Chapter 127
"Cough cough cough..." Lu Ming, the culprit who brought the little girl with amnesia back to the Xing family, cleared his throat very guilty, fearing that the Jiang family would target him after they knew about it, so he looked away and forced Forced: "Well...I...actually don't really want to participate in this topic."

Xing Zhiyi stared at Lu Ming earnestly for a long time, then burst out laughing. He suddenly thought that it was Lu Ming who secretly brought Jiang Zhiyue here! !
This kid is so daring!

Therefore, Xing Zhiyi laughed at Lu Ming very politely, raised his brows, and said happily: "What's the matter, our always arrogant Lu Tezhu, is he afraid? My God! This is really what I have heard this year." The funniest news! Hahahahahahaha, how can you be so timid? I despise you under the real name system."

In the blink of an eye, Xing Zhiyi was laughing all over the place, covering his stomach with both hands, laughing until his stomach throbbed in pain.

This scene can be described as the trembling of flowers and branches.

Xing Zhiyi laughed so loudly that he laughed for several minutes before he stopped.


"If I remember correctly, it seems that you brought him back. The little sister-in-law has indeed lost her memory, um... To be honest, I seriously doubt that it was you who did it!"

After Xing Zhiyi's mood stabilized, he frowned and meditated, and boldly expressed his guess.

After thinking about it, he turned his head and asked Lu Ming suspiciously.

It only took a short while for him to suffer from an unscrupulous illness. After he recovered, his mind was still very clear.

So Xing Zhiyi was guessing whether it was Lu Ming who caused amnesia, and he was dignified, asking what was in his heart.

This matter really has nothing to do with him! ! !
Lu Ming: Lift the table, boy, don't talk nonsense!
Lu Ming felt that it was necessary to prove his innocence! !


So, after organizing his words in his mind, Lu Ming shook his head in denial, looked at Xing Zhiyi with a wry smile and said, "At that time, I snatched Miss Jiang from Shi Boyuan's woman... Wait, did you mean Miss you know Shi Boyuan?!"

Only then did Lu Ming realize the seriousness of the matter!
The point is here, wow!
Hearing the words Shi Boyuan, the remaining three men frowned.


Now the Xing family and the He Shi family are the biggest competitors.

When Xing Yichen and Shi Boyuan met each other, they would fight each other and dislike each other.

At that time, Lu Ming was worried about Xing Yichen's physical condition, so he abducted Jiang Zhiyue back home very eagerly.

Didn't think about it.

Now suddenly chatting, I feel terrified thinking about it.

Jiang Zhiyue before amnesia seemed to have never known Shi Boyuan, that doggy man, but why did she know Shi Boyuan's doggy woman?

Is there any secret in it?


"I've long heard that Boyuan, that doggy man, was so shameless that he provoked several rich ladies and made him his cow. Could it be that...he had taken a fancy to his sister-in-law's beauty at that time?! Then in the dark night On a windy night, forcibly kidnapping people back???" The famous detective Xiaoyi began to reason!
And the more you talk about it to the end, the more firm your thoughts are, there is no mistake!

Shi Boyuan, that doggy man, is too shameless.

Must be severely punished!

Better kill that idiot early! ! !
Xing Zhiyi cursed in his heart.

However, there was no competition for Xing Yichen's role as the "important protagonist of the story".

Turning his head, he righteously said to Xing Yichen: "Brother Yichen!!"

"My little sister-in-law's memory loss must have something to do with Shi Boyuan, a dog man! You must hurry up and punish him!"

Xing Zhiyi didn't think it was a big deal when he watched the excitement, with an angry look on his face, he was eager to add, "Not to mention that the dog man surnamed Shi robbed our family's big business, now he dares to touch your woman, brother Yichen!! After that , if you don’t worry about him, he dares to shit in public on our territory!!”

"Can this be tolerated? Who can bear this! Who dares to bear this!!"

Xing Zhiyi turned into an envoy of justice, and spoke righteously: "So, let's discuss now how to acquire the Shijia Group~~"

What kind of bad intentions can Xiao Yiyi have~
Me, Xiao Yiyi, I want to make a fortune~ I want to watch a play~ Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! !


With just a few words, Xing Zhiyi has already provoked the relationship between the two families.In the past, a pot of dirty water was poured on this doggy man, Bo Yuan!It still can't be washed off!

