Chapter 116
Minghe: "..."

Mingrui who was forced to kneel: "..."

Damn, there's no saving this idiot.

Come a bodhisattva and abduct Shi Boyuan away, please.

Ye Nanzhi's rescue took a full ten hours, and everyone was waiting outside the ward, waiting for an answer from the doctor and a result of the matter.

When Bo Yuan was furious, he wrapped Mingrui's mouth with tape to prevent her from defending himself.The method was ruthless and cruel, and it made all the women who admired him feel a chill in their hearts.

After all, the relationship of many years was paid by mistake.

Did Mingrui resist?Of course she resisted.

But after all, she is just a young lady raised by a family. She has no strength, has struggled and resisted, but her strength is too weak to withstand a strong man like Bo Yuan. Between the two of them pushing and shoving, Mingrui was beaten again. Slapped.

The pain on the left and right faces made Mingrui sober.

Everything in the past was all her own doing, she was the ultimate love brain, and all the things she has experienced now made her completely see Shi Bo Yuan's character.

Thin and ruthless, cruel and ruthless.

It is impossible to imagine how such a man would fall in love with a woman.

Mingrui knelt in front of the emergency room. This kneeling lasted for several hours, which was unbearable for normal people, let alone the pampered daughter Mingrui herself. Because of her injuries, she was gagged and knelt on the ground Punishment to kneel, all these piles added up one by one, it's no wonder that Mingrui didn't have any problems!

So, she fainted bravely, fell to the ground, and fell heavily on the ground, making a loud bang, which scared the others into panic.

Shi Bo Yuan glanced at Ming Rui coldly, and said with a cold sneer, "Oh, at this moment, she's still pretending, this hateful woman, really deserves to die."

When no one answered Bo Yuan's words, no one dared to answer.

Ming He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he saw Bo Yuan's increasingly ruthless facial expression, he felt scared and trembling, so he could only silently lift Ming Rui up from the ground and call out to him in a low voice. Mingrui's name.

Shi Boyuan was not in a good mood for this woman, so he took a basin of cold water from the washroom and splashed it directly on Mingrui's face and body.

Mingrui was even more embarrassed, feeling her body was hot and cold, her body was shaking violently, and she woke up suddenly!
Looking at Shi Bo Yuan in fear, in just a few hours, she, a normal beauty, was tossed into this embarrassing appearance.

Shi Boyuan said angrily: "You still dare to stare at me? What right do you have to be lazy! Hurry up and roll over and continue to kneel and pray for the child!"

The commanding tone is very uncomfortable to hear.

Mingrui: "..."

She tried hard to suppress her excited emotions, closed her eyes fiercely, gradually sneered in her heart, opened her eyes stubbornly, pushed the kind Ming He away stupidly, and limped back to the place where she was punished to kneel just now. place, knelt down on the ground again with difficulty.

He even stopped his spine, showing an attitude of being indomitable, refusing to admit his mistakes, and confronting Shi Boyuan.

Shi Boyuan's mood didn't fluctuate. To Mingrui, he just thought of a friend. Although Mingrui loved him but was obsessed with him, he never cared much about Mingrui, let alone Mingrui's thoughts. .

Therefore, to Shi Boyuan, Mingrui is just a dispensable licking dog.

Who cares about the idea of ​​licking a dog.

What's more, Mingrui did something wrong, and everything that happened today was what Mingrui should have suffered in the first place!

She has to bear it!
Because, if you do something wrong, you need to be punished. This is the law of this world.

Ming He took off his coat silently, and put it on for Ming Rui.

Now Mingrui is covered in water and injured again, because it has something to do with the powerful Shi Boyuan, so the doctors here dare not ask for Mingrui's treatment, let alone help Mingrui.

Because once they do this, their jobs may be lost.

The doctors passing by did not see Mingrui's distressed appearance.

No one dared to step forward to check Mingrui's strength.

Ming He sees that he and Ming Rui are friends, and only after getting to know each other once did he take the initiative to help Ming Rui.

Shi Boyuan watched Ming He's every move, but Shi Boyuan remained unmoved, not only ignoring Ming Rui, but also Ming He.

In his eyes, since the women in the manor are being raised by him, they have to pay a certain price and be used by him, otherwise... What is the difference between them and trash?
He doesn't have any feelings for these women, the only one who has the slightest feeling is Ye Nanzhi who has a difficult pregnancy.

