The previous sound was the sound of the door being forced open.

The last sound was the sound of a door panel quickly hitting the edge of the wall.

Following two sudden sounds and an angry young man rushing in, the solemn atmosphere in the conference hall was immediately interrupted.

More than 20 people in the hall all focused their attention on the young man.

There is curiosity, disdain, contempt, love and anger.

The young man didn't seem to expect that there were so many people here. The expression on his face was frozen for a moment, followed by a hint of embarrassment and embarrassment.

But then he didn't know what he thought of, and he became angry again, and his eyes became firm.

“Let’s all think about this carefully later.

No matter what, the safety of our sergeants must come first! "

The leading man frowned slightly, and after saying these words in a deep voice, he waved his hand to let others leave without waiting for others to speak.

Seeing this, the others stopped thinking about continuing the discussion, stood up and bowed to the man before leaving.

Some of them patted the young man at the door before leaving, as if to comfort and encourage them.

The young man couldn't figure out that he had more important things at this time.

After the last person left, the young man's originally turbulent emotions calmed down a lot. Only then did he realize that he had been impulsive again and disrupted a private meeting of senior military officials.

At this time, the young man also understood that he had been plotted.

Apart from anything else, this unused reception room, which serves as a private meeting, should not be left unattended and unbounded, allowing one to rush in and out.

You know, I just ran all the way, and no one came out to stop me. The two closed doors were pushed open with a gentle push!
So much so that two harsh sounds made him startle.

The young man figured it out, and his face became more and more ashamed. His lips moved and he called out in a low voice, which was almost inaudible:


"There are no fathers and sons in the army."

Even though the young man's voice was very low, the man still heard him clearly and said without changing his expression.

The voice was tepid, without any emotion.

But the young man knew that his father was really angry, and he admitted his mistake faster than his brain:
"Commander, I was wrong."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the young man regretted it. Although he had been plotted this time, he really had an urgent matter to go to his father, the commander of the First Army of the Human Race.

Originally, before the cosmic will of Liyuan Universe forcibly established the "Yuanwu Dao Allied Force System" as a cosmic rule that the entire universe must follow, the commander of the First Army was called Marshal.

But as soon as this cosmic rule came out, Marshal naturally couldn't do it, so he had to compromise and choose "Commander", an honorific title that was not a military position, as a temporary replacement.

This kind of situation occurs in various military ranks in Liyuan Universe.

Although everyone has to compromise due to the rules of the universe, there are many hidden dangers.

No, many sergeants under the First Army felt that since the leader was no longer a marshal, he was not qualified to control them.

In the current situation, doesn’t it mean that whoever has the ability to earn military merit can be in charge?

In this case, then earn military merit!

Who still obeys the orders of a superior who is no longer the official commander? !Before Young Boy Lang broke in, the commander of the First Army held a private meeting with his direct subordinates to discuss the matter.

But the meeting didn't go smoothly.

Because it was not just the lower-level sergeants who had such thoughts, but even the army commander's original confidants had some thoughts of fighting for power and gain.

With the prerequisite that everyone's cultivation is limited to the Great Perfection of the Tribulation Stage, those who did not dare to take the lead due to insufficient cultivation are now ready to take action.

A similar situation not only occurs in the first army of the human army, but also in the hearts of the entire human army, and there are countless people who want to soar into the sky.

Even races like monsters and demons, which were originally able to control their subordinates just by relying on their bloodline suppression, at this moment, the soldiers in the army dare to take risks against their former superiors' bloodline suppression, let alone those who are born with seven emotions and six desires. of the human race.

The First Army, which gathered most of the elites of the human army, faced the most serious situation.

Elites all have the temperament to refuse to admit defeat.

Normally, they can stir up trouble even when nothing happens, but the current chaos in their eyes has become a breeding ground for all kinds of frustrations in their hearts.

Just waiting for an opportunity, the First Army is very likely to be in danger of mutiny.

Originally, the military commander wanted to wait until the meeting was over before calling his son over, find an opportunity to arrange for him to go out for a while, and then take him back after the storm had passed.

Unexpectedly, my son actually barged in like this.

Now, the plan to get his son out may have some twists and turns.

Those people will not just watch this weakness of theirs slip away...

"Commander, I want to go to District No. 20."

The young man didn't know what his father was thinking. Thinking of the information he had finally found out, he closed his eyes and revealed his plan.

After that, it was the storm that awaited Father.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, it was quiet and nothing happened.

The young man felt something was wrong, so he secretly opened one eye and met his father's thoughtful eyes, which frightened him so much that he almost fell down after taking two or three steps back.

Seeing his son's unpromising look, the commander of the First Army frowned, but when the words he wanted to say came to his lips, he changed his mind:
"Tell me why you want to go."

Instead of waiting to scold him, he asked such a calm question. Surprise and confusion flashed across the young man's face, but when he thought of his plan, he still did not think about it in detail. Instead, he took this opportunity to express all his thoughts:
"I'm going to find Sister Bao."

Once the most difficult sentence is spoken, the next one is not so difficult:

"I just received the news that Sister Bao and the others have been assigned to the front line in Area 20, No. [-], Human-Devil Battlefield.

Sister Bao and the others took good care of me back then, but now that Baizhan Realm is in this situation, I just want to take care of me more..."

"Okay, go ahead and bring more guards."

"After all, Sister Bao... uh... Father, did you agree?!"

The young man didn't expect his father to agree so easily. After the surprise, he rushed forward and gave his father a bear hug, and then ran out happily.

Before the young man could pack his things, he received a military order:
"Qian Qian trespassed into an important place in the army without any reason. The circumstances are very bad. Qian Qian is now punished as a frontline battlefield in No. 20 District [-] and will be punished immediately!

Hope others will follow suit! "

Qian Qian was a little confused, but then he thought that he would see Sister Bao soon, so it didn't matter if he was punished.

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