Chapter 124
It seems that if you want to rely on your eyes, you must occupy the little girl's eyes.

——Come, imprisoned forever!
She is his, and he can only be hers.

As for the No.1 grid?


On the handsome face of the second personality, a sneer full of irony slowly appeared.

Who cares about his life, who cares about his feelings.


From a distance, Jiang Zhiyue could feel that Xing Yichen, who was opposite him, suddenly had a very rapid mood change, as if he had some... strange experience?
This feeling made the little girl feel very inexplicable.

What's even more inexplicable is that Jiang Zhiyue saw a strong possessive desire only for her from Xing Yichen's eyes.

Her skin, as if she had been stimulated by something, suddenly had goosebumps.

The way Xing Yichen looked at her made Jiang Zhiyue inexplicably terrified, with strong uneasiness in his heart, fluctuating crazily.

The brain made warning actions in time, stimulating Jiang Zhiyue all the time, making Jiang Zhiyue run away quickly.

However, her slender legs seemed to be filled with lead at this moment, unable to move or escape.

——It can be said that the chain was lost at a critical moment.

These two legs of hers once brought her infinite honor!

But at this critical moment, why did you lose the chain?
...dragging, it's true.

Jiang Zhiyue almost cried! ! !
The little girl was nervous and bit her lips.

The movement was very light, but it still left a tooth mark on the lower lip.

Thinking back just now, Xing Yichen pinched her face suddenly, combined with the terrifying expression on Xing Yichen's face now.

No matter how stupid Jiang Zhiyue is, she loses her memory!She also understood some truths.

The mood swings of the person in front of him were so fast, it was really like two people.

Could it be that he was really schizophrenic?
So, Jiang Zhiyue worked hard, controlled it, and prevented herself from escaping.

Suppressing the tension in his heart.

Suddenly raised her fair and tender face, with a pair of beautiful moist eyes, she quietly looked at the peerless young man who was much taller than her, and asked with her small mouth, "Mr. Xing, you... squeezed my cheek is... Interested in me?"

What Jiang Zhiyue said was tentative.

It is very simple to confirm whether the person in front of him is the same as the one he just met.


Xing Yichen closed his pupils, scarlet pupils, and quietly stared at the petite and cute little girl.

His little girl is so smart.

Just guessing casually, I realized some truths.

She seems to have discovered that he is not the No.1 character just now.

Everything she said and did was testing him.

That being the case...

Then, how could he bear to disappoint her?
of course--

Continue to hide from the little girl.

He wanted to test the little girl.

Can you really guess his identity.

He was looking forward to the expression of the little girl knowing all the truth.

It must be wonderful.


Xing Yichen opened his thin lips, his low, hoarse and magnetic voice was peaceful, but with a hint of coaxing.

Xing Yichen stared at Jiang Zhiyue and said softly, "Yes."

That is, not beating around the bush.

He is also very frank, so that the little girl can understand his intentions.

Kill two birds with one stone.

How good.

If the Best Actor Award is awarded now.

Then Xing Yichen with the second personality must break out of the entertainment circle and have a place in the entertainment circle!
His acting skills, honed over the past few years, are already very superb.

Pretending to be No. 1 is not a casual talk.

It has not been found for so long.

It can be said that his acting skills are indeed very exciting, and it is easy to be deceived.


Xing Yichen took a step forward slowly, stretched out his knuckle-boned palm and slowly grasped the little girl's wrist.

His hands were a little cold.

No.It was his temperature that was too low.

It feels like 20 degrees.

This is not the body temperature that a normal person should have.

Jiang Zhiyue didn't have time to think about it, so she just stared at the handsome young man in front of her, and leaned over slightly and slowly.

With warm air on his slightly cool lips, he kissed her cheek slowly.

Score at the touch of a button.

It feels soft and hollow like a feather.

Gently tugging at Jiang Zhiyue's heartstrings.


Why kiss her! ! !


The little girl is going crazy!
She successfully blew up her hair!
First kiss in my life.

Is it so sloppy?
Couldn't it be, find a very quiet and beautiful restaurant, two people have a candlelight dinner, and when the atmosphere is ambiguous... Will he kiss her again?

Why, what, what, this, what, grass, rate!