He felt that this woman was petite and cute, she was pure and pleasant, she was full of admiration for him, and never caused trouble for him, that's why Shi Boyuan liked Ye Nanzhi and gave Ye Nanzhi the chance to conceive his offspring.

I thought the child would be born smoothly, and the women in the manor would do their best to help him take care of Ye Nanzhi, who was weak during pregnancy, but unexpectedly, everything was difficult, Mingrui made a move on Ye Nanzhi , causing Ye Nanzhi to give birth prematurely... her life was in danger.

Thinking of this, Shi Boyuan became extremely angry, even out of anger.

Shi Boyuan pinched his eyebrows irritably, and kicked the wall depressed.

The buzzing and vibrating mobile phone in his pocket made Shi Bo Yuan even more irritable, frowning tightly, the lines of his frown could kill a fly, his charming face belonged to the whole volcano In the state of being about to explode, the whole person answered the phone very irritablely, and scolded: "You better need to find me for something important, otherwise..."

He sneered lowly.

There is quite a kind of domineering president's ethos that when the weather is cold, the Wang family is about to go bankrupt.

Of course, the person opposite obviously didn't get why Bo Yuan was angry at that time, nor did he get the meaning that Bo Yuan needed to express in his words.

Carelessly asked Shi Bo Yuan why he didn't come to the company, what happened, and joked with a smile: "It's so early in the morning, the anger is so big, why don't you have a relationship and find a woman to vent your anger."

This sentence can be said to be Bo Yuan's thunderbolt repeatedly jumping sideways.

Shi Boyuan clenched his fists tightly, exuding a strong gloomy aura.

He was so angry that he almost couldn't hold back the domineering president's personality, and was about to throw a tantrum.

Lord Yama: Strange, it seems that there is something flickering back and forth in front of the Hall of King Yama?

Shi Boyuan called out the name of the person opposite in a low voice.

That person instantly felt a strong cold breath from 'hell'.

Oops, it seems that the big boss is really angry, what's going on?Could it be that the big boss really fell in love secretly without letting others know?
He thought about it cautiously, confirmed his thoughts even more, and whispered into the phone in a tangled voice: "Brother Bo, you are going on a blind date, and you were rejected by the woman, so that's why you are so angry and treat your brother casually." Are you angry?"

In fact, in a sense, this person really guessed a little bit of the reason why Shi Bo Yuan was angry——

related to women.

When Bo Yuan was so angry that he had a headache, he glanced at the name of the caller displayed on the phone. It was his boy and a partner of the company, who had been put off by him in the calling him now is also a matter of choice. Excuse me.

Shi Bo Yuan rubbed the center of his brows patiently, snorted, and asked the other party to directly explain the reason for calling him.

In fact, the other party wanted to make a fuss again, but fortunately, his brain turned fast enough, and he really found out that Shi Bo Yuan was in a very bad mood, so he honestly explained the reason for the call.

"Oh, it's like this, isn't that Mr. Lin wants to develop the land in the outskirts of the city? He called us just now to urge us to sign the contract. I was thinking that you came to the company in the morning and then left suddenly. You probably don't know about the news. , so I thought of calling you to confirm the time and place."

Shi Boyuan hummed and reported a time casually.

On his side, Ye Nanzhi was not out of danger yet, and he didn't know when it would end.

The man on the opposite side wanted to ask a few more questions, but Shi Boyuan hung up the phone directly, and he muttered softly, "Who is it?"

Immediately afterwards, I took the initiative to deal with other things in the company.

Shi Boyuan, the big boss, is not in the company, so he is the biggest official in the company, so he can't do business at a loss, right...



After Shi Boyuan hung up the phone, the doctors also turned off the operating lights in the emergency room, came out one after another, and explained the situation to Shi Boyuan.

Ye Nanzhi gave birth prematurely and gave birth to a very weak fetus. It was a boy, weighing only three catties. The condition was very bad. He was sent to the treatment room for oxygen after birth. The doctor was afraid that there might be other problems, so he gave the fetus A full body check was done.

After such a toss, another hour passed.

In the end, the doctor determined that the child was suffering from a very serious disease - glass disease.

Glass disease, as the name suggests, people who suffer from this disease are very fragile physically, they will break bones and bleed if they are slightly bumped, and even more serious, they will be injured if they sneeze...

