Jiujiu slandered that not long ago, his master got another windfall as a blessing in disguise. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the people there to make up the entire energy consumption of this transmission just by relying on money.

At that time, who should be taken away and who should not be taken away will be the crisis that Qiangan needs to face head-on.

A bad move might even cause a mutiny among the sergeants of the First Legion who managed to survive!

Qian Gan, who knew nothing about it, didn't think about it at all after receiving the positioning transmission invitation from Jiujiu, and agreed to the invitation as soon as he saw it.

The next moment, accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling of jumping in space, the Yaoxing warship disappeared out of thin air.

The pursuers on the demon warship who were chasing after them could only watch helplessly as the duck that reached their mouths flew away again.

All kinds of anger and conspiracy theories were thrown at the person in the human army who contacted their demons.

For a while, the man was suffering from all kinds of headaches and torture, and he almost exposed himself.

Qian Gan and the others who were lucky enough to escape were not aware of Guan Mingxin's instructions at this time, but they accidentally avenged half of their revenge.

The remaining half, after Guan Mingxin rescues Immortal Xiao Xixian, is also a certainty.

This is later.

Now, when Guan Mingxin and others, who had just sent off No. 20 District [-] Logistics Director, were scratching their hearts and minds about being forced to hand over a large amount of golden rice, a huge warship suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

The warship is really big, about [-] feet long, about [-] feet wide, and the highest point is even more than [-] feet high!

Although such a huge warship is in tatters at the moment, it does not affect its intimidation at all.

In fact, the obvious scars after the battle added to the heaviness and despair.

But in this heavy despair, there is also a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of vitality, and a decisive faith.

Although he had learned from Jiujiu that the upcoming Yaoxing warship was very big, Guan Mingxin did not expect it to be so big.

Suddenly, this kind of shock is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Neither the people on the warship nor the brothers, sisters, friends and subordinates around Guan Mingxin recovered from the shock for a while.

The former was because they were still being chased by the demon elites just a moment ago, and suddenly they appeared in a wilderness.

The latter, like Guan Mingxin, was shocked by the intimidation of the warship itself.

"Ahem...Master, do you think you should let the people on the warship get off first?"

After a long while, Jiujiu, who still couldn't stand it, spoke out in public and gave a tactful reminder.

Only then did Guan Mingxin come back to her senses, and finally realized belatedly that the amount of energy stones needed to teleport such a warship together with the sergeants on it was unimaginable!
Although he knew that since the warship had been transmitted "intact", it meant that the energy stone that Jiujiu called was enough.

But Guan Mingxin still felt a wave of fear in her heart.

Can't think about it!
Sensing what her master was thinking, Jiujiu originally wanted to report the total amount of energy consumed by this transmission, but she resisted.

It’s better not to say anything!
Anyway, the owner doesn’t know the details of the previous harvest.

What's more, the last harvest came at the expense of the disappearance of Wuji, the king of spiritual bodies.

Although the master didn't say it, there was no doubt that she was sad.

It’s better not to get into trouble again...

Jiujiu thought so and did so.

In the next period of time, Jiujiu will never show up unless Guan Mingxin takes the initiative to call.Guan Mingxin, who didn't know Jiujiu's little thoughts, finally came to his senses after being reminded by Jiujiu and immediately sent a video call request to Qian Qian.

After the other party connected instantly, Guan Mingxin said directly without any greetings:
"Brother, we're here, come down."


Qian Gan looked dull and promised, but did not take any actual action.

The weapon spirit of Yaoxing couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly used his authority to exclude everyone and everything on the warship except the hull itself.

After that, Yao Xing shrank in size and became the size of an adult's palm, and fell into Qian Gan's hands, who subconsciously took it away.

For a moment, the sergeants on the warship were like giant raindrops falling from the sky, scattering in all directions.

There are some large and small weapons and other things mixed in there.

The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the huge transparent coffin that comes straight towards Guan Mingxin and the money stems hanging on it.

I don't know whether it was the deliberate action of Yaoxing's weapon spirit or a coincidence at the end of the war, but the giant coffin simply brushed against Guan Mingxin's toes and landed in front of Guan Mingxin.

Guan Mingxin didn't take this to heart.

Her attention was focused on the looming figure in the giant coffin.

"Sister Bao, this is my father! Please save him!..."

Before Qian Qian could stand still, he rushed towards Guan Mingxin, but unexpectedly his foot slipped and he fell to the ground to worship him.

Combined with the words in his mouth, to someone who didn't know the inside story, it would seem that he was begging Guan Mingxin, the "cruel doctor", for his father's sake.

No, the surviving sergeants of the First Legion just misunderstood.

Especially the bodyguards of Immortal Lord Xiao Xi.

Although they don’t know why their young master has the ability to teleport the shining star out of thin air to the front line of No. 20 District [-], the battlefield between humans and demons, and has to ask for help from a baby with only three heads and body, but their loyalty does not wait for them to think about it. He quickly caught up with the young master and rushed towards Guan Mingxin.

When they got behind Qian Gan, they all knelt down in unison and lowered their heads towards Guan Mingxin:
"Please save me, Lord!"

Seeing this, the other sergeants also ran over and knelt down behind the guards. They also kneeled on the ground, lowered their heads, and shouted in unison:

"Please save the commander!"

Guan Mingxin was so shocked by this unexpected scene that she didn't know what to say.

But in the eyes of anxious Qiangan and others, her daze and silence turned into embarrassment and hesitation.

Qian Gan was cruel, raised his left hand, used his fingers as a knife to cut the center of his eyebrow, and forced out a drop of blood:

"With my painstaking efforts and my soul, I swear here, to be a slave willingly, to serve my lord for life, to follow life and death, and to pass on from generation to generation.

From now on, you are the master of my money! "

"Brother, you..."

Guan Mingxin really didn't expect that Qian Gan would misunderstand him and prompt him to make such a harsh blood contract just because he had not recovered from the series of changes.

Guan Mingxin felt a connection that appeared in the sea of ​​soul consciousness when the rules of heaven came down, and her mood really fell to the bottom.

She knew that even if she could break the blood contract, she couldn't do it now.

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