Chapter 114
"You're thinking too much, Sister Nanzhi, how can I blame you? It's all my fault. It's because I have no relationship with Brother Bo Yuan that I missed it. I won't blame the baby in your womb either. It's just an innocent child, I'm not that careful."

Mingrui waved his hands in a pretentious manner, and stopped crying. She wiped away her tears and she is a perfect successful woman again, a mere green tea Ye Nanzhi, huh, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Mingrui didn't know if he was stimulated, and he suddenly opened his mind, as if he had been opened up to Ren Du's second channel, with a small mouth, a thief could speak, and Ye Nanzhi was speechless in a few words Words, at a loss.

Mingrui said: "I'm just a little shocked. Brother Bo Yuan and I made an agreement at the beginning. Since you are already together, you will let me keep a distance from you, lest I disturb you at the liberty, so, When I suddenly saw you, Sister Nanzhi, I couldn't think about it, I just said that when my head got hot, Sister Nanzhi, you are a very generous woman, you shouldn't be narrow-minded, just blame me for saying that Did you say something wrong?"

"..." Ye Nanzhi went through these words in her head, but she didn't realize what Mingrui meant, but Ye Nanzhi could tell that there was not a single good thing Mingrui said, and she was stunned for a moment He stopped, opened his mouth, and couldn't think of words to reply, so he raised his head and looked at the tall man beside him, the hero of the story, Shi Boyuan, as if asking for help.

"Brother Shi... is that really the case? What she said is true?" Ye Nanzhi kicked the ball to Shi Boyuan.

Shi Boyuan couldn't hear the scheming twists and turns between the women, he only knew that the two of them talked a lot of nonsense between each other, and he seemed to understand it, but he didn't seem to understand it.

But can the domineering president say that he doesn't understand what they say?Can't admit it.


Shi Bo Yuan nodded his head pretentiously, and said to Ming Rui and Ming He who were not far away: "It's getting late, let's go in and have dinner, the child is still pregnant, so you can't wait at the door." Standing for a long time can easily affect the fetus."

Is there something wrong with what you said?At first glance, there is really nothing wrong with it, and it is very caring about people.

But in fact, the knowledge inside can be great.

One, it shows that they stayed at the door for a long time, which was a waste of time.

Second, although it was mentioned that Ye Nanzhi was pregnant and couldn't stand for a long time, it was true that Ye Nanzhi was concerned about Ye Nanzhi inside and out, but the mistake was...

Shi Boyuan underestimated the women in front of him, they were all admirers who were deeply obsessed with him!They couldn't love him, so it didn't matter if they didn't mention it, but he brought the woman home, and the woman was still pregnant, and he deliberately said in front of them that the woman was pregnant and was the key object of protection.

Ha ha……

The knowledge here is very deep!
Maybe Shi Boyuan didn't think so deeply, but the rest of the women didn't think so. They were severely abused and were deeply hit, but they had to do their best on the surface, even though they were very jealous of Shi Boyuan's treatment of Ye Nan. This dead green tea is so good, but you still have to learn to bear it, and you can't do anything radical on the spur of the moment...

Several people nodded their heads. They seemed to be very harmonious sisters and friends. They went back to the restaurant for dinner together. But in fact, they each had their own concerns, and they each had different thoughts about the child in Ye Nanzhi's womb. ...

Ye Nanzhi is right, pregnant, or the child of the person they love, tsk tsk tsk... The decision to go back to the manor was wrong in the first place.

If you have the ability to conceive for ten months, it depends on whether you have the ability to give birth to the child safely...

He had already left here at the beginning, why did he come back all of a sudden?Heh, Ye Nanzhi, this is your own choice...don't blame us, you're welcome.

At the dinner table, Shi Boyuan really explained the purpose of their trip.

"Zhi'er is not in good health. She is about to have a baby in two months. I am worried about other people taking care of Zhi'er, so I will leave it to you for the rest of the time." Shi Bo Yuan's usual iceberg face, at this time With great tenderness, she looked at Ye Nanzhi affectionately, and said solemnly: "I will leave Zhi'er in the manor, and you will take care of Zhi'er's daily life... You should have no objections."

What he said was not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

Jiang Zhiyue wanted to laugh.

What kind of weird brain circuit is this, let the rival take care of the rival and the rival's children?

You always stand and talk without back pain!Are you really relieved to hand Ye Nanzhi over to Ming Rui, Ming He and the four of them?

Jiang Zhiyue couldn't help but sweat coldly for the poor child. It's a pity that this child has been in this world for a long time, and he hasn't had the chance to see the world yet. He will be reincarnated because of the women's scheming and fighting for favor...

Jiang Zhiyue was speechless.

Over there, Shi Boyuan finished his thoughts on his own, stopped his voice, and quietly waited for others' answers.

Mingrui looked at Shi Boyuan in shock, and wanted to ask him "Are you sure you want to do this?", but she held back, she couldn't speak so directly, so Mingrui changed the way, Asked: "But none of us have given birth. If we don't take good care of it, something happens to the fetus... We can't bear the responsibility."

Shi Boyuan smiled, "No, I'm sure you can take good care of Zhier."

He reached out and touched Mingrui's head for the first time, Mingrui was even more shocked, his expression was very exaggerated, as if he had been struck by lightning, and he stayed where he was, not even eating.

Maybe he was also lamenting Bo Yuan's coquettish operations and weird brain circuits.

Ming He was also very surprised, but when she thought that only Shi Bo Yuan could do this thing in the whole world, everything seemed to be a little more reasonable. She didn't say much, but just nodded: " I will do my best, sir."

The other two women who have never had a name and are very eager to have a name also echoed and said: "We will take good care of Sister Nanzhi... and the baby in her belly...Mr. Shi, don't worry! We will do what we say." arrive!"

Tsk, you can take care of people, but how to take care of them... It's up to no one to decide.

Several of them have their own ideas and concerns.

Shi Boyuan was even more satisfied, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, this is what we should do." Everyone responded in unison.

Even Ye Nanzhi herself felt that they would take good care of her 'sister' with all their heart... Ha, I don't know where the confidence came from.

So sometimes this person, don't feel too good about yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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