As the last word was spoken, a dazzling golden beam suddenly burst out from Immortal Xiao Xi's body, heading straight towards the traitors and demons on the opposite side.

Wherever the beam of light passed, everything turned into nothingness.

Be it human or demon.

Or inanimate buildings, land, or even air!
Everything disappeared after this beam of light flashed.

The mutiny and turmoil at the headquarters of the First Legion of the Human Race lasted less than two hours from start to finish.

The other humans and demons who received the news quickly had not had time to take corresponding measures, and everything had turned calm.

Where the first legion of the human army was originally stationed, only a chasm was left that was dozens of feet wide, running through the entire station, and extending thousands of miles to the frontline battlefield between humans and demons.

There was nothingness in the ditch, not even air.

Outside the ditch, the grass is growing and the orioles are flying, and it is full of life.

It's just a thin line.

Qian Gan, who was fighting with the demon team not far from the First Legion's station, suddenly felt a sudden fright in his heart. Before he could react, a golden beam of light suddenly appeared in the center of the station and spread rapidly outwards.

Its direction is exactly where Qian Qian and the others are.

Instinctively, Qian Qian used the random teleportation function on the Huantian Bracelet that he recognized as his master. The moment before the golden light beam arrived, the guards who pulled him disappeared into thin air.

The demon team who stayed in place also wanted to escape, but it was too late. They could only watch in horror as the golden beam of light annihilated them.

Because there were too many people with him, Qian Qian's teleportation was only 500 meters away.

Fortunately, it avoided the range of the golden light beam.

Just when Qian Qian was about to continue using the teleportation function of the Huantian Bracelet to enter the station to check the specific situation, a warship rushed out against the edge of the golden light beam.

"Sir, that...that is the commander's flagship warship!"

One of the guards exclaimed, looking in disbelief at the majestic and luxurious warship not long ago. What appeared in the field of vision now was in a state of tatters and almost falling apart, without the slightest trace of elegance it once had.

If it weren't for the Chongming Bird sculpture on the bow, they really wouldn't have recognized it as the flagship warship of the commander of the First Legion, the famous semi-artifact in the Yicheng Immortal world - Yaoxing.

Qian Qian knew that something must have happened to his father if the Yaoxing Battleship was in this state!
His face instantly turned pale, his whole body couldn't help but tremble, and his heart was beating violently.

Because, before setting out for the war between the three clans, when he learned that he had been named the commander of the first legion of the human race, Immortal Lord Xiao Xi made the Yaoxing Warship Sacrifice into his second destiny weapon.

Generally speaking, when a cultivator reaches the golden elixir stage, he or she will refine a natal weapon.

The saying of natal weapons is because the vast majority of cultivators choose offensive weapon-type magic weapons when they first choose.

In fact, the correct term should be natal life weapon.

As the name suggests, the bond between the natal weapon and its owner is very deep. If one party is damaged, it will also affect the other party simultaneously.

Of course, if the owner is willing, he can also transfer his own negative circumstances to his natal weapon.

But generally very few people do this.

Just because there is only one natal weapon, once the natal weapon cannot withstand the negative circumstances passed on, it is very likely to cause the natal weapon to be completely broken, thus causing the owner's backlash.

No matter how high your cultivation level is, this kind of backlash is inevitable.The rules don't allow it.

Under normal circumstances, practitioners only practice one natal weapon.

If you want to sacrifice the second one, you can only do it when the first natal weapon is seriously damaged and cannot be repaired.

Even so, the compatibility between the natal weapon refined for the second time and its owner is lower than that of the first one.

If the first natal weapon is intact and the second natal weapon is sacrificed again, not to mention the difficulty of the sacrifice, it is a fatal threat that it will suffer backlash and become possessed.

Even if the sacrifice is successful, it will directly reduce the master's combat effectiveness by half.

Just because half of the energy and soul power in the Dantian must be used to cultivate the second life weapon.

When the cultivation reaches the level of complete control, the combat effectiveness will be completely restored.

And Immortal Lord Xiao Xi was a shining star who was urgently sacrificed before going on the expedition, and it has not yet been a year old.

At Yaoxing's level, even if Yaoxing's weapon spirit cooperates 100% with Immortal Lord Xiao Xi's cultivation, it will take at least a thousand years to achieve complete control.

In this case, Yaoxing could only transfer half of Immortal Xiao Xi's injuries.

Just half of the injury could damage the semi-artifact Yao Xing to this extent. Qian Gan couldn't imagine how seriously injured his father was!
The people on Yaoxing also discovered Qian Qian and his escort, and immediately turned around and flew towards them.

The moment they passed each other, Qiangan and the others were picked up on the warship.

Before they could stand still, Qian Gan grabbed the person who had just pulled them onto the warship and directed a series of questions at him:

"Uncle Feng, where is my father? How is he? Did something happen? Where is he now? I..."

The person pulled by Qian Gan was Qian Yifeng, the leader of Xiao Xixianjun's personal guard. He did not answer Qian Gan's question immediately, but asked:
"Agan, why are you here? Didn't you go to District 29?"

"Uncle Feng, don't worry about how I got here. Please tell me quickly, how is my father? Is he in the main control room now? I'll go find him right now!"

As soon as he saw Qian Yifeng's thoughtful behavior, Qian Qian knew that his father's situation must be very bad, and his heart sank.

Although he had already guessed that his father would not be well when he saw Yaoxing's tragic situation, before it was confirmed, he still had a vague hope that Yaoxing's tragic situation was not caused by his father.

However, the erratic eyes of Qian Yifeng and the other sergeants on the deck who did not dare to meet him and the anger and sorrow on their faces had not dissipated, which said everything.

But Qian Qian still didn’t give up, he wanted to see it with his own eyes!
If something really happened to my father, the safest place on Yaoxing at this time would be the main control room.

Therefore, Qian Gan didn't wait for Qian Yifeng to speak again, pushed aside Uncle Feng, whom he usually respected very much, and stumbled towards the main control room.

At this time, Qian Qian was even complaining in his heart about the restriction on the inability to use Yuanli on Yaoxing.

Otherwise, you can quickly reach the main control room by using your body and martial arts skills.

Qian Qian only felt that the road from the deck to the main control room was so long, which made him panic.

For the first time in his life, he hated that the space formation loaded on Yaoxing was too powerful.

Finally, the main control room arrived.

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