rain, thrive, and illuminate the sun techniques alternately.

After the last person in the foundation building stage has exhausted his energy, the five people in the golden elixir stage will take the stage...

During this period, none of them used pills or other auxiliary materials to restore their energy.

The Eighteen Little Qi Practitioners who don't have Bigu can use the best Bigu Pill to deal with their five internal organs when they are hungry.

Hard work pays off.

Finally, as night fell on the ninth day, the rice in the two acres of spiritual fields began to mature.

Seeing hope, the 47 people were shocked and immediately took action.

After four rounds of alternating the Sun Technique and the Fruitful Fruit Technique, it's time to harvest!

Brush brush!
Except for Guan Mingxin, the other 46 people's metallic sharpness skills were released almost at the same time.

In less than a minute, all six hundred three-star rice plants nearly two meters tall were harvested.

There are at least seven ears of rice on each plant.

The most number is over twenty!
Everyone used the threshing tools provided by Yuan Yingchun and the other four puppets to pick up the rice ears overnight, and after weighing, they actually harvested more than 3000 kilograms!

You know, under normal circumstances, when Sanxing Lingtian grows Sanxing Ling rice, the average yield per mu is only about [-] kilograms.

It will not exceed [-] kilograms at most.

Guan Mingxin and the others have doubled their output!
It is enough to show how powerful the cultivator-specific spells used by Guan Mingxin and others are.

I went to the hospital for a checkup today and got back a bunch of Chinese medicine. That’s just two updates today. The hospital, apart from welcoming a new life, is the last place Long Jue wants to go. I hope Long Jue can recover as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible. From time to time, he needs to go to the hospital. psychological torture

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