Jiang Zhiyue's pretty face was successfully darkened.

Her heart was very depressed.

After Xing Yichen's body left, Jiang Zhiyue curled her lips lightly, her face full of displeasure, "Why did you suddenly kiss me?"


Xing Yichen's hoarse and deep laughter penetrated into Jiang Zhiyue's ears and danced on her soul.

Xing Yichen said with a low smile, "Of course it's because..."

"I'm tempted by you."

Xing Yichen looked at the little girl pretendingly, his face was full of doting, his laughter was hearty, and even his scarlet eyes, which were somewhat gloomy, became amiable.

He earnestly followed Jiang Zhiyue's way of curling his lips, followed by curling his lips, and said in a low voice, "The kind of love at first sight."

Hearing such a handsome man, he suddenly confessed his love to her.

In fact, the little girl was panicking in her heart.

Jiang Zhiyue couldn't help screaming in her heart, very excited.

How should I respond politely?
Is he teasing her?If she took it seriously, but found out it was a joke, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the wife! !

Thoughts were surging, and guesses flew to the sky one by one.

But Jiang Zhiyue was very calm on the surface, as if she had only heard a trivial matter.

Jiang Zhiyue raised her eyelids calmly, her moist eyes were stained with strong waves.

The little girl let out an indifferent oh.

Then, there was no more talking.


The little girl's performance was too calm.

Seeing her very calm reaction, Xing Yichen frowned suspiciously.

His eyebrows are very thick, like layers of mountains and rivers.

Xing Yichen thought for a while, then stretched out his hand to scrape the tip of the little girl's nose, it was also soft to the touch, very easy to touch.

Xing Yichen said in a low voice again, "I confessed my love to you, is that how you answered?"

Neither agree nor refuse.

Instead, he let out a cold oh.

It's really indifferent.

Xing Yichen lowered his pupils in disappointment, the dark red at the bottom of his pupils seemed to be much darker, almost black.

Jiang Zhiyue also knew that her reaction was indeed too indifferent, which was a bit hurtful.

So, he forcibly made amends, "Oh, don't be sad, people are not ready yet."

Jiang Zhiyue lowered her head pretending to be shy, gently tugged at Xing Yichen's sleeves, then raised her eyes full of hope, and said with a smile, "Of course I agree!"

After saying this, the little girl's face was full of joy.

A pair of fox-like eyes revealed cunning emotions.

Finally let her succeed!

Such a handsome and handsome boyfriend, she finally abducted her back home! !
Jiang Zhiyue couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

He looks very proud.

"What should I call me?" Xing Yichen still stared at the little girl with his deep eyes, hoping to hear the right words from her.

Jiang Zhiyue was taken aback.

The smile on the corner of his mouth also froze.

This is her first time in love...

Although for others.Suddenly determine the relationship.It was indeed too sudden.

But for her...

Jiang Zhiyue pursed her lips, her moist eyes blinked slowly, and she cleared her throat pretending to be calm and shouted: "Dear boyfriend~"

The tone is sweet and greasy, very soft.

It's as sweet and tempting as a freshly made strawberry cake.


Xing Yichen's breathing paused, a little out of control.

Perhaps it was the little girl's voice, which was too soft and pleasant.

Or maybe he's been single for too long.

He couldn't help it...

Physiological response.

Xing Yichen couldn't help but his ears turned red, and he was extremely thankful that there were no lights turned on here, only a few small lights hanging on the wall were shining brightly.

The flickering lights couldn't clearly illuminate his ears, which were already blushing.

Beside him was the little girl's unbelievably soft body. The smell on her body carried a faint mint scent. After he smelled it, he became clear-headed and refreshed.

Very reassuring.

Now that the relationship has been successfully confirmed, then he...

It's time to 'heal'.


and so.

Xing Yichen hugged Jiang Zhiyue's small waist deeply and dignifiedly, and responded to her enthusiasm, calling her softly: "Little girlfriend, do you know one thing?"

The little girl's eyes widened in a daze, and she shook her head and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"Your smell..."

"Very sweet..."

Xing Yichen's eyes became deeper and deeper, he finally couldn't help it, lowered his body, and his lips sensitively caught what he dreamed of.

——The little girl's soft jelly-like lips.

It tastes soft and sweet.

