Chapter 138
At the same time, let's not mention how unwilling Cui Yingying is here, and does not intend to let her go.

At this time, seeing the reversal on the Internet, seeing Cui Yingying overturning the car on the spot, and seeing her martial arts skills suddenly storming the Internet, Feng Qianzhuo was... terribly stunned.

At this time, she did not expect that Li Wenxian would come out to help her regardless of his face as a man when he was too busy to take care of himself.

And she didn't expect that the person she rescued at that time would have such a background, which really surprised her.

Also, although the crew of "Journey to the Rivers and Lakes" said that the temporary replacement caused her some troubles, but it was a bit of a responsibility to stand up and issue a special statement in time, and she had nothing to worry about.

After all, she has gained practical benefits in this matter.

But what shocked Feng Qianzhuo the most was that he didn't expect that a random act of punishing paparazzi and black fans would lead to a storm on the Internet and the police...


They won't come for her, will they?

I go!

"Miss Feng, I didn't expect you to be in charge of my long-lost peerless martial arts in China, so I sincerely want to invite you to participate in our "Extreme Challenge: The Law of the Jungle" program. How about we sign the contract now?" ?” At the same time as the words fell, he handed over the contract with sincere eyes.

Director Lin's invitation to Feng Qianzhuo at this moment can be said to be full of sincerity, but Feng Qianzhuo always feels that his purpose for inviting her is not pure, but under the gaze of Vice President She, a senior executive of the company, it is really hard to say if she refuses.

After all, in the eyes of others, it is a great honor and a blessing in the previous life for Director Lin to let go of his figure and come to invite him personally. It would be too ignorant for her to refuse an artist who is far away from the [-]th line.

So she can't do this villain.

It's just that she can't do it, isn't there someone else?

So immediately, Feng Qianzhuo raised his leg and kicked Manager Gu: "Are you dead? If you're not dead, roll over and work!"

Manager Gu tricked her before, hoping that he would make persistent efforts and continue to refuse.

Originally, because Vice President She and the others came in suddenly, Gu Ze, who felt that he had lost face, kept shrinking there without making a sound, and reduced his sense of existence to the bottom, as if he could deceive himself and others, so that others would not see him like.

At this time, being kicked by Feng Qianzhuo, he had to straighten his hair and quickly roll over and stand up.

But when Vice President She and Director Lin saw his face again, the corners of their mouths twitched again.

What kind of enmity, what kind of resentment, is it that someone's face is scratched like this... Okay!Cutting off one's future is undoubtedly killing one's parents, and should be beaten.

But it can be seen from this that both Feng Qianzhuo and her little assistant are definitely ruthless people.

In particular, Feng Qianzhuo is definitely a vengeful master, as you can see from the paparazzi and black fans outside who have been ordered to "experience" Chinese martial arts on the spot, so you must not offend her easily in the future, or you will be absolutely cool.

Director Lin quietly wiped away his sweat, feeling a little cold.

Although!It can be said that he is sincere in inviting Ms. Feng to participate in their program now, but he himself knows that his original motive was not pure.

He was afraid that if Miss Feng found out, she would stab him to death with one finger, which would be troublesome!

"Haha, thank you very much for Director Lin's invitation. It is our honor to be able to participate in your show. We will sign the contract immediately, just sign..."

At the same time as the words fell, he quickly accepted the contract, and Feng Qianzhuo didn't even have time to stop it.

Feng Qianzhuo: "..."

No, didn't you just want to cut off my future, didn't you want me to participate in "Extreme Challenge"?

Why did it reverse all of a sudden?

(End of this chapter)

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