This kind of person usually doesn't live long...

So, after the doctor finished talking about the situation, he stood there tremblingly, waiting for Shi Boyuan's decision.

Shi Boyuan was silent, smiled, turned and walked outside without saying a word.

After 5 minutes, there was a sharp scream, which belonged to a woman.

After thinking about it carefully, one can guess that this person is Mingrui who has been kneeling outside...

Did Shi Boyuan hit Mingrui again?
Jiang Zhiyue shrank her neck, feeling a little nauseous in her heart.

Shi Boyuan, this man, was really disgusting enough.

He opened the harem by himself, and the harem caught fire. He couldn't control the women and even beat them.

It's really tasteless, not worthy of being a man!

Fortunately, I have high vision, so I didn't even fall in love with Shi Boyuan.

if not……

Jiang Zhiyue was really afraid that she was a love brain and would be beaten violently after falling in love with a man.

Jiang Zhiyue shuddered, stretched out her hand and rubbed her arm with inexplicable goosebumps, regretting in her heart, what happened to Mingrui was really pitiful...

But something unexpected is yet to come.

Shi Boyuan not only beat Ming Rui outside, but even broke two of Ming Rui's ribs!
Everyone almost dropped their jaws in shock.

What Shi Boyuan did was even more excessive, dragging Mingrui who was seriously injured, and Mingrui knelt in front of Ye Nanzhi's hospital bed where the anesthesia hadn't passed yet and hadn't woken up yet.

Shi Boyuan grabbed Mingrui's hair, and said in a cold voice, "To Zhi'er and her seriously ill child, kowtow, head, admit, wrong!"

Mingrui was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe, where could he hear clearly what Shi Bo Yuan said?
She was dizzy from the pain, and the pain of broken ribs made her want to drag Shi Boyuan to hell together.

But now is not the time...

Mingrui endured it, trying to wait for a chance to be alone, took Shi Boyuan, took revenge on him, and dragged him to die together!

Mingrui was so painful that he wept, he knelt on the ground trembling all over, his head covered in cold sweat, and he clenched his teeth tightly to prevent himself from crying.

She was in severe pain all over her body, and it was impossible for her to kowtow to Ye Nanzhi and confess her guilt by following Shi Bo Yuan's wishes.

But Shi Bo Yuan didn't think so, he also felt that his family's ugliness should not be publicized, so he drove away the other doctors, and in Nuo Da's VIP ward, only a few women from the manor were left watching.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Boyuan dragged Mingrui forcefully, forced Mingrui to knock his head three times at Ye Nanzhi who was lying on the bedside, and pulled out a white A4 paper from the side, clattering I wrote a letter of commitment, which generally meant that in the days to come, Mingrui would need to respond to Ye Nanzhi and her children like cows and horses.

Shi Boyuan ordered Mingrui to sign and press the fingerprints, and then let her go.

"get out."

As soon as Shi Bo Yuan let go, Ming Rui's body fell to the ground like a rag, without a sound, without making any cry of pain.

Ming He boldly stepped forward to check, and found that Ming Rui was completely unconscious from pain...

It is really not easy for Mingrui to persevere until now.

Especially after being cruelly treated by that lunatic Shi Boyuan for so long... It's a great luck not to die!
Ming He asked two other women to help her, helped Ming Rui up, and quickly sent him to the general ward, and then contacted the doctor to perform surgery on Ming Rui.

The doctors were very troubled, they also knew who Mingrui was, but Mingrui's family was more powerful than Shi's family, Mingrui offended Shi Boyuan and could no longer hang out in this city, what's more, he was attacked by Shi Boyuan Being beaten like this made the doctors more curious about the relationship between the few of them, and at the same time, there was no way to treat Mingrui.

"I'm sorry... there's really nothing we can do..."

Ming He thought about it, contacted Ming Rui's parents, and asked them to take Ming Rui to other hospitals for treatment...

Mingrui's ribs were broken, so she couldn't waste time, so her parents came to the hospital quickly, and after asking about the situation, they hurriedly took Mingrui away and changed to another hospital. At the same time, Mingrui's father also knelt down. On the ground praying for Shi Boyuan's forgiveness...

Their family couldn't bear Shi Boyuan's anger.

If Shi Bo Yuan gave an order, their family would go bankrupt! !
(End of this chapter)

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