After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 700 Wuji Pavilion’s Counterattack【4】

He had the honor to see the director of his Qianji Department take it before, and this was still fresh in his memory.

Thinking of this, Shen Lang quickly stepped forward and asked:
"Which caravan are you from? What happened to your caravan?"

The young man looked up at Shen Lang, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and said tremblingly:

"I belong to caravan No. 75. Our caravan was attacked by the Hengyuan Immortal Alliance. Everyone was trapped in a dangerous place. I was sent out to ask for help by everyone!"

Shen Lang was shocked, Hengyuan Immortal Alliance!

This name reminded him of Yang Hao, the man who claimed to be the son of the deputy leader of the Hengyuan Immortal Alliance.

"Liu Fei, you take everyone and teleport directly back to Immortal City to report. I'll go check out the situation there first!"

Shen Lang made up his mind and immediately made arrangements.

The young man did not say the reason why everyone did not choose to teleport directly back to the Wuji Pavilion headquarters, Jiuxiao Immortal City, but Shen Lang and the others knew it well.

In the current situation where Wuji Pavilion is attracting attention from all forces in the Ring-Moon Immortal Spirit World, try not to expose the Huantian Bracelet as much as possible.

Not to mention that Caravan No. 75 made this choice, even if they themselves were in the same situation, they would have made the same choice.

After listening to Shen Lang's arrangement, Liu Fei and others nodded silently without saying much.

They knew that their injuries were serious and that staying here would be a drag, so they simply obeyed their orders and returned to Jiuxiao Immortal City using the Huantian Bracelet.

After receiving the map shared by the young man's Magic Sky Bracelet, Shen Lang nodded to the young man and turned into a stream of light, quickly flying towards the place marked on the map.

He didn't know what was waiting for him ahead, but at this moment, Shen Lang had no fear in his heart, only the determination to fight and the responsibility of rescue.

He galloped in the sky, his aura condensed to the extreme, and with hope and courage, he rushed towards the danger ahead.

Not long after, a huge canyon came into Shen Lang's sight.

The cliffs on both sides of the canyon are covered with dense cracks, like spider webs, which are shocking, as if a slight collision may cause them to collapse!

This is where Caravan No. 75 was attacked.

At this moment, the canyon was filled with a layer of black fog, which was extremely thick and blocked the view.

There is almost no spiritual power fluctuation in this area, and not even the shadow of the monster is seen, which makes it look extremely weird.

There are three broken halberds stuck on the rocks on both sides of the canyon. The surface is rusty and seems to have a history of tens of thousands of years.

"Tsk, there is such a scene!"

Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, Shen Lang frowned. The feeling of depression here was even greater than the dangerous swamp he had encountered before.

There seemed to be a faint roaring and explosion sound coming from the ground of the canyon.

Although the mountain cracks on both sides of the canyon are dense and ferocious, there are no traces of fighting.

"Is it an illusion?"

Shen Lang said to himself, then held his breath and concentrated, taking a tentative step forward.


Sure enough, the sole of his foot hit a raised boulder, and the entire canyon suddenly made a harsh and muffled sound, and the surrounding ground shook.

Shen Lang was startled and hurriedly took a few steps back.

"so close!"

There was sweat on his forehead, which seemed to be the result of some kind of severe prohibition.

Shen Lang did not dare to trespass, so he immediately took out the compass from the storage ring. After confirming the direction, he walked along the right side of the canyon.

The deeper you go into the canyon, the more dense the stone cracks on the ground become, and traces of thick black mist leak out from the stone cracks, exuding a disgusting stench.

Shen Lang held his breath and continued walking deeper into the canyon.About half a stick of incense passed, and Shen Lang didn't encounter any danger again.

That's not to say there's no danger here, just that the level of threat is low.

Shen Lang continued walking and finally arrived in front of a mountain stream.

This mountain stream is arc-shaped and goes straight to the ground. The surrounding walls are blood red, like the color of blood solidified, which is very weird.

There is a narrow and steep path in the center of the mountain stream that leads directly to the depths of the earth.


Shen Lang stepped forward and was about to get into the hole, at this moment.

A black light shot out from the oblique thorn, carrying a majestic and terrifying wave of spiritual power.


Shen Lang's expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened, and he instinctively felt a great intimidation, and his body stiffened instantly.

With a "bang" sound, the black light hit the clothes on Shen Lang's back and penetrated it.

The black light contained huge destructive power and directly strangled Shen Lang's skin and flesh. His bones, meridians, and even organs were all minced into dregs.

Just a ray of remaining energy is so terrifying!

Fortunately, before Shen Lang went out to do business this time, he exchanged a lot of life-saving items from the exchange branch, including three passively activated stand-in puppets!
No, one is in use right now.

Without the stand-in puppet, Shen Lang would definitely be useless even if he didn't die. "Swish swish!"

Before Shen Lang could lament his scrapped substitute puppet, several more attacks came from the side.

Shen Lang immediately opened the mini formation disk that looked like a pendant jade pendant around his waist, opening up a defensive barrier.

"Clang clang clang!"

A violent burst of sparks flew.

The attacks came without warning, and were swift and sharp. The power of each attack was staggering!

But since the mini formation disk was activated, no matter how strong the attack of the sneak attack was, it could no longer hurt Shen Lang at all.

At this time, Shen Lang did not care about entangled with the sneak attacker, and took advantage of the cover of these attacks to set foot on the trail again.

This time, there were no more surprises. Shen Lang quickly reached the bottom of the valley and saw the besieged caravan No. 75.

Seeing that although all of them were seriously injured, they were not seriously injured, Shen Lang felt relieved a little.

There are quite a few disciples in Caravan No. 75. Among the 30 people, except for the captain and seven disciple guards who were seriously injured, the other disciples were only slightly injured.

"Senior Brother Shen! You..."

Just as the captain at the head wanted to speak, Shen Lang raised his hand to stop him: "Stop talking!"

Shen Lang signaled everyone to be silent. He released his spiritual consciousness and carefully observed his surroundings.

There is a restricted barrier here, perhaps some kind of powerful illusion array, and the arrangement is quite subtle.

If you fall into the illusion formation, it will cause hallucinations. This should be set up by Caravan No. 75 itself.

The people from the Hengyuan Immortal Alliance were unable to break through for a while, so they could only set up an ambush outside and besiege them.

In their understanding, since the Wuji Pavilion caravan No. 75 they blocked was ready to return because the goods in the "Wuji Pavilion Shop" they carried with them were sold out, then other supplies needed for going out should also be available. It’s almost consumed.

Such as Yuanjing coins, Yuaneng stones, elixirs, etc.

They only need to wait for a while, and the besieged Caravan No. 75 will be consumed by them due to lack of supplies.

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