Mingrui's father had to consider some outrageous things...for example, giving up Mingrui's life...

"Mr. Shi! Thousands of mistakes are our fault. It is my daughter who is young and ignorant and offended you. You must not haggle over us! If you have a lot, please let us go!"

Mingrui's father is old and can't stand the trouble. This daughter is the son of their husband and wife... Now that they have done something wrong, he can only solve the problem...

He had white hair and a stooped figure, just knelt in front of the ward and kowtowed fiercely, looking very pitiful.

It makes people dare not continue to watch this scene.

The protagonist of the story, Bo Yuan, didn't even look at him, opened his mouth and said coldly: "Your old man really knows how to raise a daughter. Let's see what you raised?"

Shi Boyuan took a step forward, looking down at Mingrui's father, his eyes were filled with a cold gesture, without a trace of emotion, without any emotion, as if the old man in front of him was like rubbish. Sorry for his soft heart.

"My woman, my child. They were all deeply hurt by her." When Bo Yuan said this coldly, he snorted expressionlessly, and gently tapped the door frame with his knuckles, making a thud The sound of dong dong, with a great sense of oppression, made people panic and very uncomfortable.

"My child is very poor. With congenital glass disease, it is unknown whether he will live for a long time in the future. My woman was born prematurely because of the injury, and her fragile body was severely damaged. They Everything you have encountered is caused by the good daughter you raised. You should reflect on whether your good daughter should continue to stay. "

Shi Boyuan's meaning has been expressed very clearly.

Every word and every word of Shi Boyuan expressed his hatred and disgust towards Mingrui.

and so……

Mingrui's father felt pain and pain in his heart, thinking that the woman and child of the other party had indeed been seriously injured.But, for the surname Shi, don't be too arrogant!You beat my good daughter into such a ghostly look, and it is unknown whether she will survive after suffering such a serious injury.The surname Shi still said that about his daughter... what a great authority!
Unfortunately, there is no way.He is not as powerful as the other party, so he can only bear with humiliation, everything now.Take good care of the aftermath for the daughter I raised.

Mingrui's father, at this moment, seemed to be ten years old. He fell to his knees and sat on the ground in a panic. He made a major decision and said, "Mr. Shi will be beaten and punished. Our Ming family As you wish……"

The daughter's pawn still has to be given up.There is no way out.He can only make a quick decision to reduce everything to the smallest loss... so as not to hurt other people.

He is so old, is it easy for him to live a life?
It's really that God doesn't give them a way to survive!

Mingrui's father was emotional, and hurried out of the hospital because he had to go to another hospital to see how Mingrui's injuries were...

This is really raising an ancestor!

Shi Boyuan asked Minghe to take the other two women, including Jiang Zhiyue, and all four women returned to the manor.

This group of people stood in the hospital, looking like they were watching a scene, which made Shi Boyuan very irritable.So he was out of sight and out of mind, so he simply drove everyone away, saving him from staying in the hospital and making him angry again.

What a shitty life this day is.

It's annoying to be so heartbroken.

Ming He didn't say much, but just agreed with what Shi Boyuan said, because Shi Boyuan was angry now, and Minghe didn't dare to provoke Shi Boyuan casually, for fear that if he was not careful, he would also get hurt. To her, including her family.

Minghe is not like Mingrui, who has no brains. He obviously has a grudge against that woman, and even actively provokes her. Now he has suffered such serious injuries, and his family members have also suffered major traumas, and even the company. !Such a loss is something no one dares to bear.It was even more unexpected.

Therefore, smart women generally don't take the initiative to make trouble for themselves.

Ming He honestly left the hospital with the rest of the people, and found two taxis, the four of them sat separately, and headed to the manor again.


But, it seems that sometimes, God is born to be against others.You have to do something to feel comfortable.

Jiang Zhiyue and another woman were in the same car. The original taxi was driving normally on the road and did not violate the rules.However, suddenly, from nowhere, a black car rushed out, like crazy, and rushed straight towards the taxi they were riding in.

Look carefully, it is clearly out of control.

All accidents happen only in a short moment.

Neither the driver in the taxi nor Jiang Zhiyue in the back seat could react to this sudden situation.Hit by a black car!

The few of them, including the car and everyone, lost control and slammed into the roadblock!It's true.There are wolves in the front, tigers in the back, and a few unlucky ghosts in the middle.

The whole family is unlucky.

Jiang Zhiyue didn't respond to the sudden situation in time, and her head hit the roof hard.

"Oh~~~It hurts!!" Huge pain invaded her brain, and before she fell into a coma, there was only one sentence in Jiang Zhiyue's mind.

Fuck! (Erect middle finger)

Thief God, are you playing with me!
everything that is happening now.This is really out of routine. Why is her life so hard?First, he was kidnapped out of nowhere.I was forced to lose my memory.

He was thrown into such an unfamiliar manor again, and had a war with several women in fear.After such a few days, she was implicated because of other women's intrigue and scheming with each other. She was cowardly like a dog. She nodded and bowed to Shi Boyuan, a hateful capitalist, and lived her life cautiously.

It’s not bad to stop for a while and go out for a stroll. It’s good to see the surrounding scenery and record the running route.When the time comes, she finds a chance to escape from the manor and find her true memory.

Start a different life.

But I didn't expect that there would be a car accident.

I don't need to say anything after a car accident. The broken car hit a roadblock and hit her brain again...

Ahhh, will you become a fool now?
It's really the wives who are unlucky.

Jiang Zhiyue wailed loudly in her heart.

