With Qian Gan's mentality, if he really terminated the blood contract oath, he would definitely think that he refused his request for help.

One bad move may very well put Qian Gan on the road to ruin.

In the eyes of the other personal guards of Immortal Xiao Xi and the surviving sergeants of the First Legion, once he terminates the blood contract oath, it means that their only hope has been lost. In despair, they may turn against him.

Guan Mingxin didn't dare to gamble on people's hearts.

After thinking about this, Guan Mingxin sighed helplessly and stepped forward to help Qian Gan:
"Brother Qian, it's not safe here. Even with Jiujiu's cover, it can't affect the patrols of the experts stationed in District 29. You should quickly change your clothes and pretend to be a mercenary group that accidentally came here.

Even if he can't hide it from the garrison who is also a sergeant, it's better to show off, at least there is a step, so that they won't fight each other when they meet.

As for his uncle, I have something here that can ease his injury, which can make him sober and unobtrusive like a normal injury.

The specific treatment method can only be carried out after fooling the 29th District garrison..."

When Qian Qian heard this, he was ecstatic and interrupted Guan Mingxin before she could finish speaking:
"Sister Bao, no! Master, please ease my father's injury now!"

Guan Mingxin knew that if he didn't let Immortal Xiao Xi wake up first and leave the protection of the giant coffin, Qian Gan and the others would never be in the mood to consider whether they would attract the garrison of District 29.

In desperation, Guan Mingxin had no choice but to use the cover of the purple lotus bracelet to let Wuyou pick a nine-turn nine-leaf clear green lotus seed from the lotus pond in Wanxiang Small Realm. The moment he pushed open the lid of the giant coffin, he used The wood attribute energy wrapped the lotus seeds and stuffed them into Immortal Xiao Xi's mouth.

The medicinal effect of the lotus seeds of Nine Turns Nine Leaves Qingling Green Lotus is immediate.

Within three breaths of taking the entrance, Immortal Xiao Xi's golden paper-like face was quickly stained with a trace of healthy blush, and his complexion turned slightly sickly fair, and his black and purple lips gradually revealed their original pink color. .

After another ten breaths, Immortal Xiao Xi's eyelashes trembled slightly and he opened his eyes.

At the same time, the milky liquid in the giant coffin quickly poured into Immortal Xiao Xi's body.

Following closely behind was a giant coffin that turned into liquid.

After all the liquid entered Immortal Xiao Xi's body, he was able to stand up on his own tremblingly!



A cry of surprise from the heart resounded through the sky.

Everyone watching this scene looked at Immortal Xiao Xi and Guan Mingxin with extremely shocked eyes, and their hearts were filled with mixed emotions.

Guan Mingxin ignored everyone's complicated looks. She looked at the surrounded Xiao Xixianjun and wanted to say that it was getting late and it was time to prepare for the patrol of the 29th District garrison. However, she felt that it was a bit disappointing to speak at this time.

When he was in a dilemma, Immortal Lord Xiao Xi spoke in person:

"Thank you for your support, but this is not the time to relax.

Our First Legion should have become history. No matter how many of us survived, the other legions must be completely destroyed.

Therefore, for the time being, you will take off the uniforms, badges and other related items of the First Legion and change into ordinary clothes.It's best to conceal your appearance so that no one will notice that you belong to the First Legion.

In addition, from now on, I am no longer the commander of the army. "

After finishing speaking, Immortal Lord Xiao Xi took the lead in giving a demonstration. He used his immortal knowledge to take out a set of clothes and accessories from the storage ring, intending to change them himself.

But he didn't expect that the actions he was accustomed to would become even more difficult now. Just taking out something from the storage ring made Immortal Xiao Xi's face pale again, and the subsequent change of clothes was even more difficult. Because the immortal power in the body cannot be used, it can only be done manually.

However, his injuries were too severe. Just standing up on his own before almost consumed all of his energy. Now he was really powerless.

Upon seeing this, Qian Qian ignored Immortal Xiao Xixian's objections, created a barrier to block his sight, and then helped his father change clothes.

With Immortal Xiao Xi as an example, the surviving sergeants of the First Legion, even though they were very reluctant to give up in their hearts, still followed Immortal Xiao Xi's instructions and changed their clothes as quickly as possible, put away everything that might expose the First Legion, and their appearance also changed. Each used various means to disguise themselves.

Of course, all this is done in their own barrier that isolates them from sight.

After everyone's barriers were removed, the originally well-organized sergeants disappeared and were replaced by a group of stragglers who had just experienced a great war and fled here. They kept looking at each other, like real strangers gathered unexpectedly. So unfamiliar and alert all the time.

What caused this situation was that when these people changed their clothes, they invariably chose the ones they carried with them that were of the worst quality and had all kinds of defects and damages.

Coupled with the disgraced appearance after the disguise, the stains of blood that have not been removed, and the evil spirit that has not been restrained, if they had not seen them before and after the disguise, Guan Mingxin and others would have thought that they were a group of casual cultivators who came here. A mercenary.

While feeling emotional, Guan Mingxin did not forget to order Jiujiu to remove the protective barrier, so as to prevent the patrol troops stationed in No. 20 District [-] from finding the protective barrier and becoming suspicious when they came over.

Although the sudden appearance of tens of thousands of casual cultivators is also arousing suspicion, it is much better to have the patrols mistakenly think that they are demons or monsters sneaking in than to be discovered by the protective barrier.

Don't think that this kind of misunderstanding won't happen.

In fact, demons and monsters have always been sneaking into human settlements.

Not only do monsters or demons on the same battlefield rush to the human camp on the opposite side, but there are also cases where they cross the battlefield and sneak into the human camp.

Whether it's demons appearing in human settlements on the battlefield between humans and demons, or demons appearing in human settlements in the battlefield between humans and demons, it happens from time to time.

Of course, the Terrans did the same thing.

In short, the three tribes of humans, monsters and demons are trying their best to infiltrate the other two tribes in preparation for the final victory.

During Guan Mingxin's seclusion, demon spies appeared in the logistics department of District 20, No. [-], Human-Devil Battlefield, and even fled to the area where Guan Mingxin and the others were after being discovered.

Fortunately, the Junying mercenary group led by Yu Ling and Guan Bo arrived just in time. The Junying mercenary group was so large that the demon spies escaped quickly without any thought.

Otherwise, Guan Mingxin and a group of minors still don’t know what they would experience.

Guan Mingxin does not yet know about the fact that the Junying mercenary group also came to Area 20 of the Human-Demon Battlefield.

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