After rebirth, the billionaires stared at me

Chapter 102 Good Night, Little Moon

Chapter 102 Good Night, Little Moon (please subscribe!)
"Good Director Pei." Everyone responded in unison, and Pei Wenchuan distributed the script of today's shooting to the main shooters.

Jiang Zhiyue quickly memorized the lines, and matched the lines with the girl who played the deceased.

The other party was a quick-witted girl who was very respectful to Jiang Zhiyue, "Senior Jiang, I think this paragraph can be slightly changed... What do you think?"

Jiang Zhiyue nodded, and said with a smile: "It's pretty good, so that the character's psychology can be highlighted."

The two hit it off immediately, and at night, the filming officially started.


[It was a winter three years ago.

It has rarely snowed in L City in recent years, but unexpectedly, this year it snowed one after another, and it fell very heavily and beautifully.

Jiang Nanyue looked up at the blurry moon in the sky, let out a breath from the cold, crossed her hands, and quickened her pace to go home.

Jiang Nanyue lived on the 11th floor, and the front desk told her that the elevator had broken down and was being repaired, so she needed to climb the stairs to go home.

In such a cold day, it's all about exercising.

Thinking so, Jiang Nanyue walked up to the sixth floor.

The elevator room was extremely dark, and Jiang Nanyue tried to climb the stairs with a mobile phone with only three batteries.

Suddenly there was a sound of dong, very like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, which frightened her severely.

Jiang Nanyue refrained from screaming, frowning and looking for the source of the sound.


The broken door in the stairwell was opened, and a girl in black carrying a suitcase came into my eyes unexpectedly.

Jiang Nanyue was stunned.

The girl was also stunned.

The girl seemed a little surprised, how could someone still climb the stairs at eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

Jiang Nanyue was also very surprised, how could someone walk without making a sound.

The girl seemed to give Jiang Nanyue a nod, and then gave way quickly, letting Jiang Nanyue go upstairs first.

Jiang Nanyue was a little curious, is this girl a tenant downstairs or the owner?Why do you have to go out at eleven o'clock in the middle of the night?Not even going downstairs but going upstairs?

Or maybe she bought a new house?From tenant to owner?

But Jiang Nanyue didn't ask the girl, because it would be impolite for strangers to ask too many questions.

The two reached a consensus and climbed the stairs in silence.

Jiang Nanyue was thinking in her heart, this girl shouldn't be carrying such a big suitcase alone, climbing five or six floors, or even higher?But she still underestimated the strength of girls.

This girl is really strong.

As a stay-at-home girl, Jiang Nanyue didn't exercise all year round, so she was naturally in poor health. After climbing the stairs for a while, she was out of breath and sweating all over her body.

After Jiang Nanyue climbed to the 11th floor, she leaned against the wall and gasped.

The girl's footsteps stopped behind me.

"Sorry, can you let me go?" The girl's voice was very soft, sounding very gentle, like a little sparrow.

Jiang Nanyue paused, opened the door of the stairwell, and asked casually, "Did you just move here?"

The girl was silent and nodded slightly.

Jiang Nanyue's eyes fell on the snow on her body.

In the dark night, the white shines brightly.

He met her amber eyes again.

"Sister, can you help me? After climbing for so long, my hands are numb." The girl lowered her head and asked Jiang Nanyue in a low voice, her movements were extra cautious, as if she was afraid that Jiang Nanyue would reject her.

"Yes." Jiang Nanyue warmly grabbed the suitcase in the girl's hand, not to mention, it was quite heavy.

The girl opened her door, and Jiang Nanyue followed behind, pushing the suitcase in skillfully.Perhaps it was because there was a step at the door. After the wheels rolled over, there was another loud noise in the dark night.

It's extremely ugly.

Soon the girl turned on the lights in the room.

After seeing the scene inside the house, Jiang Nanyue was even more convinced that the girl was a tenant, and that she was very poor.

The girl warmly invited Jiang Nanyue in to take a rest, but Jiang Nanyue shied away and sat on the sofa, while the girl hurriedly pushed the suitcase into her room, as if she was hiding something.

Jiang Nanyue clearly heard a muffled groan coming from the suitcase, it seemed to be a man's voice...]


"Okay, click!" Pei Wenchuan yelled to stop, "You are in good condition, you are getting into the show very quickly, it's getting late, you should go to bed early, and gather at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Jiang Zhiyue nodded and yawned lazily against the wall.

The girl who played the role of the deceased was named Tian Tian, ​​she was from a major, and her acting skills were really good. She didn't cry out that she was tired after carrying such a big suitcase just now.

You know, that suitcase is full of mineral water!
Pei Wenchuan was critical and made things difficult at the beginning, but fortunately Tian Tian survived.

This also means that the acting skills have passed the test.

"Here, drink slowly." Jiang Zhiyue took the water from Tang Tianyi, stuffed it into Tian Tian's hand, and turned to leave.

"Thank you, Senior Jiang! You are so kind." Tian Tian followed behind Jiang Zhiyue with a blushing face, and everyone went back home.

Jiang Zhiyue said: "You are a few months younger than me, call me sister Zhiyue." She was not used to suddenly becoming someone else's senior.

Tian Tian stuck out her tongue and said sweetly, "Sister Zhiyue."

Jiang Zhiyue returned to her residence, had a conversation on the phone with Xing Yichen, and when she couldn't stand it any longer, she fell asleep in a daze.

Xing Yichen looked at the cute little girl in the camera, and inadvertently hooked the corner of his mouth, "Good night, little moon."

"Hmm..." Jiang Zhiyue smacked her lips while holding the phone.

When it was almost dawn, Jiang Zhiyue was half asleep and half awake, and vaguely heard the system mumbling: [Licking dog is online! 】

"Ah?" Jiang Zhiyue shuddered all over, and she sat up in shock as she lifted the quilt.

[The dog licking version He Qingqing is here!Just downstairs of the hotel! 】The tone of the system was unbearably excited, and sang a song in my heart: I finally waited for you~ Fortunately, I didn't give up~

Jiang Zhiyue rubbed her face, and found that her phone was dead and automatically turned off, so she put it on the bedside to charge it, and looked at the time, it was only past five in the morning... Isn't He Qingqing recovering?The dog licking version is really not afraid of pain, young people are full of vitality...

Jiang Zhiyue simply washed up, turned on her phone, and received a call from 'He Qingqing'.

He Qingqing opened her mouth and said, "Sister Zhiyue, I'm here to visit the class! I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss me?"

I don't know what the original owner of the body did. She just woke up and found that her limbs were sore. Take a look!My tendons are all broken!How can this make her gain Jiang Zhiyue's favorability?

However, it is still possible to use the injury to win Jiang Zhiyue's sympathy, try to increase the favorability!
With that in mind, the dog-licking version of He Qingqing is here!

Jiang Zhiyue knew that there was going to be a big battle, so after getting dressed, she opened her mouth and said, "Sister Qingqing, I miss you so much! Where are you? Are you cold when you come to visit the class so early? I'll go downstairs to find you!"

I was moved, and my favorability increased again. The dog-licking version of He Qingqing felt that even if she died of pain, it was worth it!

"Sister Zhiyue, you are so kind! I love you so much!"

Jiang Zhiyue: No emotion is all about acting.

(End of this chapter)

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