Chapter 113

Several women ran back to their room in a panic.

Jiang Zhiyue realized belatedly, who is Mr. Shi at this time.

Yoyo, are you really coming back?

This person is quite mysterious, Jiang Zhiyue curiously followed the women back into the room, watching them really put on makeup and freshen up in front of the mirror, Jiang Zhiyue couldn't help being speechless.

It's really a woman who pleases herself.

These few are also rich daughters, but for a man, they are willing to wash their hands and make soup for him, and become maids in the manor.

From the perspective of the beneficiaries, what they do is called true love is eternal.

But thinking about it from another angle, these people are simply mentally ill, with a damn love brain!There is still no way to cure it!
Jiang Zhiyue shook her head, sighing.

What a waste of that excellent housework and these pretty faces.

Soon, they changed into gorgeous skirts, like the outfits of European aristocratic girls in the last century, all of them were quite beautiful.

Jiang Zhiyue admired the beauty of these people very much, she was so beautiful that she could enter the entertainment industry and become a female star with just one of them, so why couldn't she think about getting married.

Jiang Zhiyue, who considered herself a single nobleman, held her head and looked at them curiously.

The sound of cars roaring from far to near, a black Ferrari slowly drove into the manor.

Low-key and luxurious, Jiang Zhiyue leaned on the railing and watched a few women standing at the door, looking forward to the Ferrari.

Stretched out from the car was a small hand that only a woman would have.

Jiang Zhiyue was taken aback for a moment.


Isn't it Mr. Shi who came here?

The door of the back seat was opened from the inside, and a tall and handsome man stepped down from above. He didn't enter the house immediately after getting out of the car, but went around to the other side of the car, where the woman was seated...

The man opened the car door with a gentlemanly hand, and helped a petite and lovely woman out of the car. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women stunned everyone.

Especially the woman's high swollen abdomen is very shocking and bewildering.

The women obviously didn't expect that Mr. Shi would take Ye Nanzhi home directly!
You know, this is their territory!

How could Ye Nanzhi, a shameless woman, come here!
Mingrui, a short-tempered woman, couldn't hold it any longer. She quickly ran over with her skirt in hand, and stood beside the harmonious family group. Unable to restrain her excitement, she covered her mouth and said, "You ……you……"

She began to cry, took a small handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her tears, bit her lips with perfect lip makeup, and said the rest of the words very forbearingly, Mingrui said :

"How can you treat me like this...Brother Bo Yuan, you promised not to let me see her again, how could you bring her back to our's not's so unfair !"

Back then, Ye Nanzhi turned Shi Boyuan's fans around, and with a child in his belly, he took the opportunity to take the position. Shi Boyuan was afraid that Ye Nanzhi would not like living in the manor, so he took him away.

They waited bitterly in the manor for Shi Boyuan's arrival again.

But they never imagined that when they reunited again, there would be such a nasty woman as Ye Nanzhi who would cross her legs!
It was originally a famous scene of love and concubine, but because of the arrival of Ye Nanzhi, it turned into a hot scene of tit for tat.

Mingrui has a bad temper, how can he endure being bullied by Ye Nanzhi again and again?
Immediately drop the pick and quit!
Mingrui wiped away the tears with a small handkerchief, pretended to be delicate and weak, and quietly looked at Shi Boyuan and Ye Nanzhi.

A shattered attitude of 'you can figure out how to compensate me'.

Shi Boyuan frowned, as if he couldn't imagine that he was treated differently just after returning home.

He didn't speak for a while.

After all, Ye Nanzhi stood out from the few women who Shi Boyuan fell in love with. She was someone who had seen big scenes, and also knew how to play tricks. When she heard Mingrui's words, she blamed her and Seeing the tea smell in Mingrui's tea, Ye Nanzhi immediately understood Mingrui's purpose of coming over to speak up.

Ye Nanzhi sneered twice in her heart. She originally looked down on Mingrui. She has a big temper and doesn't understand the world. She used to bully her everywhere because of her excellent family affairs. After she was with Shi Boyuan, Ming Rui Rui also got angry and cursed that her relationship with Shi Boyuan would not last long.

The seeds of this hatred were quietly planted.

It is not a gentleman not to avenge this revenge.

Ye Nanzhi knows how to endure, she used to be able to bear it, and now she can bear it even more.

Especially since she was pregnant, she was already fragile and couldn't stand the big trouble. There were so many women in the manor watching the fun. If she lost this verbal battle to Mingrui, then Ye Nanzhi would still be dead. Come on, I can't live anymore!


Thinking of this, Ye Nanzhi sniffed, stubbornly raised her head to prevent tears from falling, and said with a choked voice:
"Sister Mingrui, I'm sorry for you, but for the child in my womb today, who is also the only baby of Brother Shi and I, for his sake, don't be angry with me, okay? It's really my fault , My existence has offended you and affected your relationship with Brother Shi... I am sorry, can you forgive me?"

Mingrui, who is in a strong mood:? ? ?

She, the black question mark face!

It's obvious that she, the one who was greened, should be wronged, Ye Nanzhi, this stinky and shameless dead green tea, what is the name of the dog that smells of tea in the tea here?Are you still a human being?A man who robbed someone else and is pregnant with a child is so shameless and dishonorable, why do you have any reason to make teasing remarks?How shameless!It's gone too far!
Mingrui was so angry that his eyes turned black, and he wanted to rush over and kill Ye Nanzhi, that stinky, shameless dead green tea!
Put on a show!Like a dog!I bother!

Just like this dead green tea, Shi Boyuan even fell in love with her, and even made her pregnant... When Mingrui thinks of this, he becomes very angry!Shi Boyuan's eyes and standards, he can't forget this dead green tea!Ignore such excellent them!
Which one of them has a bad family and bad character, so they can't match Shi Boyuan? !

Mingrui comforted herself in her heart not to be angry, because anger would cause wrinkles and age, and she would no longer be a beautiful woman.

But once you get angry, you can't stop.

Shi Boyuan, a heartless man, she has waited for so many years for the bullshit news that he is going to marry another woman... It really makes people feel very upset and unwilling!
Mingrui spat out a mouthful of old blood, angry!She is so angry!
Mingrui gritted his teeth, raised his eyes and gave Ye Nanzhi a vicious glance.

(End of this chapter)

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