Even though she was full of reluctance in her heart, she still couldn't bear it, and her successful eyes were darkened!fell into a coma.

And then... I don't know anything.

Jiang Zhiyue (spreading hands): There is no way, the life of the strong is so colorful, which makes others envious.

what can I do?I am also very disappointed!

Contemptuous face.

Inner OS: Thief God, I will test your whole family!It's all your fault!Can you be more peaceful!I have finally grown up so much, I just want to live a good life, I don’t want to expect anything extravagant, but I still have to go through all these mysterious lives, am I easy? Me!By the north, I don't want to continue to live at all! (Continue to raise the middle finger)
Not reconciled, very not reconciled!

Why did I have to have such a miserable experience?Could it be that he is the only heroine in the legendary novel?That's why life is so colorful and endless! !
I have to say that Jiang Zhiyue's thoughts are indeed true.

But no one agrees with her idea.

Because no one can wake up~~

What Jiang Zhiyue, who was already in a coma, didn't know.

After Jiang Zhiyue fell into a coma.

From the direction of the black car.Several black cars of the same model suddenly drove up, and after the vehicles came to a complete stop.A group of tall and burly bodyguards came down from above. These people could tell at a glance that their origins were very mysterious, and what they wanted to do was equally mysterious.

Just like...

Robbing beautiful women in public?

The beauty herself, Jiang Zhiyue (unconscious version): ...Mist grass!Don't come here!
Onlookers: ... Bridge and other sacks, are things sure to develop in such a magical direction?Author, do you want to consider our feelings?Our young hearts seem to have suffered some huge trauma!Are you sure you don't want to appease us first?

This is obviously a harmonious society, why do you want to engage in black and white society?Unscrupulous author, you really don't follow the routine, hey! !
Their three views and eyes are refreshed without limit.

Turn the table, please stop this mysterious plot quickly!Otherwise, readers will want to abandon the pit, hey!Be more sensible! !

However, the rebellious author does not want to empathize with the passers-by in the novel. The author is very rebellious, and the more others advise her, the more she refuses to listen.

So, there is the next scene.


The bodyguards in black all had fierce faces, among them was a young man who looked thoughtfully at Jiang Zhiyue who was in a coma in the car, looking up and down, as if he wanted to see a flower from her body It seems to come.

He doesn't look like a good man.

Don't get excited, sisters, don't fall in love with such a man!
Because he is very rude!
Then look shamelessly at the single little girl, keep looking at it, keep looking at it, the more you look at it, the higher it is.Just no manners!
The young man didn't feel at all that he had already been secretly rubbed by the author because of a trivial matter.

He was still looking at Jiang Zhiyue, not only looking at it openly, but even touching his chin, muttering loudly, "Just this woman... can it do it?"

There was a little uncertainty in his tone.

The bodyguards next to him looked at each other.

I was thinking: who is he talking to?Don't ask them if they can do it, they don't make it either!

But here is the key point.

To men, heh, you can't say 'no'.

why eh?Try it, and then you'll know.

The young man thought quickly, then reached out and opened the door of the taxi.

Of course, Minghe in front also saw Jiang Zhiyue's taxi, and was forced to have a car accident, so the taxi they were riding in stopped at the intersection ahead, and Minghe got off in a hurry, and trotted over.

Minghe made a phone call to contact the police.While yelling at the young man: "What are you doing? Who are you! Why are you touching my friend!"

The young man was startled by this voice.His outstretched fingers trembled, so the taxi door closed again.

The young man turned his head and saw the fiery Ming He.

He frowned, somewhat unable to understand what this woman was going to do.

Therefore, the young man was full of hostility towards Ming He, frowned tightly, and stared at Ming He, "What is your friend! You said she was your friend, so she is your friend? Can you call her out?" Full name?"

Minghe: ...

How the hell did you meet a dead guy?
Not to mention, she really can't call out, what is Jiang Zhiyue's full name!
When Jiang Zhiyue was sent to the manor, they only saw Jiang Zhiyue's name tag called 'A Yue'. Jiang Zhiyue herself lost her memory and had no memory of all her experiences.

Ming He was stopped by one sentence, his mouth opened, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Since Jiang Zhiyue was sent to the manor, she was Shi Boyuan's man.

But today something happened...

The group of people in front of them are obviously not kind!With this posture, I want to take Jiang Zhiyue away...

In fact, Minghe can ignore Jiang Zhiyue's life and death, because they are also considered 'rivals in love'.

But, Minghe promised Shi Boyuan just now to send these people back to the manor, and now something happened to Jiang Zhiyue in her hands, if she wanted to get rid of herself completely from this long-planned car accident ...

I am afraid that there is no chance at all, and it cannot be realized.

and so.

Ming He thought about it and had a headache.

What should be done to stop them?

She has already called the police, and now she can only stand still and drag the group of people to prevent them from taking Jiang Zhiyue away forcibly.

However, after all, Ming He herself is just a weak woman with no power to restrain her. If the group of people in front of her suddenly attacked her, she would be unable to stop the other party's violence at all.

Think of these.

Minghe's head is getting bigger.

Difficult, she is too difficult!

What the hell this day is, some outrageous things are happening, it's so outrageous!
But Minghe stuck his neck indomitably, glared at the young man, and opened his mouth and said: "Then who are you? Why did you take her away? Your behavior is illegal. I have already called the police. The specific incident happened , you should honestly wait for the police to come, and then tell them!!"

The young man smiled and said, "I am her family member. Her name is Jiang Zhiyue. She is my younger sister. She disappeared for no reason, and the suspected kidnapper... seems to be you."

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