Chapter 137 Let Her Overturn Such a Big Car

Immediately, her eyes turned bright, and Cui Yingying immediately twisted her body on purpose and said coquettishly and shyly: "You made me too tired that night, so I can't get up!"

Jin Shao: "..."

Ok!He took the blame for it, after all that night...cough!It was because he was too excited and tormented her for too long, so he was also somewhat responsible for this result.

So this thing...

[Go and see, Feng Qianzhuo bears my long-lost peerless martial arts hammer in Huaxia, and is now at the gate of the "Jincheng Films" company. On the spot, it was said to let them have a good experience, and now the police have been alarmed! 】

Just as Jin Shao was swiping Weibo, this bullet screen suddenly popped up. He followed the link and clicked on it, and found that it was a scene in front of the "Jincheng Films" company, which was photographed by passers-by and posted on the Internet. It became a trending search, and almost everyone who saw it on the Internet went crazy!

The server was nearly overwhelmed several times.

All the paparazzi and black fans in the video may not have imagined that they would have the opportunity to be on the hot search one day, it's amazing!

"This Feng Qianzhuo is really so miraculous, can he really have the long-lost peerless martial arts?"

Seeing this, even Young Master Jin couldn't help being curious about Feng Qianzhuo.

But Cui Yingying disagreed, even if she tried her best to pretend to be gentle, she couldn't hide the resentment and disdain deep in her eyes: "It should be hype! What age is it, how can there be any peerless martial arts?"

That Feng Qianzhuo is simply insane, even if she dares to stand up as a martial arts master, isn't she afraid of overturning?


After hearing Cui Yingying's words, Young Master Jin frowned in disapproval.

Is it a hype?

Seeing Feng Qianzhuo acting so insolently, and her all-over aura in the video, as well as the enthusiastic attitude of all the netizens, it doesn't look like it's just hype!
And everyone is in this circle, some senses are still very keen, Feng does the name Feng Qianzhuo become more familiar the more I hear it?
just like……

Well, it's better not to be as he guessed, otherwise he had blackmailed her before, and if she knew about it, it might be difficult to handle this matter!
After all, although his family is good, it only ranks third in City Z, compared to the Feng family who ranks first...

Young Master Jin quickly shook his head, throwing away that possibility completely, but in the end he still confessed uneasy: "You were at fault in this matter first, so don't hold on to it..."

Otherwise, some people who shouldn't be offended will be offended, even if he can't help it, now he has to quickly find out if this Feng Qianzhuo is the person he guessed.

Just as he finished speaking, seeing Cui Yingying's big eyes filled with tears, and her expression of aggrieved and unwilling, he couldn't help feeling soft in his heart: "But don't worry, if she isn't... if she has a chance in the future, This young master will definitely find the place back for you."


When will that wait?
Right now, she wants Feng Qian to die and let her get out of the entertainment industry.

But she also knows that no matter whether Feng Qianzhuo is a masterpiece or not, she has come out of desperation this time and fought a beautiful turnaround... But Nima, the most annoying thing is that she didn't even show up , let others turn the tables for her, it really beeps the dog!

Cui Yingying is simply envious and jealous!

But I also know that I have lost the best chance to step on her. No matter how much she jumps now, it will not do anything except let her character collapse and arouse the disgust of netizens, so I have no choice but to nod unwillingly.

But Feng Qianzhuo dared to steal her role, and let her overturn such a big car this time, she would never let her go.

If you don't believe them, just wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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