Qian Qian originally thought that he would feel a little more at ease when he arrived at the door of the main control room, but he did not expect that the closer he got to the door of the main control room, the more violent his heartbeat became.

When he actually stood in front of the main control room door, Qian Gan's heart almost jumped out of his throat.

After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Qian Gan used his fingers to make a knife, cut his eyebrows and forced out a drop of blood, then held it with the tip of his index finger and sent it to a secret groove on the door of the main control room.

But he didn't want to be too nervous and excited. After trying several times, he couldn't successfully send the blood essence from his fingertips into the groove.

In desperation, Qian Qian lowered his body, scratched the center of his eyebrows again, pressed the center of his eyebrows to the groove, and once again forced out a drop of blood.

This time, the essence and blood finally dripped into the groove smoothly.

Many mysterious runes suddenly flashed on the door of the originally ordinary main control room, and a soft beam of light enveloped Qian Gan.

There were also runes flowing in the beam, and some runes even passed directly through Qian Gan's body.

After a few breaths, the light beam was retracted, and the main control room door returned to its ordinary state again.

Disappearing together with the beam, there was also the man who had the money to do this big job.

After a brief period of discomfort during the space jump, Qian Qian successfully entered the main control room of his father's semi-artifact warship for the first time.

But at this moment, Qian Qian had no intention of checking the situation in the main control room. All his attention was focused on the giant transparent coffin made of the best immortal crystal in the center of the room. The man was soaking in some kind of milky substance. A looming figure in the medicine.

Qian Qian wanted to rush over immediately and pull the man out of the giant coffin, even if he had to suffer military punishment.

But in fact, his feet seemed to be firmly stuck in place by the best quality adhesive in the world. No matter how hard he tried, he could not lift them up.

After a long time, perhaps because he noticed the slight rhythm of the medicine on the chest of the figure in the giant coffin, or perhaps because of the bond between father and son, Qian Qian finally calmed down a little.

Father is still alive!

Very good!
As long as my father is still alive, there must be hope to cure him!
If you can’t do it yourself, Sister Bao can definitely do it!
Even if Sister Bao doesn't have that ability herself, with her incredible blessings, it's only a matter of time before her father is rescued and cured!
As early as when Yuan Bai Zhanjie unexpectedly met the Guan family and fled together, Qian Qian was jealous of Guan Mingxin's incredible good fortune. From the accident at the beginning and jealousy, to admiration and recognition, to worship, everything fell into place.

Coupled with a series of subsequent events, Qian Qian has completely concluded that as long as he follows Sister Bao, all problems will be solved.

Therefore, seeing his father like this, Qian Qian's first thought after calming down was: Sister Bao, help me!
Immediately afterwards, he used the Magic Sky Bracelet to directly initiate a video call application for Guan Mingxin.

Over there, Guan Mingxin, who had just handed over a large amount of golden rice to his superior, heard Jiujiu's message:
"Master, Qian Qian initiated a video call application, did it pass?

Also, the space-time live broadcast room has been closed for a long time. Do you want to open it now? "

Hearing this, Guan Mingxin was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Qian Qian to actually send him a video message at this time:
"Logically speaking, my god-brother should have just arrived at the First Army Corps station at this time. How could he have time to make a video call with me?
Did something happen?
As for the time and space live broadcast room, Jiujiu, if you didn’t remind me, I would have forgotten that there is such a thing!

Hurry up and start it. Many seniors in the audience are very nice to me. I wonder why I always feel like something is missing recently. "

"Well, Master Jiujiu doesn't know what's going on with Qiangan, so do you want to connect to the video call?"

Jiujiu asked again while opening the time and space live broadcast room.

Guan Mingxin had a vague bad feeling in her heart. She always felt that after the video call was connected, it would bring a lot of trouble to herself.But there is also opportunity in trouble.

After pondering for a long time, looking at the flashing video application on the projection of the Phantom Star body on his left wrist, he finally relented and connected to the video call.

"Great! Sister Bao, you are not in seclusion!
Sister Bao, I am desperate now. There are traitors colluding with the demons among the top leaders of the First Legion. In order to save the sergeants of the First Legion, my father used forbidden techniques...

He is lingering there now...

Sister Bao, I beg you to help me, help me save my father!
As long as he can live!

Sister Bao, please...please..."

As soon as the call was connected, Qian Qian started to talk a lot in a tearful voice, for fear that Guan Mingxin wouldn't give him a chance to speak so eagerly.

At the end of the sentence, I was even choked up and speechless.

Seeing the looming figure in the huge transparent coffin next to Qian Qian, Guan Mingxin knew that he had guessed correctly.

Looking at Qian Gan's miserable appearance with tears streaming down his face and eyes red and swollen, he still looked like a noble son from a wealthy family with a graceful and graceful appearance, Guan Mingxin couldn't say the words of rejection when they came to his lips.


Dead silence.

While Qian Qian stopped talking, he also unilaterally shut down his own voice, not wanting his painful cries to affect Guan Mingxin's choice.

But he didn't know that sometimes silent wails and roars were more shocking and deeper into people's hearts than when there was sound.

Not only Guan Mingxin, but also many viewers in the newly opened space-time live broadcast room were infected by Qian Gan's desperate mood.

"...I asked Jiujiu to assist you and directly use the positioning and teleportation function of the Huantian Bracelet. If you don't have enough Yuaneng Stones, don't worry, Jiujiu will take care of it."

In the end, Guan Mingxin sighed and hung up the video call without waiting for Qiangan's response.

Jiujiu, who was watching the whole process, secretly shook her head and sent a positioning transmission invitation to Qian Gan without any personal instructions from her master.

As long as Qian Gan accepts it, the person he wants to take can be instantly teleported to Guan Mingxin without him having to pay the Yuan Neng Stone.

During the video call just now, his master did not notice the environment where Qian Qian was, but Jiujiu, the weapon spirit, immediately noticed that there was a severely injured weapon spirit on the other side of the video call.

Combined with what Qian Gan said, Jiujiu quickly guessed the situation there.

His father is definitely not the only person around Qian Gan!
As expected, except for the traitor's men, all the remaining sergeants of the First Legion should be on the warship with mature weapon spirits opposite the video.

Since Qian Gan's father would rather save those sergeants than to be seriously injured and dying, Qian Gan probably would not make the decision to abandon them and take his father and his confidants away from the large team.

In this way, if everyone on the dilapidated warship on the other side of the video is teleported together with the warship, the energy consumed is unimaginable.

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