Shi Boyuan complained a lot: people sit at home, but the pot comes from the sky.

Sitting up in shock while dying, the family suddenly went bankrupt, and asked who was the opponent?It has been a sworn enemy for many years!

Xing Yichen closed his eyes, and was extraordinarily indifferent, not affected by the chattering Xing Zhiyi.

But there was a little displeasure in his heart. His little girlfriend suddenly lost his memory.Moreover, the real murderer is very likely to be the former competitor Shi Bo Yuan, this... who is not angry.

But Xing Yichen with the second personality is tolerant.

Otherwise, he couldn't hide himself for several years. When No.1 was seriously injured, he suddenly squeezed the opponent into a dormant state, and he took control of his body.

The scarlet and beautiful dark eyes were slightly closed, exuding a biting cold indifference, Xing Yichen clenched his bony fingers, a cold smile appeared on his exquisite and handsome face, and the eyes revealed endless love. severe cold.

This revenge is not retribution for a non-gentleman!
Is it Shi Boyuan?
Are you ready to die?



Xing Yichen huddled lazily on the back seat, with two long straight and slender legs overlapping each other, elegant and dignified.

He parted his thin lips lightly, and said lightly, "When you heard about your surname a few days ago, are you going to get married?"

Xing Zhiyi was still aggrieved and angry, and wanted to see his brother get angry and deal with that bastard Bo Yuan.


Taking a closer look at my brother, he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

Even asking such words?
What do you want to express?

Isn't the surname Shi referring to Shi Boyuan!

Is it—

Xing Zhiyi smiled maliciously, thought of something, nodded his head and chirped and said, "Yes, yes! I heard that it made the woman's belly bigger, and you have to have children first before you get married! We will hold the event after giving birth. What about the wedding! This stinking idiot even had the audacity to send us all an invitation! Bah! How shameless! I can't be bothered to talk to him! Idiot. ! Hahaha, it's so satisfying!"

"Where did you throw it?"

Xing Yichen asked back.

Xing Zhiyi's expression froze.

Why do you feel that your brother is so murderous?

Still murderous towards him!
Ah ah ah brother please let me go!Ask for a light hit!

Xing Zhiyi was stunned for a moment, then cried and said, "I just threw it in the storage room, it's a mess inside... Cough, did I do something wrong? Brother Yi Chen, please hit me lightly! Don't hit my brother, who is so handsome, it will crack the sky." handsome face~~~”

"Bagpipes are coming from afar!" Xing Feiran, who had been resting his eyes with his eyes closed, finally lost sight of this idiot going mad. He stretched out his foot for the sake of the sky, kicked Xing Zhiyi's back viciously, and cursed without any dirty words. bad language.

This is the way cultural people hate people.

Three words - Absolute son!

It's really that Xing Zhiyi is too thick-skinned. What he said earlier is really relieved, but the last sentence is a manifestation of narcissism, so it can't be said.

There is no need to say it to disgust them!

Who doesn't know that the heir of the Xing family - Xing Yichen is the most handsome man in the world?

Xing Zhiyi, you are too shameless!
Xing Feiran covered his face, not wanting to admit that this is his own brother!
When he was away from home, his wife embarrassed him! !


The evil forces have finally been punished.

His ears were finally saved!
Lu Ming silently plugged the earplugs on his ears.

No way, do an extra layer of protection, security +1+1!

Because——Xing Zhiyi, a guy with a loud voice, his voice is too boring. After talking in his ear for a long time, his ears are about to callus. If he doesn't use earplugs, he will definitely become deaf dropped!
Be deaf?Daba!
Amidst Xing Zhiyi's screams, Lu Ming skillfully avoided the red light like a petite wife.

Sure enough, after being beaten, Xing Zhiyi was not honest.

Xing Zhiyi uttered a heartbroken scream, covering his heart like a playwright, looking at his own younger brother, biting his lip, and burst into tears, crying, "You actually kicked me! I am Your dear brother! Apart from your parents, you and I are the closest people in this world! How can you treat me like this, it really hurts my heart. "

He was throbbing with heartache, tears bursting out like money, and the seat was soaked in a short while.

Xing Feiran: "..." Mentally retarded!
Xing Yichen: "..." So, who will answer my question.

Lu Ming: "..." Weak, helpless, pitiful.