The taste is very sweet, very sweet.


Jiang Zhiyue was like a reincarnated genius doctor, who 'cured' Xing Yichen as soon as he came.

They got bored, and after a while, they chatted about some interesting things about Xing Yichen in the basement.

These things were very interesting, and the little girl couldn't help laughing.

After chatting.

Jiang Zhiyue said seriously, "Dear boyfriend, since we are already a couple now, then... Do I want to live with you in this dark basement?"

She looked serious, as if she wasn't joking.

Xing Yichen also thought about it.

Looking at the little girl, he said, "I told them to let us out."

Jiang Zhiyue hastily nodded her head.

"Okay, okay."

Just stay here, about an hour soon?She felt that she was about to suffer from night blindness.

Blue skinny mushroom QAQ! !
Xing Yichen took out his mobile phone, unlocked it with his fingerprint, thought for a while, and found the contact on WeChat without changing his expression.

Note brother, call him.

After the bell rang for three seconds, the other party answered the phone in surprise, and asked in disbelief, "Brother Yi Chen?"

Xing Yichen hummed, "It's me."

He imitated the usual No.1 character, the way he gets along with other people, and the tone of speech.

Perfect is not like acting.

"I feel like he's gone."


On the other side, Xing Zhiyi, who hadn't left yet, was sitting on the sofa playing games while listening to Lu Ming's report. At the critical moment of the team battle, he suddenly received a call from that mysterious and violent brother...

Xing Zhiyi almost went dumb with fright, and yelled for brother in a daze, even forgetting to continue playing the game.

Listening to Xing Yichen's calm tone, he spoke seven short words.

It was the news that all of them had been waiting for for a long, long time.

They waited and waited.

I thought about it for a long time and thought about all kinds of possibilities.

It never occurred to him that it was just introducing a partner to Xing Yichen, and he would be fine so quickly? !

Does Xing Zhiyi believe it?
He does not believe.

So he said, "Is Sister Zhiyue still there?"

Xing Zhiyi's question was actually very cryptic.

If Jiang Zhiyue was gone, then it was very likely that Xing Yichen had brutally killed her.

——Don’t forget that the second personality is bloody and brutal!

Loves self-mutilation and killing! !

But if Jiang Zhiyue was here, she would definitely answer the phone.

That means that Jiang Zhiyue must be safe and sound.

more representative.

What Xing Yichen said just now is true.

That lunatic-like second personality disappeared on its own initiative! !
I am so happy.

Xing Zhiyi wanted to set off a big firework to celebrate!

But things are not that simple.

When Jiang Zhiyue heard her name, she leaned over and said softly, "I'm here, what's wrong?"

She had the beef jerky that Xing Yichen had just fed her in her mouth, and she bit into it with creaking noises.

"Little sister-in-law..." I heard Jiang Zhiyue's voice.

It really seemed that nothing happened, no terrible things happened, and he was not hurt. He was very safe, and Xing Zhiyi was not so afraid in his heart.

He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately changed his words.

But he also heard the sound of biting something, and he subconsciously thought of something that happened before... He said nervously, "What are you doing? Why is there noise?"

"Oh... I'm eating beef jerky, it's delicious." Jiang Zhiyue swallowed a piece of meat as she wished, chewing it in her mouth, narrowing her eyes happily.

Sighing at herself, not only is she a beautiful little fairy, but she also has such good teeth.

that's nice!

Xing Zhiyi repeatedly confirmed that Jiang Zhiyue was not harmed, and that Xing Yichen's mental state did seem to be much better, so he said with a smile, "Okay, then we'll go pick you up! Brother Yichen, Feiran is also there."

"Yeah." Xing Yichen nodded through the screen, and handed Jiang Zhiyue a few shelled walnuts. Jiang Zhiyue's eyes lit up with happiness, and she ate them all in one go with a smile on her face!

Sure enough, falling in love is really delicious.

It feels so good to be fed.

It's nice to have a boyfriend.

The boyfriend is hot, which is great.

In such a cold weather, it is simply a mobile warm baby without charging for 24 hours.

so gorgeous! !

After Xing Yichen hung up the phone, Jiang Zhiyue stuffed him with a piece of beef jerky.

(End of this chapter)

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