Naturally, not only did Li Yuan not prevent the Seed of Law from being obtained, but he also caught Guan Mingxin himself at the moment when Wuji forced him out of his backhand.

As the winner of the fusion of two universes, Li Yuan's cosmic will is about to condense into his own body.

It's a pity that even with real physical protection, it can't stop the erosion of the power of laws from real high-latitude time and space.

What's more, Li Yuan has not yet condensed a real physical body.

Since what Li Yuan left behind in Guan Mingxin was a small part of his original core, as soon as he was forced out by Wuji, he became connected with Li Yuan's true body.

As the Law Seed continued to exert its power, Li Yuan's energy was also eroded and consumed bit by bit.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the small part of the original core that was forced out by Wuji.

Just when the original core of the main body was about to be affected, in desperation, Li Yuan directly took away the headquarters of Yanyi Divine Realm and blocked it between his main body and Baizhan Realm.

Li Yuan thought very well.

After all, the core of Yanyi Divine Realm is a rule called "system" from high latitude time and space. Even if it is diluted here, it is still stronger than itself.

Unfortunately, what Li Yuan didn't know was that this high latitude and high latitude were also different.

As long as it is one level higher than the dimension of time and space where your home is, it is also a high latitude.

In addition, after the fusion of the wills of the two universes, the rules of the Yanyi Divine Realm are more inclined to the Liyuan Universe. Without persisting for a while, the entire headquarters of the Yanyi Divine Realm was dragged down by the power of the Law Seed. Drag it to the copy space.

The moment he entered, he was torn into pieces and merged into large and small pieces that replicated the Hundred Battle Realm.

Fortunately, the members who stayed in the Yanyi Divine Realm headquarters, regardless of their strength, were not greatly affected. They were still alive and well, but in a coma.

Not only that, the little bit of the rule power of the Yanyi Divine Realm left on the members of the Yanyi Divine Realm outside was also drained away.

Without the power of the rules of the Yanyi Divine Realm, those members' memories of the Yanyi Divine Realm were also erased.

Without the buffer of the Yanyi Divine Realm, before Li Yuan could think of another way, his original core was patronized by the law power of the Law Seed.

Li Yuan cried out, but it was too late.

In just the blink of an eye, Li Yuan fell into a deep sleep due to the invasion of his original core.

But the Law Seed was a little out of control at this time.

Seeing that the seed of law had created a new small world comparable to the God Realm from the original core of Li Yuan's universe and dragged it into the copy space, and continued to attack other small worlds, Wuji finally couldn't bear the burden of his master. Such a heavy cause and effect made me prepare for the worst.

Wuji's spiritual body, which had been holding on forcibly, was shattered into dust by the majestic void energy that had not yet finished pouring in. The moment Wuji's mind relaxed.

Wuji, who struggled to escape with only his conscious body left, ignored the backlash and forcibly mobilized the source energy ores stored in the Wuji world of his body.

That is the source energy ore that even the bosses of the high-latitude space-time to which the space-time live broadcast room system belongs covet, and it attracts the seeds of law as soon as it appears.

With the source energy ore, the Law Seed, which only had instinctive reactions, naturally looked down on the "three melons and two dates" of Liyuan's universe and did not continue to "disaster".

Even the constant influx of void energy, attracted by the source energy ore, no longer brought harm to the Wuji Realm, but directly opened a new channel in the void outside the world barrier of the Baizhan Realm. Anyone who is in the way continues to move towards the seed of law in the copy space... Even though so many things have happened, in the entire Liyuan Universe, except for the will of the universe, Liyuan, no one else has noticed anything is wrong. They are still as usual. Live, practice, fight, work, etc. all the same.

As for those creatures who had the qualifications to enter the Miracle Trial Space, they didn't take it seriously when they found that they couldn't enter. They just thought it was caused by the war between the three races.

Although it is a pity, compared to the possibility of being recruited as cannon fodder by the armies of the three tribes at any time to join the war, it is not a big deal that the Miracle Trial Space cannot be entered.

Therefore, their regrets dissipated automatically before they could even stay for a few breaths.

The changes in the Miracle Trial Space are not over yet.

Even though Wuji is the natural king of all spiritual realms, after all, for a low-strength life-and-death contractor like Mingxin, her original strength has been compressed and compressed.

Under such a premise, even if Wuji's consciousness no longer acts as a transfer station for void energy, it will not be able to hold on for long, not to mention that she has also forced the use of source energy ores.

The backlash came quickly.

Wuji's body, Wuji Realm, broke away from the control of Wuji's conscious body, and was also pulled towards the copy space by the seeds of law.

Wuji didn't dare to imagine what would happen if his body, Wuji Realm, was destroyed.

At this moment, she didn't even have a chance to forcibly cut off the life-and-death contract.

just in case.

If the original core of the infinite world of the body is broken, the master who has accompanied him for nine lives will completely disappear from this world in the ninth and last tribulation.

Do not!
She will never allow it!
When the Wuji Heart is crossed, the conscious body rushes directly towards the seed of law.

Without the protection of the spirit body, the ideological Wuji faced the power of the real laws of high-latitude time and space and was quickly dissolved.

This is the result of the Wuji Realm taking over half of the attacks.

Just before there was only the last trace of Wuji's consciousness left, and he was about to disappear completely in the next moment, the tide of energy in the void where the original Fuling Universe was located ended.

Without the majestic void energy, the power of the Law Seed was instantly reduced by [-]%.

That's not all, an even more incredible surprise also happened.

Perhaps it is because of the familiarity with the carrier of Huanxing, or perhaps because Huanxing also has a space-time live broadcast room from high latitude time and space that can be opened normally. After the void energy in the channel disappeared, the seed of law actually slowly moved towards Flying outside copy space.

The destination is the only fantasy star that currently has a channel open to the Miracle Trial Space that has been unable to log in.

When Wuji's remaining consciousness watched the seed of law really enter the fantasy star in Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​consciousness, and the whole process was so calm, she knew that this disaster was over.

The master's last tribulation can continue, and he is destined to successfully turn around and gain a true new life.

With such a beautiful wish, Wuji's consciousness, with only a little bit of its original core left, degenerated into a solid stone bead that was almost invisible to the naked eye. It did not resist the pull from the contract lord, and also returned to Guan Mingxin. The sea of ​​soul consciousness.

The Wuji Realm, which is smaller than a mote of dust, no, the stone beads, are still embedded in the original core of the soul body of Guan Mingxin.

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