After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 698 Wuji Pavilion’s Counterattack【2】

After they sent people to investigate, they found that no one from Wuji Pavilion had joined any sect, let alone any background.

I suddenly felt strange, where did these people come from?

What are you doing?
Is Wuji Pavilion really just a chamber of commerce?


The strength of the top sects is that they are strong. Even though Guan Mingxin and the others were careful enough, a lot of information was still found out.

Some people even doubted the more than 2 people who suddenly appeared at the beginning, and kept saying that they were madmen who escaped from the Hundred Wars Realm.

I feel that the source of Wuji Pavilion, which has never been found, must have come from the outside world.

But this suspicion was constantly dispelled as they sent people to deliberately approach the disciples of Wuji Pavilion, and they used strategies that looked like small talk but were actually clichés.

Until no one has any such doubts anymore.

In fact, except for the obviously false parts of the content extracted from the disciples of Wuji Pavilion, the rest can actually be found from the source, or it may be similar events in similar places.

If there is only one of the above situations, it is purely a coincidence. If only a few disciples pull it out, it can be regarded as such a coincidence.

However, there are thousands of small caravans sent by Wuji Pavilion, each with at least 20 people. Almost all of these more than 2 disciples have been tricked, and the above situations have occurred!
Then, it means that what they are talking about is not a coincidence, but a real fact!
In addition, some of the secrets they told were impossible to know without sufficient knowledge and strength.

There are not just one or two secrets like this, but dozens of them, and they are more than the disciples of these top sects know!
Who can doubt that the disciples of Wuji Pavilion are not from the Huanyue Immortal Spirit World?
In other words, the disciples of their Wuji Pavilion are all truly indigenous creatures of the Moon-Ringing Fairy Spirit World.

The time when their ancestors first appeared in the Fairy World around the Moon can be estimated to be at least 5 years ago!
At least, this is the case for the disciples who have been sent out so far.

Then no matter how many remaining disciples there are, the nine top sect forces will no longer suspect that they are from the outside world.

In their understanding, "Those who are not from my race must have different minds" is a creed engraved in their bones.

The "race" here does not only refer to the race of living beings, but also includes distinctions such as different worlds and different regions.

Even in name, their nine top sects do not restrict their disciples' race, identity, or family background. As long as they meet their recruitment conditions, they can pass the assessment and join their nine top sects.

But in fact, very few actually do what they say.

It’s not just the nine top sects that are like this.

Looking at all the large and small forces in the entire Ring of Moon Fairy Spirit World, the same is true.

It is precisely for this reason that according to their fixed thinking mode, Wuji Pavilion, which is able to recruit so many natives from the Moon Ring Fairy Spirit Realm as disciples, is absolutely impossible to be from a foreign "tribe"!

Aren't you afraid of internal conflicts?

After ruling out the possibility of coming from outside "clan", they placed their suspicion on extremely secretive hidden forces or clans.

Throughout the history of the Huanyue Fairy Spirit Realm, there are quite a few forces or clans that had to live in seclusion due to various reasons.

Among them, some were hidden but could no longer be hidden and resurfaced.

Some were found secluded places by hostile forces, broke through the defenses and destroyed their families.

Those who have truly remained hidden from the world, or whose news has never been released, only account for a very small part.

And this very small part are all descendants of the Ancient God Clan or the Ancient Demon Clan, without any exception!
The nine top sects speculated that Wuji Pavilion, a chamber of commerce organization, might have been founded by the very few descendants of the ancient gods or ancient demons.The purpose is that they want to be born and no longer live in seclusion, so they can come out in advance to find out the current situation of the fairy world around the moon.

After all, they have been hiding from the world for so long, so they must need a period of adaptation.

Only when they become familiar with the environment and figure out the situation in the Fairy World around the Moon can they really take action!
The more I think about it, the more likely it becomes that the attitude of the nine top sects toward Wuji Pavilion becomes increasingly unpredictable.

No matter what, they don't want this force to continue to grow, and they are even a little bit ready to take this opportunity to eradicate it.

No matter who wrote Wuji Pavilion, in short, the fact that they disrupted the market of Huanyue Fairy Spirit World is the biggest threat to other forces.

However, it has not affected the nine top sect forces yet.

But if these people are allowed to develop smoothly, it will be troublesome!

They still need to treat this with caution!


"Wuji Pavilion, haha!"

In a luxurious palace in the famous Tianfeng City in the Huanyue Fairy World, a man sitting on a throne and wearing a glittering robe sneered repeatedly. Several enchanting women in scantily clad clothes around him saw this and all looked tender. He called out "husband".

The man ignored him, just stared at the young man standing next to him, and said sullenly: "What do you think?"

The young man frowned slightly and was silent for a long time before replying: "These people are probably similar to what I originally expected. They are the remnants of the ancient gods or ancient demons! I just don't know which ancient god or ancient demon they are!"

The man narrowed his eyes, with a cold and murderous look in his eyes, and gritted his teeth and said: "Hmph, no matter whose handiwork it is, anyone who dares to disrupt our plan of the Hengyuan Immortal Alliance will have to pay the price!

I don’t care what the origin of Wuji Pavilion is. If you dare to go against us, I will completely erase it from this world!
And that bastard named Shen, if I don’t torture him to death with my own hands, it’s hard to understand the hatred in my heart! "

The man's name is Yang Hao. He is the son of the deputy leader of the Hengyuan Immortal Alliance, the first merchant alliance in the Huanyue Immortal Spirit World. He has a prominent status.

The Shen bastard he was talking about was the person who had provoked him in the market before, Shen Lang, the captain of a small caravan in Wuji Pavilion!
In Yang Hao's view, although Shen Lang was only a small early-stage Nascent Soul monk, he had the support of Wuji Pavilion, which made him arrogant and domineering for a long time, and even he dared to provoke him easily.

The son of the dignified deputy leader of the Hengyuan Immortal Alliance was humiliated like this by a small casual cultivator. If he didn't take revenge, how would he lose his face?

Yang Hao immediately ordered: "Investigate the whereabouts of that bastard immediately!"

"As ordered!"

The two guards in black responded in unison and quickly retreated.


On the other side, Senluo City is a hundred miles away from Tianfeng City.

Shen Lang and other Wuji Pavilion troops have settled down and are staying here to recuperate.

He originally wanted to return to Jiuxiao Immortal City directly with a group of elites from Wuji Pavilion.

Unfortunately, they were intercepted on the way.

The interceptors consisted of three cultivators at the peak of divine transformation, a dozen cultivators at the early stage of divine transformation, and hundreds of casual cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage, who stopped them.

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