Chapter 125

When Xing Yichen saw the handsome face, his expression obviously paused.

This was the first time he was fed by a girl so intimately.

In the past, with this excellent face, it wasn't that no women had courted him, but he was very disdainful to those vulgar women.

Because he feels that this group of people only pay attention to appearance and money, and they don't know how to appreciate people's inner beauty.

They're all a bunch of vulgar guys.

Very boring.

So every time the second personality goes out to a party with the No.1 personality.

He avoids women.

Except for the female doctors around.

This was the first time that Xing Yichen was so close to a young and beautiful girl, and behaved so intimately.


Such a move is too intimate, but Xing Yichen's heart is not so disgusted, but very excited.

He doesn't dislike little girls...


For him.

The matter of continuing to fall in love with the little girl, in simple terms, is possible.

Xing Yichen's deep eyes stared at the little girl's too clean and tender face.

Seeing the little girl blinking her eyes ignorantly.Urging him with a sweet voice: "Why don't you chew? This beef jerky is very fragrant."

After saying this, she excitedly took a big mouthful of beef jerky.Happy eating.

The little girl's performance was a bit naive.

It's really cute.

Xing Yichen felt the firmness and aroma of the beef jerky in his mouth, and saw the little girl eating so happily.

He didn't really like meat.


If the little girl wanted him to eat this piece of beef jerky, he would also be willing.

The heir to some love brains - Xing Yichen.

Think so.


Xing Yichen's lips opened and closed involuntarily, chewing the beef jerky in his mouth, the smell of meat filled his mouth, stimulating his taste buds.

...It's really delicious.

Xing Yichen thought so.

Seeing him eating the piece of beef jerky, Jiang Zhiyue nodded her head contentedly.

I smiled happily.

"How is it? Is it the same as I said, it's delicious."

The little girl puffed up her cheeks cutely.Those beautiful eyes reflected his face.

Impeccably clean.

The little girl's slender fingers took a pack of Huamei and opened it, "Try it. Huamei is also delicious."

Xing Yichen nodded and hummed.

"As long as you feed me, it's delicious."

Perhaps talking about love is the innate ability of men.

Xing Yichen opened his mouth with heart-warming words.

That's called a slap in the face.

Jiang Zhiyue was taken aback for a moment.

I thought of a man's mouth, a deceiving ghost.

But... She likes to hear what she said.

The little girl smiled cheerfully.

I noticed that the pupils of the handsome young man opposite him were not as red as before.

Jiang Zhiyue felt a little strange, why did Xing Yichen's eyes change color?Is it the contact lenses with color-changing models?

It would be so much fun to change the color of the eyes according to the mood!

Jiang Zhiyue read a novel by Mary Su when she was free in Shi Boyuan's manor.

The settings inside are very against the sky and outrageous!
The protagonist's name is very, very, very long, it is very difficult to remember, and it is difficult to remember.


There are some very unorthodox settings.

For example, when the heroine is in a good mood, there will be a big sun and a rainbow in the sky, and the small flowers on the side of the road will randomly bloom in the most beautiful appearance.

When she is in a bad mood, the tears she shed are colorful, and then it will rain in the sky, and many colorful mushrooms will grow on the ground.

When she gets angry, her hair turns from black to blue.Very outrageous against humanity! !

When Jiang Zhiyue suddenly saw this novel in the middle of the night, she was shocked.

This is what kind of wonderful brain circuit do you have to write such a fresh and refined story?

And when the hero and heroine meet by chance.

There will be many pink bubbles around.

When kissing, it will have its own sound effect "Let's Get Married", which is very romantic and mentally handicapped.

The most important thing is - when the hero and heroine got married, at the wedding scene, the hero waved his hand and dropped six atomic bombs on the small country R!

In this way, to celebrate their wedding ceremony! !

Although these plots... are written a bit outrageously, but Jiang Zhiyue's reading is quite good. She stayed up all night and went straight to the finale. After seeing the hero and heroine go through hardships together, they are very happy.

After reading the novel, she couldn't calm down for a long time.He even waved his hand and tipped 200 yuan to the author.

