After all, when other cultivators plant spiritual rice, they also need to release the cultivator's exclusive spells.

However, there is a difference between this spell and magic.

Even if it has the same name, just like the fertile soil spell, a small earth-attribute spell used to increase the fertility and vitality of the soil in the spiritual field, planters from different factions will cast it differently.

The effects are naturally different.

The set of cultivator-specific spells performed by Guan Mingxin and the others was extracted and sorted out by Guan Mingxin, with the help of Wuji, from the memories in the soul power crystals left behind after countless resentful souls from the original Hundred War Realm were purified.

It can be said without humility that it covers all the knowledge inheritance related to planting in the divine world, the fairy world, the cultivation world, and the mortal world.

It's just because the resentful souls in the original Hundred Wars Realm are condensed from the obsessions of all the creatures that died in the Original Hundred Wars Realm since its creation.

Among them, there are many gods from the divine world.

The immortals in the immortal world also died in large numbers.

As for the creatures in the cultivation world and the mortal world, they are even more numerous.

With so many creatures, there are always those who are talented, no matter what aspect.

In fact, Guan Mingxin has not yet completed sorting out the memories preserved in those soul power crystals.

The exclusive spells for plant cultivators are also the basic versions that were forced to be sorted out for their own needs.

But even the basic version in Guan Mingxin's eyes is much stronger than the spells of most cultivator schools.

The more than 3000 kilograms of Samsung Spirit Rice in front of me is the best evidence.

Guan Mingxin originally thought that after the world unified examination was over and she entered the sect, she would have enough time to continue sorting out the memories in the soul crystals.

The first one to bear the brunt is naturally the plant cultivator’s exclusive spell series.

It's a pity that things are unpredictable.

Nowadays, how to survive is the most important thing.

On the premise of not wanting to reveal one's own secrets, if one wants to survive in the war between the three clans, one can only rely on one's special abilities.

Looking at all the auxiliary training systems, only the plant cultivator can be played by a three-year-old child.

Even if the three-year-old baby is a plant breeder, even at the lowest entry level, he is still an outstanding and eye-catching existence.

But compared to skills such as alchemy, forging, talisman making, array formation, etc., at least a three-year-old cultivator wouldn't seem so outrageous.

Naturally, Guan Mingxin's little thoughts cannot be hidden from her older brothers and sisters.

No matter what their original plans were, in front of Guan Mingxin, they all made the same choice: to be plant cultivators and farm!

"Farming makes me happy!" This sentence has become everyone's mantra after pretending to be crazy in the past two months.

After enjoying a delicious meal of Sanxingling rice, everyone was divided into three waves according to the previous grouping method. The 18 people in the Qi refining period stayed in the camp to select the full-grained rice for seeds.

The 24 people in the foundation building period continued to cultivate fields on the wasteland behind the original fifty acres of spiritual field.

The remaining five people at the Golden Core stage, while keeping watch for everyone, were also studying how to use inconspicuous materials to refine protective arrays to protect their campsites and spiritual fields.

It is worth mentioning that the seeds left by the logistics minister who sent them here were not only inferior products with poor quality, but also disposable seeds that had been specially treated and could not be retained.

However, through the cultivation of wood-attributed energy and the effect of the set of cultivator-specific spells compiled by Guan Mingxin, the defect of not being able to retain seeds after special treatment was overcome.

With this batch of three-star spiritual rice seeds that can be planted by themselves, Guan Mingxin and the others' plan to survive in the logistics department on the frontline battlefield has been half successful.

Regardless of the fact that among the armies of the three clans, there are quite a few immortal-level experts, and there are even more who are at the god-transformation stage and above.There are almost none below the golden elixir stage.

Logically speaking, such cultivation has reached inedia and there is no need to eat.

The military supplies they need should be various elixirs to replenish the energy in the bodies of the sergeants, healing elixirs to treat external and internal injuries or even life-saving, various attack or auxiliary talisman formation disks, etc.

Instead of imported rice, vegetables, fruits and other cooked meals.

However, it is not.

The alchemy weapon array is naturally a necessity on the battlefield, but meals containing Yuan Power are also indispensable.

Firstly, meals can greatly reduce the consumption of elixirs to replenish qi, blood and physical strength. Secondly, they can also satisfy the soldiers mentally and help to restore their mental state.

After all, good food can make people happy physically and mentally, which is an effect that most elixirs cannot achieve.

Furthermore, studies have shown that long-term consumption of meals cooked with top-grade spiritual materials can also temper the body and eliminate erysipelas.

Among the elixirs, except for the top-grade elixirs, the other three grades, even the top-grade elixirs, have impurities, which will accumulate into erysipelas in the body of the cultivator after taking them.

Over time, it will affect your practice and even endanger your life.

The food available is different.

Even if there are also impurities, at least [-]% of them can be excreted from the body after instinctive excretion.

The little bit left behind can be discharged smoothly just by meditating and running the exercises.

Because of this, every time there is a war, no matter what race, a cultivation department will be set up in the logistics department of the army. During the war, the cultivation department will be used to ripen various imported grains, fruits and vegetables and medicinal plants for alchemy and medicine using exclusive spells of cultivators. .

Coincidentally, Guan Mingxin and the others happened to be assigned to the cultivation branch of the Logistics Department of No. 20 District [-] on the front line of the Human-Devil Battlefield.

Although it is very possible that the leader of the Logistics Department who was responsible for arranging Guan Mingxin and the others did not think about the specific arrangements at all. He just randomly pointed at a subordinate branch and dismissed them.

Coincidentally, the branch that was randomly pointed out was the Planting and Cultivation Department.

But Guan Mingxin and the others still felt a little grateful to the officer in their hearts.

In fact, everyone except Guan Mingxin felt that such a coincidence was the result of the influence of the good fortune of his little regiment leader, oh no, he was now called Second Lieutenant Xiaoguan.

Guan Mingxin, who didn't know that her friends regarded her as a blessing, after her second request to pick rice together was rejected, she simply picked up the other seeds left by the previous officer and looked at them one by one.

There is only one spiritual fruit with the highest grade, the six-star Biyue Peach.

Only one.

The quality is not bad.

It was probably the officer who got involved accidentally.

As Biyue Peach can directly remove erysipelas, the energy contained in it is very mild, and even ordinary people who have not practiced can take a small amount.

Even though the level is not high, it is a very precious spiritual fruit.

Even in the fairy world, it is very popular, but it is still priceless.

Guan Mingxin felt that with this Biyue Peach seed, it didn't matter even if the other seeds were useless.

I'm just afraid that people like them won't be able to keep growing Biyue Tao.

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