After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 699 Wuji Pavilion’s Counterattack【3】

Fortunately, Shen Lang activated the life-saving trump card redeemed from the Treasure Pavilion in time, and was able to escape with his team of 23 people.

Even so, they also suffered heavy losses. Almost all their comrades were injured, and only the three luckier ones were not seriously injured.

But they managed to get out of trouble in the end, and the escape talisman that Shen Lang spent a huge amount of energy stones to exchange for was not in vain!
In the past, they could actually use the teleportation function of the Magic Sky Bracelet to escape, but Shen Lang and the others felt that they should not expose the Magic Sky Bracelet if they could, so they faced the enemy head-on.

After all, the Huantian Bracelet is a medium that can enter the Yanyi God Realm, and it is definitely a priceless treasure!

In other words, His Highness, the master of the pavilion, is very wealthy and has equipped everyone with a Magic Sky Bracelet.

It also provides free optimization and upgrades.

If it were him, Shen Lang, he would never do this.

At the very least, it’s never free!
Shen Lang didn't know that he actually blurted out his thoughts, which immediately made the teammates around him laugh.

"Cough cough!"

Shen Lang coughed dryly to hide his embarrassment, then turned around and changed the subject:
"Hey, by the way, our harvest this time is really rich!"

"Yes, that super large storage ring alone is estimated to be worth more than tens of millions of top-grade spiritual stones!"

"Tsk, tsk, there is still such a large batch of materials. If you sell them, you will get 800 to [-] million mid-grade spiritual essence stones, right?"

"However, it is most cost-effective to hand over the materials to the exchange branch to exchange for military merit points."

"Yes, yes! Isn't there any good stuff in the treasure pavilion created by our pavilion master? Do you still need to buy it outside?"

"That's right, don't let the good news go to outsiders!"


Everyone was very interested at this time, and they had even begun to imagine how many military merits they could obtain after being handed over to the exchange branch, and what treasures they could exchange for from the Treasure Pavilion...

Shen Lang listened on the side. Although he did not join in the discussion, he was equally excited.

He now urgently needs to exchange from the Treasure Pavilion for a set of monster crystal cores suitable for him to practice the "Soul-Eating Demon God Technique". Otherwise, if he delays for a few more years, his cultivation will be stuck in the early stage of distraction!
My original skills were good before the distraction period, but after breaking through to the distraction period, they were somewhat insufficient.

However, the monster crystal cores on the shelves in the Treasure Pavilion for practicing the "Soul-Eating Demon God Technique" have been specially processed to ensure the safety of the disciples during their practice. They can not only relieve pain but also improve their practice. The success rate of "Soul-Eating Demon God Technique".

Use the monster crystal core in the Treasure Pavilion to practice the "Soul-Eating Demon God Art". Even if you fail, you can practice it for a while and come back again until you succeed.

For this reason, no matter how anxious everyone is to practice the "Soul-Eating Demon God Technique", they will still wait for enough military merit to be exchanged for the required monster crystal cores in the Treasure Pavilion, instead of themselves. Try to find a way to get something from other places to use as a must-have for practicing the "Soul-Eating Demon God Technique".

No matter how high the grade of those things are, how good the quality is, or how precious and rare they are, they are not moved by them.

What a joke, who can pat their chest and guarantee that if they use that thing, they will definitely be able to successfully practice the "Soul-Eating Demon God Art"?
Don't end up tossing it and end up losing your life!
This possibility is very high.

Compared with the torture of practicing the "Soul-Eating Demon God Art" for a while, one's own life is more important.

And Shen Lang was just one of the waiting army.

Originally, he could continue to maintain a peaceful mind, but the blame lies with his friends at the same time, because they have exchanged the required monster crystal cores, and after successfully practicing the "Soul-Eating Demon God Technique", their cultivation levels have improved. improved.

The worst is already the middle stage of distraction.

He was the only one who was still squatting in the early stages of distraction.

Shen Lang was unwilling to succumb to others, so he had to work harder and catch up quickly!
Otherwise, you are likely to be eliminated.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.Don't think that the members of Wuji Pavilion, who are either close to Guan Mingxin or blood servants, will be good to you, me, and everyone.

On the contrary, with this prerequisite that betrayal will not occur, everyone will be more involved!

Comparing cultivation level, combat prowess, mastering the auxiliary training system skills, etc. are all very common. They even started various competitions in various details such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc. that you can think of and unexpected. roll……

It is precisely because of this that Shen Lang will try his best to earn a lot of military merit.

"Captain Shen, what are you thinking about?"

Liu Fei on the side noticed Shen Lang's silence and asked.

"Oh, nothing."

Shen Lang shook his head, his eyes darkening.

After spending so much time with Shen Lang, Liu Fei could naturally tell that Shen Lang had something on his mind, and he could also guess what it was.

Then, Liu Fei, with a hint of concern in his eyes, stepped forward and comforted softly:
"Captain Shen, you are very strong and talented, so don't worry too much.

There is no vicious competition in our Wuji Pavilion. As long as you keep working hard, I believe you will be able to catch up. "

Hearing this, Shen Lang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This is true, but the key is that while you are working hard, others are also working hard.

Over time, the gap between you and them will become wider and wider, and it is definitely not something you can catch up with through hard work.

Shen Lang also has an unknown extravagant wish in his heart, that is, he hopes that one day, he can stand beside His Highness the Pavilion Master and fight for His Highness the Pavilion Master.

As a half-blood half-demon, Shen Lang will never forget that when he was abandoned by his tribe and was about to be eaten alive by the ferocious monsters, it was an arrow from the Pavilion Master that saved him.

Later, after learning about his situation, he did not hesitate to accept him as a member of the traceability mercenary group.

It was also from that moment on that Shen Lang felt that he was living a decent life, able to eat and clothe himself, and learn to practice...

With these scenes replaying in his mind, Shen Lang became more determined in his goal. He must become the personal guard of His Highness the Pavilion Master!

At this moment, there was a strange sound, and everyone stopped talking and became alert.

They stood together quickly and quietly, forming an offensive and defensive formation, looking warily towards the direction from which the movement was coming.

Soon, a young man in shabby clothes appeared in everyone's sight.

I saw that his face was covered with dust and he was in a mess. He ran from nowhere and looked panicked and at a loss.

After seeing the Wuji Pavilion caravan led by Shen Lang, the young man's eyes suddenly lit up and he called for help:
"Help! Help!"

That voice was full of panic and despair.

Seeing this, everyone frowned. How did this young man get in?

How come they didn't notice it at all?
From the look on his face, he seemed to be in danger.

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed, and he could feel that this young man had a familiar medicinal fragrance, which seemed to be an expensive life-saving elixir in the Treasure Pavilion.

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