On the other side, Guan Mingxin, who was still working diligently in the frontline logistics department of No. 20 District [-] of the Human-Demon Battlefield, was farming, but he didn't know that a long-lost old friend was about to come.

Just like the previous few days, Guan Mingxin raised the soul of the Biyue Peach seed as soon as she got up early in the morning.

The art of nourishing spirits is a small magical power that Guan Mingxin recently sorted out from the memories contained in those soul power crystals.

Its function is to continuously release the spirit-nourishing technique on a certain object, so as to achieve the result of allowing the object to breed spirituality, and may even grow into a spiritual body.

Objects that breed spirituality will have unexpected and wonderful uses.

The most surprising thing about the soul-nurturing technique is that there are no restrictions on the goal of soul-nurturing.

All things can be nourished.

Whether it is a stone, a pile of soil, a drop of water, a plant, an animal, or even an intelligent race, such as a living person, it can be regarded as a target for spiritual nourishment.

After inanimate objects are nourished with spirituality by the spirit nourishing technique, their essence will change, for example, from ordinary ordinary objects without energy to high-quality spiritual treasures.

Living objects are cultivated with spirituality, and this spirituality is more reflected in the soul body.

Just like the unenlightened soul will become enlightened, the enlightened soul will evolve and even directly reach the level of transformation and promotion to the next level.

Of course, what Guan Mingxin can perform at this time is only the elementary version of the soul-nurturing technique, which is only for items without souls.

And that shriveled Biyue Peach seed that is about to lose all its vitality is the soul-nurturing target that Guan Mingxin has chosen at this stage.

With Guan Mingxin currently at the third level of the first-turn Qi refining stage, it is still very difficult to cultivate the green moon peach seed.

After all, he is a six-star spiritual seed.

No, you have to rely on the trace of innate purple energy at sunrise every morning to successfully release the spiritual nourishing technique on the Biyue Peach seeds.

If it were to be replaced by a slightly better quality seed, Guan Mingxin would be helpless.

It depends on how far Guan Mingxin can cultivate that seed in the end.

No one else is optimistic about it anyway.

I feel that my Second Lieutenant Xiaoguan is a little too ambitious this time.

Even the five people in the Golden Core stage chose ordinary mortal objects for their first spiritual nourishment after receiving the minor supernatural power - mortal earth in a flower pot.

Others also tacitly chose the mortal soil in the wasteland as the target for spiritual nourishment.

The only difference is that the flower pots chosen are different in size.

The higher the cultivation level, the bigger the flowerpot.

vice versa.

The reason why they all chose mortal soil as the target of their first spiritual cultivation experiment was also due to their experience in cultivating spiritual soil using the exclusive spells of plant cultivators during the two months they were monitored.

Everyone feels that although the spirit of spiritual nourishment and the spirit of spiritual soil cultivated by cultivators' exclusive spells are not the same concept, they are all derived from soil.

Even if the cultivation of the soul fails, at worst, the cultivator's exclusive spells can be used to cultivate the spiritual soil, and the effort and time will not be wasted.

On this day, Guan Mingxin wanted to enter the Miracle Trial Space just after he finished releasing the spirit nourishing technique on the Biyue Peach seeds.Unexpectedly, the moment she touched the button loaded on the Magic Star to enter the Miracle Trial Space with her mind, Guan Mingxin's eyes suddenly went dark and she lost consciousness.

In desperation, Jiujiu remembered the space-time live broadcast room that had not been closed, and hurriedly appeared and sent a system message, closing it before the audience could react:

"[System Jiujiu]: By chance, the system is about to be upgraded. In order to prevent data loss, from now on, the space-time live broadcast room will not be opened again until the upgrade is completed. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone. Please look forward to the upgrade. More exciting content to come!”

Jiujiu didn't care about the consequences of his sudden news. As for whether the time and space live broadcast room system would be upgraded, he didn't know.

Anyway, that's an excuse to close the space-time live broadcast room.

At this moment, Jiujiu's attention was focused on her master who suddenly fainted.

Before Jiujiu could use her own abilities to check her master's physical condition, Wuyou suddenly appeared:
"Jiujiu, I need your help later.

You just need to remember to protect the master's sea of ​​consciousness no matter what.

Don't worry about other things, even if I or the king disappear.

Remember? "

Wuyou's words were meaningless, and the ominous premonition in them made Jiujiu tense up, but besides agreeing to Wuyou's request, he didn't know anything else.

Wuyou didn't pay attention to Jiujiu's complicated expression. He turned around and picked up Guan Mingxin and put him on the bed. Wuyou's consciousness was pulled out of the puppet clone, entered Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​consciousness, and headed straight towards the body of Guan Mingxin's main soul. Go away from the original core of the soul.

Just before Guan Mingxin fainted, a huge and overbearing energy suddenly rushed into the Wuji Realm along a secret connection channel.

The Wuji Realm was caught off guard and was suddenly bombarded. Unavoidably, energy waves escaped, and then impacted the core of Guan Mingxin's soul, causing Guan Mingxin to faint.

If the sleeping Wuji spirit body in the Wuji world hadn't woken up in time to intercept it, Guan Mingxin would have been injured by the energy wave to the core of the soul. One bad thing would have been that the soul would be scattered!

The situation is urgent, Wuji can only summon his conscious body (Wuyou) to return and find a way to resist this premeditated invasion.

As the conscious body returned to the spiritual body, memories that had been erased suddenly appeared. Wuji, who was extremely shocked, suppressed his complicated emotions and clarified it all as quickly as possible.

It was indeed a premeditated invasion.

No, to be precise, it should be seizing the body!
This incident must start when Guan Mingxin regains consciousness for the first time after being reborn in the Guan family.

At that time, two mysterious people appeared, and one of them forced something into the spirit body of Guan Mingxin's companion spirit Wuji.

At that time, Wuji's energy was greatly damaged because he was protecting his master's soul body and traveling to another universe. He was unable to resist at all, and he couldn't find out what was in his spiritual body.

Later, after Guan Mingxin devoured an evil soul, she was certified as a member of the Yanyi Divine Realm, a mysterious organization in the Fuling Universe.

Not long after Guan Mingxin completed the certification task, the leader of the Yanyi God Realm of Fuling Universe attempted to control the original core of the universe, which almost caused the destruction of Fuling Universe.

At the moment of crisis, the cosmic will of Fuling Universe decisively used Guan Mingxin to get in touch with Liyuan Universe, which was far away in the same dimension of time and space, and immediately transmitted the small world of Fuling Universe that had not been persecuted. Including the original core of the universe of Fuling Universe.

Among them, it is Guan Mingxin and its companion spirit Wuji who serve as the key bridge media.

After the two universes merged to form the new Liyuan Universe, the memories of Guan Mingxin and Wuji were erased. At the same time, the cosmic will of the new universe also forcibly exerted its own glimmer of vitality on them.

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