And leave a passionate message: [I am a local dog, I love to watch!One person's blood book begs for the second part! ! 】

...As for the unlucky country R that was bombed to pieces by six atomic bombs, how about the casualties of the residents?

Predict what will happen in the future, and listen to the next decomposition.


Under Jiang Zhiyue's curious eyes.

Xing Zhiyi, Xing Feiran, and Lu Ming hastily opened the iron gates one after another, and finally appeared in front of them belatedly.

As soon as they met, the three of them couldn't suppress their excitement, and rushed over with big strides.

In fact, they wanted to give Xing Yichen a big hug.

But, right now, Xing Yichen has an obsession with mental cleanliness, he doesn't like to be in contact with people, both men and women are baa.

So, they can only stand where they are, shouting loudly with tears in their eyes.

"Brother Yi Chen!" ×2!

"Mr. Xing!!"

Seeing that Xing Yichen was safe and sound, Xing Zhiyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, with tears in his eyes, he said affectionately, "Brother Yichen, are you really healed?"

Xing Yichen's pupils flickered, and he nodded slightly.

He opened his mouth lightly, his voice was very calm, and he said in a silent tone: "I think I need to do two more body checks. Only after the checks can I confirm whether he-has disappeared or not."

"Okay, let's go out first, it's quite dark here." Xing Zhiyi didn't like such a dark place, because it brought back some bad memories of his past.

It was a tough time, suffocating, malicious, nauseating...

Think of scenes from the past.

Xing Zhiyi's expression was a little ugly.

Even with Sha Matt's shape, it's a little wilted.

His mood is a little decadent.

Xing Feiran was silent, and glanced at Xing Zhiyi.

Then, under Jiang Zhiyue's surprised gaze, he raised his foot and kicked his own brother's ass.

Jiang Zhiyue: "!!!" 6 Wow!
Lu Ming: "..." What happened?Why did they fight among themselves?

Xing Yichen: "..." Boring and naive human beings, boring and annoying.

Xing Zhiyi's dejected mood disappeared in an instant.He froze in the blink of an eye.

He clutched his butt, turned his head wonderingly, and looked at his own brother. "Why are you kicking me?"

Xing Feiran: "...Don't talk to me, shame on me."

Say what you say.

He was very calm, not as silly as his own brother.

Xing Feiran looked at Xing Yichen, with a bit of inquiry in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, just smiled with his lips curled up. "Congratulations, Brother Yi Chen."

Xing Yichen was so resourceful, so he naturally guessed it, and Xing Feiran in front of him became wary of him.

Perhaps, the other party is now guessing in his heart, which identity is he--in the end?

"He disappeared" in his mouth, is it the No.1 personality or the second personality that disappeared?
Except for the second personality, maybe no one knows about it.

The camouflage of the second personality is very successful, even if others have doubts, there is no chance to prove whether their thoughts are correct.

Unless, it was No. 1, who had fallen into dormancy, who suddenly woke up and squeezed him into a coma, exposing his lies.

No one can guess that he is that hateful second personality.

Xing Yichen looked back at Xing Feiran calmly. The moment the eyes of the two grown men collided, there seemed to be lightning flashing between them, and there was also the crackling of thunder and lightning.

Two silent breaths spread in the air.It was as if there was a silent war about to break out.

In just a short moment, even the air became extremely hot.

Jiang Zhiyue tugged at Xing Yichen's sleeve uncomfortably, interrupted Xing Yichen's and Xing Feiran's staring at each other, and said softly, "Let's go back up first! It's a bit cold here."

After finishing speaking, she covered her nose with a tissue uncomfortably, and sneezed: "Ah chirp!"

It's very cold underground.

Now that the weather is about to enter winter, Jiang Zhiyue's clothes are a little thin.

Originally, she thought that she would just meet Xing Yichen, a few minutes would be enough.

But he didn't expect that he and Xing Yichen would talk so much as soon as they met, and even developed into a very close relationship as a couple.If I didn't pay attention... I stayed for more than an hour.

She didn't wear much, so she was so careless that she froze.

At this moment, Jiang Zhiyue already felt that her head was hurting.

