Chapter 101 CP Chaos Stew (please subscribe!)

How could Xing Feiran, who was single with mother and fetus, expect that his future sister-in-law has already imagined a good show and is going to 'dig a hole' for him!

At this moment, everyone gathered one after another, and everyone was cooking tea around the stove, which was very lively.

"Zhiyue, try this, it's delicious! I brought it for you specially." Lin Xiangran squeezed to Jiang Zhiyue's side very attentively, and took out some snacks from the suitcase he brought. It was placed on the table in front of Jiang Zhiyue.

Jiang Zhiyue took a look and thanked subconsciously.

Xing Feiran said gloomily from the side: "You dare to eat what anyone gives you, and you are not afraid of poison."

Xing Feiran is handsome, but has a poisonous tongue.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he successfully attracted the attention of others.

Being rejected again and again, how could Lin Xiangran not feel it?

Frowning, she asked Xing Feiran, "Excuse me...have I offended you before?" She couldn't figure out what she did wrong to be so targeted by this person?

"Eat this." Xing Feiran took out a few white chocolates like magic, and handed them to Jiang Zhiyue, without answering Lin Xiangran.

Jiang Zhiyue was very embarrassed, she was in a dilemma in this scene...

However, she still peeled off the chocolate and ate it, it tasted really good.

Lin Xiangran seemed to have been slapped in the face in public, her face was in hot pain, she was completely ignored by Xing Feiran...

Could it be that this little boy has a crush on Jiang Zhiyue?Will he deliberately target her?

Lin Xiangran felt that he had discovered some great secret.

The whole day, Lin Xiangran was secretly observing the relationship between Jiang Zhiyue and Xing Feiran, feeling very strange, if he likes it, it doesn't look like it, if it doesn't matter, then Xing Feiran treats Jiang Zhiyue so well What to do?She wouldn't believe that Xing Feiran didn't care about Jiang Zhiyue!
Lin Xiangran was thinking about it, but she didn't even think about the reason. At night, after all the video equipment was turned off, she suddenly received a video call from a friend.

Seeing his friend lying sickly on the bed, Lin Xiangran couldn't help frowning and said, "Are you still sick? You've been hospitalized for a long time, and you didn't participate in the innocent casting a few days ago."

"The wound has healed, and it's much better. As for innocence... I don't even bother to accept that kind of trash movie." He Qingqing flicked her wrist, and asked with a smile, "Are you participating in a variety show?"

Lin Xiangran nodded, "Well, let's catch Jiang Zhiyue's popularity, after all, I'm not popular now..."

"Jiang Zhiyue?!" He Qingqing was shocked, in disbelief: "You and Jiang Zhiyue recorded the show together?"

Lin Xiangran hummed, feeling that her friend's reaction was too exaggerated, but after thinking about it, it is understandable, He Qingqing is a woman who has won the Best Actress Award, and now a little girl who suddenly became popular has stolen her limelight, no No wonder it's uncomfortable!

Lin Xiangran got out of bed and went to the refrigerator outside to get a bottle of milk. He happened to meet Xing Feiran. He Qingqing from the hospital was numb all over, this could he be here! ?
He Qingqing discovered that ever since Xing Zhiyi picked up her limbs and recuperated her tendons and was hospitalized, the outside world seems to have changed...

Such a grand engagement ceremony between Xing Yichen and Jiang Zhiyue cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and the whole Internet was full of excitement. She watched the video, wishing she could strangle Jiang Zhiyue to death, and go to stand with Xing Yichen herself!
Obviously all of this should belong to her childhood sweetheart!
I have admired Xing Yichen for so long, and put in so much hard work, can Jiang Zhiyue, a little yellow-haired girl who came out of nowhere, snatch Xing Yichen away?

He Qingqing was very unwilling!
After finishing talking with Lin Xiangran indiscriminately, she hung up the video.

In her ward, there were many photos of Xing Yichen and Jiang Zhiyue's engagement ceremony.

"Yi Chen, how could you choose her to give up on me, obviously I am your best choice, and you and I are the most suitable couple..." He Qingqing muttered to herself while stroking the photo.

Above, Jiang Zhiyue's face was replaced with hers. These sweet moments belonged to her and Xing Yichen!
Jiang Zhiyue?She doesn't deserve it!
He Qingqing smiled foolishly, thinking in her heart, it's time to find Jiang Zhiyue and declare the initiative, she wants to show Jiang Zhiyue, the mistress, that she is Xing Yichen's destined match!


Jiang Zhiyue had a slight cold and didn't sleep well all night. When she closed her eyes, she had nightmares. She kept doing scary math problems, or was chased by ghosts and turned into a zombie!
Jiang Zhiyue woke up at six o'clock in the morning.

When I woke up, my mind was still: Find the number that can evolve into a triangle from the following numbers.

Jiang Zhiyue shivered in horror!Terrible, terrible!The number 7 is all over my head!

She pushed open the door, and ran into Lin Xiangran who was leaving with a suitcase in a hurry. She only saw a figure from behind, and she was a little confused: why are you walking so fast, and there are no wolves behind.

Jiang Zhiyue pursed her lips, ate soy milk and fried dough sticks to pad her stomach, and then drank a large cup of cold medicine, and then felt that she was revived with full blood.

Maybe Lin Xiangran, an annoying spirit, left. In the following time, Xing Feiran finally got rid of that yin and yang strange energy, which was normal for everyone.

The staff of the film crew almost went crazy knocking on CP!
Jiang Zhiyue felt uncomfortable, so Xing Feiran did the task for her!
Jiang Zhiyue doesn't want to cook, so Xing Feiran cooks for herself and makes love omelettes!

Jiang Zhiyue wanted to be the champion, and Xing Feiran crazily cleared the level all the way and offered the No.1 reward with both hands!Give it to Jiang Zhiyue!
CP fans who don't know the inside story: So cute!lock up!
People who know the inside story: dumplings are not as good as delicious, and sister-in-law is not as fun...

Xing Feiran: Everything is the big brother's idea, as long as the brother and sister-in-law are happy (holding glasses)
Just like that, after the variety show "Salted Fish Loves to Show Bad" was broadcast, there was a cult trend on the Internet! CP is stewed in chaos, as long as the food you produce is sweet enough, you can knock Jiang Zhiyue × so-and-so if you want!
As long as you dare to write, we will beat you to death!

At the same time, the "Ten Days Forest" program team also gained popularity. During this period of CP chaos, they quickly released all the edited videos and sideshows in advance, and Jiang Zhiyue's popularity increased!
Appearance group: Gu Ruyun×Jiang Zhiyue

Deep Sister Love Group: Jiang Zhiyue×Qin Suisui
High IQ Group: Jiang Zhiyue×He Gu
Netizen: Did you hit it today?

With the upsurge of knocking on CP, Jiang Zhiyue entered the crew of "Innocence" in a low-key manner and started the official shooting.

Shooting such a hostile script is usually very metaphysical. Pei Wenchuan deliberately picked an auspicious day for everyone to turn on their phones.

After burning the incense, Pei Wenchuan said: "Everyone, get ready, we will shoot at night."

(End of this chapter)

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