After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 570 From now on, there is only worry

The stone bead at this time is really just a tiny stone bead. The original Wuji World, the completed small world, has long become history.

Also disappearing together are most of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the Wuji Realm.

What's left, apart from an energy ruin that is almost collapsing, is only a tiny bit of the core of the source energy mine, which is the tiny stone bead now visible.

The energy well is located in the center of the stone bead.

Letting Shizhu return to the original core of Guan Mingxin's soul is Wuji's last hope of consciousness.

Now that the goal was achieved, Wuji's tense nerves relaxed.

Wuji knew that as long as this stone bead was around, his master would not be constrained by the life-and-death contract between him and her.

Finally, he looked at his master's sleeping main soul body. Wuji's remaining consciousness dispersed in Guan Mingxin's sea of ​​soul consciousness and turned into pure energy. It was slowly absorbed by Guan Mingxin's main soul body. Absorbing.

This scene happened to be watched by Jiujiu who felt that the crisis was over.

Jiujiu's heart ached violently.

Ever since she was born in the Phantom Star, Wuji has given her the feeling of being like a peak that can never be climbed, so majestic, so majestic, and so safe.

As long as Wuji, the natural king of the spiritual world, is around, any problem can be easily solved.

Not to mention that after the master suffered a catastrophe in his first life, he could still keep the original core of the master's soul, giving the master a great opportunity to regain a true new life in nine lives. Just being able to touch the master's high-latitude time and space one after another The system can easily dismantle the magic modification, which is enough to show how powerful Wuji is.

Jiujiu originally thought that this time, it would end with Wuji's strong victory.

Who would have thought that in the end, the master survived this disaster well, but the price was endless dissipation.

Even if Jiujiu knows that Wuji only dissipates her consciousness, as long as there is enough time, she will come back again, but at that time, the one who returns will not be the Wuji she once was.

Just like herself, as the weapon spirit of Huan Xing, if she dissipates one day, while Huan Xing still exists, when Huan Xing gives birth to a new weapon spirit again, the new weapon spirit will not be her Jiujiu. .

Jiujiu felt very sad, but she knew that the most sad and sad person was her master.

What was strange but reassuring was that Guan Mingxin's sudden fainting did not make anyone aware of anything unusual.

Even Guan Mingchen, a maniac who loves girls, didn't think much about it when he found out that Guan Mingxin didn't go out today.

Being so close, he could sense that his precious sister was not practicing, but was sleeping with slow breathing. He could only assume that he was tired from cultivating the Blue Moon Peach seed recently.

Guan Mingchen even thought about waiting for his precious sister to wake up and persuade her to temporarily change her spiritual goal.

In this way, without being disturbed, Guan Mingxin fainted for a day.

It wasn't until the bright moon hung high that Guan Ming's heart slowly woke up.

Originally, according to the situation where her soul origin core was normally undisturbed after being hit by the energy wave, it would take at least three or four days for her to wake up naturally after being comatose.

But Guan Mingxin was suddenly awakened by the sudden pain in her heart.

The time she woke up was also the moment when Wuji's last ray of consciousness dissipated.

The pain of suddenly losing the person closest to you, the pain of being torn apart along with your soul, the loneliness of being the only one left in the world, suddenly sweeping through the whole body, the feeling of suffocation that makes people struggle and torture, Guan Mingxin almost went crazy!

Guan Mingxin didn't know what happened.

Just lie on the ground blankly until dawn...

"Oh, Master, you really don't know how to take care of yourself! How can anyone sleep on the floor?"

As the morning sun jumped over the horizon the next day, a petite figure suddenly appeared. He screamed in surprise before he could stand upright.Guan Mingxin's heart was beating rapidly the moment the figure appeared, but after hearing the other party's voice, it suddenly stopped for a moment, and her mood suddenly changed.

not her...

The worst guess came true!
Guan Ming stared intently at the little girl who picked him up. Her body was still the same, but inside, she was not the one he expected...

There is an indescribable feeling, Guan Mingxin just knows that the little girl in front of her who is exactly the same as the former Wuyou is not the former Wuyou.


To be precise, the little girl now is Wuyou.

The former Wuyou was just Wuji's consciousness settled in this puppet body.

So this is ah……

I have lost my best and closest friend, Wuji...

Finally knowing what she had lost, Guan Mingxin closed her eyes. Suddenly, her heart felt empty, as if she had nowhere to put it.

The companionship contract between Mingming and Wuji that cannot be broken is still good, and he is also living well. Why is Wuji missing?

Could it be...could it be that the life-and-death rule of the contract has failed?

As soon as this thought came into his mind, Guan Mingxin shook his head mockingly.

How can it be? !
That is...

For a moment, Guan Mingxin seemed to remember something, and some pictures flashed past her mind.

But when Guan Mingxin came back to his senses and carefully recalled and thought about it, he couldn't remember it anyway.

“Master, are you tired from performing the spirit nourishing technique?

Master, you are too pushy, why don’t you find another one..."

Wuyou's words interrupted Guan Mingxin's thoughts, and also slightly dispersed some of the confusion and pain in her heart.

Opening his eyes and looking at the little girl beside the bed seriously, Guan Mingxin suddenly wanted to use the master-servant contract to take a look at her.

Move your heart at will.

Unexpectedly, but also expected, Guan Mingxin did not feel the slightest resistance.

The body is still the same growable puppet that was forged by Wuji himself, almost indistinguishable from a real life form, and the memory is the same as Wuyou's before, including the skills he mastered.

Even the spirit body in the body has the same appearance and aura as Wuyou before.

However, Guan Mingxin just knew that the worry-free life she had now was not what she expected.

It should be said that when Wuji decided to let the identity of "Wuyou" appear, he always asked the real Wuyou, that is, the space world spirit born naturally from the Wanxiang Small Realm, to come forward.

She explained to Guan Mingxin that her consciousness controlled Wuyou's body, which was indeed true.

It's just that the Spring and Autumn style of writing is used and the key is avoided.

And the key is that Wuji's consciousness resides in the body of "Wuyou", and in a silent and gentle way, he synchronizes the thoughts and memories he is willing to share to the newly born spiritual body of the space world spirit bit by bit. , forcibly gave birth to a Wuyou with rich memories and skills...

After thinking about all this clearly, Guan Mingxin also understood that from now on, there would be no Wuji, only true worry-free!

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