Xing Yichen took off his coat, put it on the little girl's shoulders, took her tender little hand, and put the coat on for her.

"Okay, let's go up."

Xing Yichen held the little girl's cool little hand, and walked ahead first, thinking to himself, he couldn't freeze his little girlfriend.

Completely ignored the existence of brothers.

Hmm... what's the use of having brothers, can they take good care of you at critical times?

So - to sum up, the girlfriend is the most important thing!
Xing Yichen ruthlessly abandoned the brotherhood, and took his future wife away.


The affectionate appearance of the two of them, in the eyes of the three single dogs behind them, it is clear that they are spreading dog food in public.

Just abominable!
Very hateful!

Very enviable!

They were in the cold basement, fluttered by the wind, staring at their backs dumbfounded.

Hey hey hey, why is it developing so fast?Obviously...they have known each other for less than two hours!Why did you hold the little hand?It's not fair! !
Why is it so easy for Xing Yichen to find a partner?
This is simply a huge blow to them.

I hate it, I gnash my teeth with hatred.

But can you beat someone?Can you be angry?


Because Xing Yichen is older than them, and they are their elders...

They can't afford to offend, they can afford to hide!

Single dogs, all shed tears of grief, gritted their teeth and took out their small handkerchiefs.

A little bit regretting sending the object to Xing Yichen's hands, is it swollen?

Is it too late to regret it now?
Among several brothers, Xing Yichen was the only one who left the order.

They are so unwilling!
This is worse than killing them directly.

But after thinking about it, Xing Yichen's lifespan is less than half a year... Hehe, it feels a bit fair again.


Xing Yichen's assets are hundreds of millions, he is a top rich man, he has a partner and a fortune, and he has already reached the pinnacle of his life.

They: "..." ×3.

Make a fist, want to hit someone.

Even more angry!
(Turn the table!!)

Sure enough, people hate rich people the most in their life!

Xing Yichen sent Jiang Zhiyue to his room, changed into clean bedding, and told Jiang Zhiyue to let her rest here, "Be good, be obedient, and it won't hurt to sweat."

Jiang Zhiyue's mind was muddled, and when she heard the other party's words, she just nodded slightly, and fell on the bed weakly, her whole body was limp, and she pulled up the quilt to cover her body.

Jiang Zhiyue licked her dry lips, and her breath was all left by men, full of seductive masculine scent.

Takes her breath.

Feeling sweet in my heart, this is the feeling that love should have!
Like those women in the manor, who licked dogs, everything they encountered... Hehe, it was hell.

Whose normal boyfriend would let his girlfriend (a girl he likes) act like a maid to clean up his house?Chunchun has a brain! !

Ladies, don't fall in love with your brain, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

Those who are loved are the happiest.

At this moment, Jiang Zhiyue felt that she was the happiest person.

Xing Yichen kissed Jiang Zhiyue's forehead lightly, and found that her head was indeed a little hot, he frowned and told the maid: "Go and make some ginger soup, and then call the doctor over to check Ah Yue's body."

The maid nodded and followed suit.

Jiang Zhiyue blushed a little shyly, her little face was as red as a peach, sweet and delicious.

The little girl blinked her eyes and muttered softly. "I really want to eat grapes."

Xing Yichen waved his hand and ordered, "What else do you want to eat?"

"...Hot pot!" Jiang Zhiyue said weakly.

"But you seem to have a fever." Xing Yichen frowned, and never relaxed. He stretched out his palm and stroked the little girl's forehead. Now he has officially started to feel hot, and there are indeed signs of a cold.

She is so uncomfortable, it is all caused by him...

Xing Yichen scolded himself over and over in his heart, he couldn't come out and talk about something, he had to drag the little girl to chat with her in the basement, even chatting for an hour, how could her frail body bear such cold.

No, I have a cold.

Xing Yichen blamed himself over and over again in his heart, with an apologetic face.

"After your fever subsides, you can eat whatever you want, okay?"

He completely lost the playful and evil mood at the beginning, and he was full of worry about the little girl's sick body.

(End of this chapter)

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