Chapter 103
Jiang Zhiyue successfully reunited with the dog-licking version of He Qingqing.

In order to test the combat effectiveness of the opponent's unknown system, Jiang Zhiyue deliberately delayed the time, and took the dog-licking version of He Qingqing to have breakfast together.

During this period, the dog licking version He Qingqing tried her best to flatter her.

"Sister Zhiyue, how are you doing recently? I found out that you and Mr. Xing are engaged! You are so happy!" The dog-licking version of He Qingqing looked at Jiang Zhiyue with curious and envious eyes while drinking porridge.

The little girl didn't wear makeup, but her face was still beautiful, which was enviable.This is the collagen that cannot be supplemented by eating pig's trotters!
Young is so good.

He Qingqing sighed inwardly.

At this moment, listening to her question, she raised her eyelids lightly, and said lightly, "You're doing pretty well, Sister Qingqing is young and beautiful, if you meet a lover and get engaged as soon as possible, your life will be happy Happy."

The little girl lowered her eyes lightly, pinned her hair with her slender pale fingertips, raised her head and looked at the opposite side with a smile, but the smile was not a bit of a sincere dog-licking version of He Qingqing.

A pair of clear and bright eyes seemed to be able to see through the conspiracy in her heart.

The dog-licking version of He Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, and she said with a blunt smile: "Sister Zhiyue is joking, who doesn't know Mr. Xing is good, anyway, I will never meet such a good man in my life. Sister Let me just say, you have to catch this man firmly, don't let other people snatch him away, and it will be too late to regret it!"

She mentally asked her system: 'How is it?Has the favorability increased?My rainbow fart, my mouth is going to be worn out! 'If this doesn't increase her favorability, she'll die straight away!

Her system: 'Added, added, directly added to 50!If you praise a few more words, we will succeed! '

Licking dog version He Qingqing: 'OKK~'

With the blessing of favorability, the dog-licking version of He Qingqing didn't panic at all. She put her heart in her stomach and praised Xing Yichen from beginning to end over and over again in one breath. A teapot, I never tire of it, persevere, but I heard that the favorability increased.

Licking dog version He Qingqing's inner OS: Isn't it just a compliment!As long as I can increase my favorability, I won't have a problem standing here boasting for a day and a night!

"You must marry him!" He Qingqing, the dog-licking version, took a deep breath and finished the last sentence.

Slumped in a chair, gasping for breath.

"Oh?" Jiang Zhiyue only found it very funny when she heard these words.

In my eyes, the other party's long-winded speech did not make any waves at all, because the other party's purpose was very clear and she had already known it.

Such closeness is inherently impure.

So being backlashed...

Jiang Zhiyue's eyes darkened, and she said softly, "What will happen if I don't marry him?"

The dog-licking version of He Qingqing praised her, and her favorability increased to 90. Suddenly, when Jiang Zhiyue said this, her favorability dropped to 80 with a click.

she:? ? ?

how so!
Jiang Zhiyue said again: "I already know your purpose, don't pretend."

Licking dog version He Qingqing: My purpose?
'Fuck the system, have I been seen through? '

Favorability reduced to 50.

Jiang Zhiyue: "That system of yours seems to be quite useless, throw it away, and start a new life."

Dog licking version He Qingqing:! !

'Fuck, it's over! 'was discovered!
Favorability decreased to 10!

Favorability system: 'Warning!Major crisis!The host has been exposed!Crisis mode is on! '

The dog licking version He Qingqing panicked, her face turned green, and she said firmly, "Sister Zhiyue, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" She was still pretending to be stupid.

Jiang Zhiyue directly exposed her hypocritical mask: "I can hear all the conversations between you and your system."

Favorability decreased to -100! !
System: 'Warning Warning!Severe warning!The system has been discovered!The host is being forcibly stripped! ...Peeling failed!Parasitizing is being forced! ! '

The dog-licking version of He Qingqing was still forcing a smile on her face, but she didn't expect that her system would directly try to take her away!

The dog-licking version of He Qingqing burst open!Heart-piercing pain came from her body, she looked up at the quiet little girl in front of her in surprise, "Help me! Please!"

Since Jiang Zhiyue knew her purpose, why didn't she expose her?Instead, it was only at this time that he had a showdown with her... Could it be that there is some hidden secret?

It is said that a person's IQ bursts before he dies.

This sentence is perfect to describe the dog-licking version of He Qingqing.

