Chapter 115
... Otherwise, when the time comes, I won't even be able to figure out how the car overturned, let alone recognize it.


Shi Boyuan also came back to stay for one night, leaving Ye Nanzhi in the manor, and went out to work by himself.

After all, this dog man still has to work hard to make money to flirt with other women.

The handsome and rich Duojin people can't collapse for the time being, or how many women in this manor will die in a hurry?

To say that Shi Boyuan, a doggy man, is also an awesome existence. He is willing to spend money to raise so many women in the manor. To a certain extent, he is a role model for my generation!

Jiang Zhiyue sighed sincerely.

Ye Nanzhi came to the manor the first day with a big belly, and there was a little accident.

Jiang Zhiyue didn't know what happened, but the ending of the matter... Let's listen to our story.

It's like this, early in the morning, when everyone was still resting, Ye Nanzhi got up.

Maybe it's a pregnant woman, hypocritical and flustered.Ye Nanzhi, who got up early, wandered around the manor, walking around, purely wandering.

Then I met Mingrui who got up early and ran in the morning.

It should be explained that Rui is also a big grievance that can't be clear.

Obviously, Ye Nanzhi and Ye Nanzhi have become enemies, but they still have to smile and laugh, pretending to be sisters who have a good relationship with Ye Nanzhi.

He obviously doesn't like Ye Nanzhi, yet he comes to touch Ye Nanzhi every now and then...

Jiang Zhiyue, a melon-eating crowd: Yes, it’s outrageous.


The sun was shining brightly in the morning, but it was very cold, because it was almost winter, and the autumn wind made people feel cold. If you didn't wear more clothes, you could really catch a cold from the wind.

Ye Nanzhi, in order to maintain the image of the little white flower, even though she has a big belly, is pregnant, and has been eight months old, and it is very inconvenient to move, she even wears a thin layer of white dress, draped her hair, and wraps herself Created the appearance of a pure little white flower, shivering and wandering on the path of the manor.

Coincidentally, Mingrui had already run around the nearby path, and happened to meet Ye Nanzhi by chance.

You have to explain that it's fine for Rui to say hello and take a detour, and he can escape.

But Mingrui didn't follow the routine!She did the opposite, not only went up to say hello to Ye Nanzhi, but after Ye Nanzhi responded, she also stopped her movement like a scumbag, stood beside Ye Nanzhi, looking at Ye Nanzhi The flimsy little white dress on Zhizhi's body may be due to the flood of maternal love again, so she asked a lot: "Aren't you cold?"

Maybe if it was someone else, Ye Nanzhi would simply respond with a word, and leave with a big belly.

But the person in front of her is not someone else, but the admirer of the father of the child in her womb, and her rival in love, and their backgrounds are evenly matched... They even had a crush on each other when they met yesterday...

Tsk tsk tsk, how hard it is to think about it!Take the initiative to talk to me?
Therefore, Mingrui didn't follow the routine, and Ye Nanzhi didn't play the cards according to the routine. She looked directly at Mingrui and replied, "You want to take care of it?"

The short three words, like a thunderbolt on the spot, struck Mingrui's body straight, so that Mingrui never expected that Ye Nanzhi looked at a pure white flower, but he didn't expect to say the words , so imaginatively different.

Mingrui was taken aback when he heard that.

Mingrui stood on the spot and took a deep breath before he came to his senses. His thoughts were surging, and he pretended to be surprised: "Sister can you talk to me in such a tone? We get along very well... It's so cold, I'm concerned about you, you're only wearing a skirt, I'm afraid of freezing the baby in your belly... If I do something wrong, you can tell me, I... I see, sorry."

Ye Nanzhi paused when she heard this long series of words, and opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Sister Mingrui, you misunderstood me, I was frozen stupid just now, I made a slip of the tongue, I'm Forgive me, okay?"

As Ye Nanzhi said, he strode towards Mingrui for a few steps, reaching out to grab Mingrui's hand.

How could Mingrui be easily pulled into the little hands?
As soon as she rolled her eyes, she turned to the side, dodged Ye Nanzhi's push and pull, shook her head and said, "I can forgive you, but don't push me first."

Ye Nanzhi thought that Mingrui would obediently follow her wishes and let her touch him, but he didn't expect that Mingrui would turn around and avoid the touch, so that Ye Nanzhi didn't stop the car on the soles of his feet, and staggered along The strength threw him to the ground.