Xing Feiran plucked his ears irritably, "Xing Zhiyi! You are such a bitch when you talk and do things like this! Remember that you are a man!"

Xing Feiran held back the anger in his heart, and snorted coldly, "You look like a bear? It's so embarrassing to be thrown abroad! I despise you on behalf of the moon."

She never expected that her own brother would be so venomous, and when talking about his own brother, he would be so rude!


pissed him off!

Xing Zhiyi wailed, "My brother beat my brother, my brother beat my brother! Is there any more justice! Is there any law of the king! Ah! I'm going to die! There is no brotherly love at all, I don't want to live anymore, I feel like I am here There is no longer any nostalgia in the about I just jump out of the window and kill myself woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!”

Xing Yichen with the second personality went crazy seeing the brothers fighting each other for the first time.

It made his brain ache.

Unbearably kneading her painful temples, she said coldly, "Xing Zhiyi, shut up!"

"... Aww." Xing Zhiyi finally calmed down, and he became insane like a dick, and no one could keep hitting him.

Of course, the suppression from the bloodline - elder brother Xing Yichen can completely suppress Xing Zhiyi.

Xing Zhiyi is honest now.

He wiped his nose and tears with a tissue, and silently answered Xing Yichen's question just now, "So, what Brother Yichen means is that when we are at the wedding of Shi Boyuan, we will destroy the In front of the whole city, is he ashamed... at home?"

Xing Yichen nodded coldly.

"Half guessed right." He added lightly.

Xing Zhiyi rolled his eyeballs slipperyly, looking as if he was going to do something, smiled meanly, and said meaningfully, "...OK, when the time comes, I will listen to brother Yi Chen if I want to! Yi Chen Brother, what do you always say, I will do it!"

"Oh." Xing Yichen's reaction was very cold, and he said lightly: "Then let you dance *dress** in public, are you willing?"

Xing Zhiyi's eyes widened in surprise.

He stared blankly at his brother.

Incredible face!

With such a cold mouth, Yi Chen, how could he say such shocking words! !
Crashing people set ah hello! !

Xing Zhiyi's heart beat faster, his face flushed, he scratched his head in embarrassment, nodded weakly and said, "Actually, it's not impossible."

Xing Yichen: "..."

Xing Zhiyi made an inch of progress, and said cheerfully, "As long as Brother Yichen orders, I will definitely do it."

I don't really understand Brother Yi Chen's hobbies, but it's okay ~ he will choose to be tolerant!
As long as the final result can affect Shi Boyuan's wedding and ruin his wedding completely!If you let others see the joke about Bo Yuan, that doggy thing, then you'll have no hesitation.

Brother, it is better to obey than to be respectful.


Xing Yichen: "..."

He was silent and defensive.

In fact, what he said just now was deliberately teasing Xing Zhiyi, a silly brother.

Originally thought that this stupid brother, with a little IQ, would choose to refuse.

But I never expected that the other party would agree!

He even said things like doing well.

Xing Yichen said: ...It's hopeless, really hopeless.

The stupid younger brother is already insane, the kind who has no cure for medicine and stone!


After twists and turns, a group of people successfully arrived at the head office of the Xing Family Group.

There are tens of thousands of employees here, and more than 20 shareholders on the board of directors have long been waiting for Xing Yichen's arrival.

Xing Zhiyi pushed open the door, and Xing Yichen walked in with a blank expression, and sat down at the main seat.

Lu Ming opened the PPT that he had prepared a long time ago, and Xing Yichen held a meeting for shareholders according to the speech.

During the meeting, this group of veterans tried their best to embarrass Xing Yichen.

Xing Yichen dealt with the past with ease.

The meeting ended soon, and several senior shareholders stayed in the meeting room. After everyone else had left, they pretended to be close to Xing Yichen to get closer, and said with concern, "President, how is your body recovering? Several projects that the company took over have more or less losses..."

Xing Yichen raised his eyebrows and asked, "How much did you lose?"

The old shareholder said cunningly, "It's not much, maybe a few billion."

Xing Yichen: "...Oh."

He had guessed the other party's intentions, and said indifferently: "Mr. Zheng is very rich. A few billion is a small amount to Mr. Zheng. It's hard to imagine how much Mr. Zheng's assets are. Could it be..."

(End of this chapter)

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