She immediately asked Jiang Zhiyue for help.

After all, this is the object of gaining favorability, and she will not lose a piece of meat if she tries to ask for help. If she succeeds, she may be able to save her life. How can she not give it a try?

Seeing this, Jiang Zhiyue asked the system in her heart: "Have you found the right time?"

【She is going to die. 】The system said.

Its voice was a little weird, as if it was in great pain, it was very depressed, and it was almost difficult to utter three words: [Don't, don't, her. 】

Jiang Zhiyue was stunned, "Can't it be saved?"

The system stopped talking.

Jiang Zhiyue felt a sense of crisis from the bottom of her heart, as if something unknown was peeping at her, and suddenly shouted in a panic: "You dog, talk!"

Before the system could respond, He Qingqing, the dog licking version opposite, yelled suddenly, and her body collapsed to the ground, clearly in a tragic state of death.

A pair of eyes were bleeding bright red, staring at Jiang Zhiyue firmly!
Jiang Zhiyue was stunned.

How is this going?

How could the dog-licking version of He Qingqing die? !

How could it be so easy to die!
The sound of the system also sounded at this moment, full of panic: [Host be careful! 】

When Jiang Zhiyue's eyes went dark, she lost all her strength and fell into a coma.

Her body seemed to be very light right now, like a feather, able to float in the sky with the wind.

It became extremely heavy again, and it was very difficult to move it, as if a big stone was placed on her body, and she couldn't breathe under the pressure.

Jiang Zhiyue opened her eyes and saw many things.

The mysterious and beautiful galaxy, collaged with various brilliant colors, is wonderful. The huge planet is like an ancient beast, full of dangers and dangers.

This is the closest she has ever been to the stars.

It seems that by raising your hand, you can take the entire Milky Way into your palm.

It's amazing.

One by one in the past, they are all played in a loop in my mind.

Jiang Zhiyue didn't know whether this was her own illusion or something that had happened before.

Her soul body is floating around in the great and vast universe, and her memory is very messy. She shook her head and accidentally approached a huge blue planet with a strong suction on it, which was 'pulling' her delicate body. soul.

Before Jiang Zhiyue could escape, she was quickly sucked in!


When she became conscious again, Jiang Zhiyue was sitting in a high-end coffee shop, opposite Qin Yijia who was gorgeously made up.

Qin Yijia took a sip of coffee and said nervously, "Jiang Jiang, what should I do, I seem to be attracted to a man..."

Seeing the mature-looking Qin Yijia, Jiang Zhiyue was obviously taken aback.

The pink tongue lightly licked the dry lips, Jiang Zhiyue said casually: "What?"

Qin Yijia chattered and said: "Just yesterday, I seemed to fall in love with a man at first sight. He is really handsome and cool. Unfortunately, he is too cold. I dare not strike up a conversation for fear of being rejected... I have met him before. The best man ever..."

"How good?" Jiang Zhiyue only heard the last sentence, because her mind was in a mess at the moment, and she couldn't figure out the current situation at all.

After she died, she was reborn at the age of 20, met Xing Yichen, and had a passionate love affair, which everyone knew.

But who will tell her why she retraveled to the previous life?Or was it three months before he was killed in a car accident? !
I didn't die, how could I be reborn again?
This routine is too deep!

God, you are kidding me!
Jiang Zhiyue called the system frantically in her heart, but she didn't get any response. She could only pretend to be calm and wait and see.

When it came to the man who made her fall in love, Qin Yijia was very shy, stroked the cup with her fingers, and said in a low voice: "I only heard that his surname is Xing, I haven't found out about the others, but I believe that fate will allow us to meet again Yes, I'll wait."

Jiang Zhiyue took a deep breath of cold air, picked up the unpalatable bitter coffee and drank it down, bit the tip of her tongue until her mouth became numb from the pain, then took a breath and said: "People who are destined will meet each other, Xiaoqing, I suddenly remembered that the gas in my house hadn’t been turned off, so I left first.”

She wants to go home to prove which time and space Jiang Zhiyue she is!
Is everything that has been reborn before her a dream?Was the car accident that cost her her life a fantasy?

Or is she reborn and reborn?
Everything is as confusing as a mystery, which makes people want to dig deeper.

Without an answer, Jiang Zhiyue will suffer to death.

Qin Yijia was immersed in the delusion that she might have to leave the singles, and she didn't realize that there was something wrong with her best friend's state.