Coincidentally, there was still morning dew on this ground, and it was very slippery. Ye Nanzhi's slippery foot could not stop the car.

As a result, Ye Nanzhi fell to the ground on his stomach.

But fortunately, she reacted in time. Before she fell, she turned sideways fiercely and grabbed Mingrui. Mingrui fell first. She fell on Mingrui's body, and she didn't really fall to the ground on her belly. .

There was no danger in this fight. In fact, Ye Nanzhi was still a little frightened.

After falling on Mingrui's body, her stomach throbbed uncontrollably, Ye Nanzhi clutched her stomach, frowned in pain, and moaned in pain: " stomach hurts... ...Sister Mingrui, help me..."

Ye Nanzhi was pregnant with more than 110 kilograms, and all the strength in her body was heavily pressed on Mingrui's body, and Mingrui could hardly breathe.Mingrui was a little short of breath after exercising, but Ye Nanzhi was so caught off guard.

At this second, Mingrui was crushed as if he saw his grandmother.

In addition, Mingrui was flustered when he heard Ye Nanzhi's cry for help, and mistakenly thought that Ye Nanzhi was about to give birth prematurely, so in just a few seconds, Mingrui had figured out some words to justify himself in his mind, And quickly got up from the ground, and by the way, helped Ye Nanzhi up from the ground.

Ye Nanzhi was too flustered and frightened, her whole body twitched, and after a while she began to roll her eyes, talking nonsense: "Ah, sister Mingrui, am I going to die... I feel so uncomfortable, my stomach... baby, Is the baby going to be born prematurely? Will I die, I'm so scared..."

"Don't be nervous, take a deep breath, won't die, and the baby will be fine, don't be too nervous." When things came to an end, Mingrui also became a little smarter. She took her mobile phone and quickly He took out his mobile phone and called Minghe, who contacted Shi Boyuan.

Minghe was in his sleep when he woke up suddenly. He heard the outrageous news when he got on the phone. Firstly, he was shocked to the point of aphasia, and secondly, he was stunned. He quickly got up and got dressed, contacted Hershey and returned to the manor. Lou called the family doctor and asked about emergency treatment for pregnant women.

After all this was done, Minghe woke up everyone, and everyone gathered together, helping Ye Nanzhi to the residence in a flustered and orderly manner.

The family doctor also rushed here quickly, and after a short inquiry about the situation, he gave Ye Nanzhi emergency treatment.

But after all, the family doctor is not a gynecologist, and there is no useful way to help Ye Nanzhi in this matter. He can only comfort Ye Nanzhi over and over again, telling her not to be too nervous, for fear that Ye Nanzhi will give birth prematurely.

Shi Boyuan directly sent a special car to pick up Ye Nanzhi from the manor, and sent him to the gynecological hospital for a general examination.


Mingrui lowered his head the whole time, not daring to raise his head when there was a disgusted expression on Bo Yuan's face.

Shi Boyuan's face was cold, he couldn't imagine that he had only been away for less than three hours, and within this short period of time, Ye Nanzhi could have an accident.

Not to mention two months, three hours are hard to pass.

Shi Boyuan was very afraid that his heir would be born prematurely and an accident would happen.

Premature babies are very likely to be deformed or paralyzed, and Shi Bo Yuan simply cannot accept this fact.

Therefore, he could only cast fire on Mingrui, the 'culprit' who most likely caused Ye Nanzhi's 'premature birth' and his heir to 'become disabled'.

"You'd better kneel on the ground and pray over and over again, nothing will happen to the child in the child's womb!"

Shi Boyuan was expressionless and looked at Mingrui with a stern expression.

Mingrui shook his head, "No, this matter has nothing to do with me! Brother Bo Yuan who can check the surveillance... I am innocent! You have to believe me!"

"It's such a critical moment, yet you're still pretending!" When Shi Boyuan heard Mingrui's sophistry, he became even more angry, and finally couldn't hold back his anger. He grabbed Mingrui's neck fiercely, pointed at her The nose went wild and said: "Zi'er is still so young, she is the first child, lying in the hospital bed not knowing whether she is alive or dead, how can you say such a thing!"