Carrying her bag, Jiang Zhiyue aggressively drove the birthday gift her grandfather gave her—a red global limited-edition Ferrari, to the Jiang family villa.

When she got home, Jiang Zhiyue found that the villa was very quiet, and then she remembered that her grandfather was traveling abroad and was not at home.Jiang Zhiyue looked at the time. It was 06:30 in the evening. At this time, mother Ling Lan and stepfather Lin Li were still at the company and hadn't left work. As for step-sister Lin Yingying...

In order to maintain the pure and beautiful woman design in this life, that scumbag girl doesn't know where to make her own money now.

Jiang Zhiyue sneered, changed into a pair of flat shoes and walked to her room.

Her room and Lin Yingying's room were diagonally opposite, and she looked at each other in shock.

But she is usually busy with filming, so she doesn't go back to the villa very often, and she is very Buddhist about where Lin Yingying lives, so she doesn't see it and doesn't worry about it, so she just doesn't go home to live.

Thinking about it, I haven't lived in my own room for a long time.

Jiang Zhiyue walked to the door and suddenly heard a rapid gasp.

This voice is not unfamiliar.

Jiang Zhiyue's footsteps subconsciously stopped, and all kinds of things that happened when she was reborn for the first time came to her mind. She remembered that Lin Yingying had been collaborating with Wei Junze for several years.

Didn't this pair of scumbags hide in Lin Yingying's room when the masters were not at home? !

Jiang Zhiyue immediately felt sick in her stomach and wanted to vomit!
She moved her steps quietly, stood at Lin Yingying's door, listened quietly for a while, and then took out her mobile phone to record.

In order to seek excitement, this dog couple even left a gap in the door!
Ha ha.

Jiang Zhiyue just wanted to sneer at this.

These two evil pens!
Jiang Zhiyue couldn't take it anymore, so what if she was reborn in the previous life?At this time Wei Junze is her fiancé, these two sluts have stolen it from her!

The top of her head is so green that it becomes the Hulun Beile Prairie!
Who can bear this?

Resisting the urge to feel nauseous, Jiang Zhiyue kicked open the door and frantically took pictures of the room to leave evidence of being greened.

Didn't these two bad guys want to step on her to take the position?Hehe, with recordings and photos as evidence, let's see who dares to speak for these two bad guys. She quickly backed up all the things she took, posted them to a certain number regularly, and then slapped, slapped, slapped to Lin Yingying A few slaps!
The two people in the room were stunned!
They never imagined that the desperate Sanniang Jiang Zhiyue who seldom went home would come back suddenly!Also discovered the ulterior relationship between them!

The faces of the two turned green, and they dodged left and right.

Jiang Zhiyue is a trainer, so he can deal with these two weaklings as long as he has a hand.

Jiang Zhiyue slammed left and right, grabbed Lin Yingying's hair to prevent Lin Yingying from escaping, and then kicked Wei Junze's lifeline a few times, causing Wei Junze to fall on the bed in pain, screaming like a overcooked prawn, Laugh to death.

The two cried wildly.

Jiang Zhiyue was full of aura: "Shut up! Make noise."

Lin Yingying pretended to be weak, and hugged Jiang Zhiyue's arm weepingly: "Sister Zhiyue is not what you think, there is really nothing between me and Aze, you read it wrong..."

"I'll test your mother!" Jiang Zhiyue grabbed the fingers of Lin Yingying's ear, and with only a light force, Lin Yingying's words stopped abruptly in pain. Jiang Zhiyue sneered: "You want to say that there was only pure friendship between you before? Friendship can lie on the same bed ? Do you think I'm blind or a fool?"

Lin Yingying shook her head, "You really misunderstood, Aze was just too tired, I was just helping him, in fact, neither of us was wrong, it was you, Sister Zhiyue... you beat people casually for a trivial matter, you are too small Come on, men won't like girls like you..."

"Heh, he just gave you what he wanted? Why are you so reckless? The beggars under the overpass are also pitiful, will they give you what they want?" Jiang Zhiyue scolded Bichi, pointed at Lin Yingying's nose and crazily output: "I Not magnanimous enough, my fiance in name has been slept with by you year after year, am I not magnanimous enough? Am I considered magnanimous by giving everything from my Jiang family to your Lin family? Do I have to kowtow to you and burn incense, and enshrine you in the ancestral hall as a god to be magnanimous?"

Fuck your white lotus speech, die you!

(End of this chapter)

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