Shi Boyuan was furious, almost unable to maintain his aristocratic image, burning with anger outside the ward, his black pupils tightly locked on Mingrui's body, his strong and powerful fingertips rubbed against Mingrui's chin, Afterwards, he slapped Mingrui viciously, and the crisp sound of applause resounded outside the ward, attracting the attention of the empty emergency room.

Shi Boyuan was incompetent and furious, breaking his cold image of not beating women.

This surprised everyone present.

Surprised, he looked up at Shi Boyuan who was still full of anger. Shi Boyuan clenched his hands tightly, and didn't feel any regret for his actions.

"In case something happens to Zhi'er, I want hurt someone and pay for it!" Shi Bo Yuan's tone was cold, like ice, making people shiver from the cold, and it was especially hurtful, he spat out a few more words : "Understood!"

The small four words resounded loudly, and in just a few minutes, Mingrui had been tortured by Shi Boyuan's cruel methods, and his hair was disheveled like a shrew in a deep palace.

The force of Shi Bo Yuan's beating didn't decrease at all, so the force was so strong that it only took a few seconds, and half of Mingrui's face was already swollen, like a pig's head, red and swollen badly.Because of the beating, bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he looked miserable, extremely miserable.

Mingrui didn't know whether he was stunned or stunned. He lay on the ground and paused for a while, then grinned foolishly, and murmured in a low voice: "My feelings for you for so many years, my love for you Fascinated, blind pursuit, you have only known her for a short year, not only did she slander and bully me, but I also endured it. But you... I love you so much, you don't want to believe it Me, casually slandering my innocence..."

"Hehe... is it ridiculous? It's so ridiculous... I have been blind for so many years, and I have been treated ruthlessly with a passion. ..."

Mingrui took a deep breath, raised his head stubbornly, stared at Shi Boyuan, spat out a mouthful of saliva, and said with a sneer, "But you absolutely shouldn't, you trust Ye Nanzhi unconditionally." If you check the monitoring, you will find that it was Ye Nanzhi who found fault with me first! It was not me who pushed her because I was jealous that she was pregnant with your child, which led to such consequences..."

When Shi Boyuan was shocked, Mingrui mocked coldly: "Oh, it's so unreasonable, and even hit a woman, I'm so blind to love you for so long!"

Shi Boyuan glared at Mingrui fiercely.

Instead of feeling scared, Ming Rui felt that his body was getting colder and colder, and his disappointment with Shi Bo Yuan was getting bigger and bigger.

"A man who beats a woman is the worst." Mingrui finally took a deep breath and expressed his inner thoughts.

"Shut up! Crazy talk!" Shi Boyuan couldn't believe Mingrui's words, pointed at Mingrui's nose like a dog jumping over the wall and said loudly: "You pushed the baby and caused her to give birth prematurely, and you even made up these lies to try to make yourself Pick it up, you think it's beautiful!"

Mingrui was still struggling to clear his name.

Unexpectedly, the doctor came out in a hurry and asked worriedly: "Who is the family member of the mother? She gave birth prematurely, with some dystocia, and showed signs of bleeding! She needs a blood transfusion urgently and the family members must sign it!"

Everyone present was stunned.

The stubborn expression on Mingrui's face also froze following the doctor's words.

Shi Bo Yuan stepped forward and signed his name with a pen with trembling fingers, "I am the father of the child..."

"Mr. Shi, don't worry too much, we will do our best!" The doctor hurriedly left these words and returned to the emergency room.

Shi Bo Yuan reacted for a while, then sneered at Ming Rui: "Look at the good deeds you have done! Don't try to quibble, I won't let you go."

As he spoke, he forcibly grabbed Mingrui and made her kneel at the door of the emergency room, begging for blessings for Ye Nanzhi, who was having a difficult labor.

The rest of the people did not dare to speak, completely frightened.

Everything happened so unexpectedly that no one expected it.

After all, Minghe is Mingrui's plastic sister, she hesitated for a moment, but still spoke for Mingrui: "Mr. Shi..." Minghe spoke in a low voice.

It caught Shi Boyuan's cold gaze.

Ming He stopped talking, took a breath, and continued: "I think what Ming Rui said is not unreasonable, you are angry now, I think you need to calm down first..."

"Shut up!" Shi Bo Yuan laughed angrily at these brainless women, and said directly to Ming He: "If you dare to speak nice words for her, you will end up just like her, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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